This page will fill-in as the semester progresses.
Acronyms and Initialisms
- AGV (autonomous ground vehicle)
- AMR (autonomous mobile robot)
- DOF (degrees of freedom)
- EKF (extended Kalman filter)
- FBD (free body diagram)
- IMU (inertial measurement unit)
- LIDAR (light detection and ranging)
- LQR (linear quadratic regulator)
- MPC (model predictive control)
- ODE (ordinary differential equation)
- PID (proportional integral derivative)
- ROS (robot operating system)
- SLAM (simultaneous localization and mapping)
- UGV (unmanned ground vehicle)
- WMR (wheeled mobile robot)
Symbol | Description |
\(\{A\}\), \(\{G\}\), \(\{R\}\) | Reference frames |
\(\{B\} \rightarrow \{{}^A_B R, {}^A P\}\) | Relative frame (frame \(\{B\}\) defined relative to \(\{A\}\)) |
\({}^A P = [P_x, P_y]^T\) | Point in a frame (upper case letters) |
\({}^A v = [v_x, v_y]^T\) | Vector in a frame (lower case letters) |
\({}^A_B R = \begin{bmatrix} \cos \theta & -\sin \theta \\ \sin \theta & \cos \theta \end{bmatrix}\) | Rotation matrix |
\({}^A Q = {}^A_B R {}^A Q + {}^A P\) | Transformation/change in reference |
\(q\) | Generalized coordinates (state or configuration) |
\(\dot q\) | Generalized velocities (update equation) |