
Now that we have our equations of motion, we can develop a full kinematics model so that we can predict the robot’s motion. This chapter will cover the kinematics model and forward kinematics.

What you will learn

  • How to specify a kinematics model
  • How to implement forward kinematics


forward kinematics
The process of determining the position and orientation of a robot based on (a history of) its inputs



Notation for kinematics

Symbol Description
\(\{A\}\), \(\{G\}\), \(\{R\}\) Reference frames
\(\{B\} \rightarrow \{{}^A_B R, {}^A P\}\) Relative frame (frame \(\{B\}\) defined relative to \(\{A\}\))
\({}^A P = [{}^A P_x, {}^A P_y]^T\) Point in a frame (upper case letters)
\({}^A v = [{}^A v_x, {}^A v_y]^T\) Vector in a frame (lower case letters)
\({}^A_B R = \begin{bmatrix} \cos \theta & -\sin \theta \\ \sin \theta & \cos \theta \end{bmatrix}\) Rotation matrix
\({}^A Q = {}^A_B R {}^A Q + {}^A P\) Transformation/change in reference

Equations for robot motion - YouTube

Equations for robot motion in the global frame:

\[ \begin{align} {}^G \dot x &= {}^R \dot x \cos(\theta) - {}^R \dot y \sin(\theta) \\ {}^G \dot y &= {}^R \dot x \sin(\theta) + {}^R \dot y \cos(\theta) \\ {}^G \dot \theta &= {}^R \dot \theta \\ \end{align} \]

Equations for robot motion in the robot frame:

\[ \begin{align} {}^R \dot x &= \frac{\dot \phi_R r + \phi_L r}{2}\\ {}^R \dot y &= 0\\ {}^R \dot \theta &= \frac{\dot \phi_R r - \dot \phi_L r}{d} \end{align} \]

Kinematics model and forward kinematics - YouTube

Our final kinematics model:

\[ {}^G \dot q = \begin{bmatrix} {}^G \dot x \\ {}^G \dot y \\ {}^G \dot \theta \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} \cos(\theta) & -\sin(\theta) & 0 \\ \sin(\theta) & \cos(\theta) & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \frac{r}{2} & \frac{r}{2} \\ 0 & 0 \\ \frac{r}{d} & -\frac{r}{d} \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \dot \phi_R \\ \dot \phi_L \end{bmatrix} \]

And our final forward kinematics model:

\[ {}^G q(k + 1) = {}^G q(k) + \Delta {}^G q(k) \Delta t \]


Try dragging the robot around. You can also rotate the robot by dragging from the tip of the forward arrow.


In this exercise, you will take the equations above, and use them to write code for “pose estimation.”

You will submit your responses on gradescope. Only one partner should submit. The submitter will add the other partner through the gradescope interface.

Additional details for using gradescope can be found here:

You should open the gradescope assignment now so that you know what to work complete.


I will grade all exercises using a scale of “Nailed It” / “Not Yet”. See the course grading policy for more information, and check gradescope for deadlines.