It is time to implement position control on the robot. We’ve had previous “go to goal” exercises, but this will be the first time we implement a control loop to achieve that goal!
What you will learn
How to implement position control on the robot
How to structure Arduino code to handle multiple tasks
Position control sketch setup
Setting up motor control
Setting up forward kinematics and plotting the position
Implementing position control
functionforward_kinematics(vl, vr, x, y, θ) {const v = (vr + vl) /2.0;const θdot = (vr - vl) / TRACK_WIDTH; x += v *Math.cos(θ) * TIME_STEP; y += v *Math.sin(θ) * TIME_STEP; θ += θdot * TIME_STEP;return [x, y, θ];}functionposition_control(x, y, θ, gx, gy, gt) {const d =Math.sqrt((gx - x) **2+ (gy - y) **2);if (d < gt) { return [0,0]; }let v =Math.min(K_position * d, max_linear);const angle_to_goal =Math.atan2(gy - y, gx - x);const θerror = angle_to_goal - θ;let θdot =Math.min(K_orientation * θerror, max_angular);const vl = v - θdot * TRACK_WIDTH /2;const vr = v + θdot * TRACK_WIDTH /2;return [vl, vr];}functionsimulate(gx, gy, gt) {let x =0;let y =0;let θ =0;let vl =0;let vr =0;const data = [];for (let t =0; t <10; t += TIME_STEP) { [x, y, θ] =forward_kinematics(vl, vr, x, y, θ); [vl, vr] =position_control(x, y, θ, gx, gy, gt); data.push({x, y, θ}); }return data;}
Your task is to follow the lecture videos and implement position control on your robot.
You will submit your responses on gradescope. Only one partner should submit. The submitter will add the other partner through the gradescope interface.
Additional details for using gradescope can be found here:
You should open the gradescope assignment now so that you know what to work complete.
I will grade all exercises using a scale of “Nailed It” / “Not Yet”. See the course grading policy for more information, and check gradescope for deadlines.
You should use the pseudocode from the previous chapter and your simulation implementation to guide your Arduino code. See gradescope for submission details.
To use the plot on the website, you should output your values in the following format:
"x=%f y=%f theta=%f vl=%f vr=%f"
You can now command your robot to any specific position. We’ll later look at how noise affects this process, and how we can plot “proper” positions and paths.