The Arduino CLI

In this chapter’s lectures, we’ll take a brief detour from our robots and focus on learning a bit more about C++ and the Arduino command line interface (CLI). The exercise, however, will pick up where we left off with the kinematics of our robot. Specifically, you’ll implement the forward kinematics equations that we derived in the last chapter.

What you will learn

  • How Arduino compiles your sketches into machine code
  • About C++ syntax and the order of execution for constructors and default constructors
  • How to use the Arduino CLI to compile and upload sketches
  • How to use Makefiles to automate the compilation and build processes
  • How to implement forward kinematics for pose estimation


command line interface (CLI)
A text-based interface for interacting with a program
A special member function that is called when an object is created
A file that specifies how to compile and link a program


Coding in C++ for Arduino

You can think of your Arduino sketch as a single file in a larger C++ program. Arduino provides the main function, and you are in charge of writing two functions: setup and loop.

You can additional create and include custom libraries, include Arduino libraries, and/or include libraries from 3rd party authors.

This video shows how these different pieces of functionality are combined to create an executable that you can upload to your microcontroller.

A sketch is built into a binary from the following files:

  • Code you control
    • Your sketch file (.ino).
    • Custom libraries that you create.
  • Code you don’t control
    • A main.cpp file created for your microcontroller. The main function calls your setup and loop functions.
    • An Arduino.h file that includes the Arduino core library for your microcontroller (it implements functions like analogWrite and map).

C++ code execution order

In the following video, I create two header files: one that is a stand-in for a custom library that you might create to encapsulate robot functionality, and a second one that is a stand-in for a library that you might include from a 3rd party author.

I show how the order of execution works for constructors and default constructors.

The Arduino command line interface

The main CLI interface we’ll use includes:

  1. Creating sketches: arduino-cli sketch new MySketch
  2. Compiling sketches: arduino-cli compile --fqbn esp32:esp32:XIAO_ESP32S3 --export-binaries MySketch
  3. Uploading sketches: arduino-cli upload --fqbn esp32:esp32:XIAO_ESP32S3 --port Port --input-file MySketch/build/esp32.esp32.XIAO_ESP32S3/MySketch.ino.bin

Using Makefiles with Arduino-CLI

In the end, we’re left with the following workflow:

  1. Create a new sketch: arduino-cli sketch new MySketch
  2. Copy the Makefile and sketch.yaml files from Extras\
  3. Upload your sketch: make upload

Committing the new files to version control

This final video shows a bit of cleanup and my process for committing the new files to version control.


Your goal for this exercise is to implement the forward kinematics equations that we derived in the previous chapter.

You will submit your responses on gradescope. Only one partner should submit. The submitter will add the other partner through the gradescope interface.

Additional details for using gradescope can be found here:

You should open the gradescope assignment now so that you know what to work complete.


I will grade all exercises using a scale of “Nailed It” / “Not Yet”. See the course grading policy for more information, and check gradescope for deadlines.


Here are the steps for this exercise:

  1. Create a new sketch (or extend your example .ino from the previous exercise).
  2. (Optionally) Add the Arduino-CLI based Makefile and sketch.yaml files to your project.
  3. Implement the forward kinematics equations that we derived in the previous chapter.

Creating a new sketch

Here is how I recommend creating a new sketch going forward:

cd into/MobileRoboticsCode/Exercises
arduino-cli sketch new ForwardKinematics

Adding the Makefile and sketch.yaml files

# From inside the "MobileRoboticsCode/Exercises/" directory
cp ../Extras/Makefile ForwardKinematics/
cp ../Extras/sketch.yaml ForwardKinematics/

# Test that it compiles
make compile

Implementing forward kinematics

Here is pseudocode of my ForwardKinematics.ino sketch:

Initialize a WsCommunicator object
Initialize a MotorControl object
Initialize a Display object
Initialize a Kinematics object

    Start serial
    Start the wsCommunicator
    Start the motorControl
    Set the motor target velocity
    Start the display
    Display the IP address
    Start the kinematics

    Update the wsCommunicator
    Update the motorControl
    Update the kinematics
    Output the current pose

For the exercise, I want you to

  1. set your left wheel to 0.2 m/s and your right wheel to 0.25 m/s
  2. have your robot move for 10 s
  3. output the \(x\), \(y\), and \(\theta\) values to the serial monitor every 250 ms
  4. plot the \(x\) and \(y\) values on a 2D scatter plot
  5. plot the \(\theta\) values on a line plot

Both plots will be uploaded to gradescope (I recommend using Excel for expediency).


In this chapter, we learned about the Arduino CLI and how to use Makefiles to automate the compilation and build processes. We also learned about C++ syntax and the order of execution for constructors and default constructors. You then applied this knowledge to implement forward kinematics for pose estimation.

In the next chapter, we’ll add a new sensor to our robot: a magnetometer.
