Yuqing Wu

Yuqing Melanie Wu

Professor of Computer Science

Computer Science

Pomona College


Address 550 N College Ave. Claremont, CA 91711
Email firstname.lastname at college-name.edu



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Beside teaching, doing research and mentoring students, which I all love dearly, I now enjoy my role as the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the College and what I can do for the College and the faculty through this role. However, I do have a life beyond Edmunds, Alexander and Claremont.

I love reading, watching movies, especially documentaries, cooking, gardening, and traveling.

Cooking: I try all kinds of cuisines. My focus is usually on healthy diet and using local ingredients, but sometimes, I may spend some extra efforts on the presentation.

Gardening: I enjoy gardening. It is a form of meditation for me to work in the garden early in the morning or after work. I am a strong believer of “plant native”, as a form of environmental conservation. In summer 2016, my husband and I transferred our lawn into rock garden. In this process, we moved 30 tons of rocks ourselves.

Traveling: We enjoy traveling and we LOVE national parks. Every year, we visit a few national parks – some we have been to many times. As a proper computer scientist, I maintain an excel file recording which parks we have visited, and more importantly, which ones we have not. You can find a journal of our adventures here.