
Require Export DMFP.Day18_levenshtein.

Exercise: 4 stars, standard (s_compiler_correct)

Now we'll prove the correctness of the compiler implemented in the back on Day 10. We give our implementation of the compiler and stack machine here, but it might be different from yours---so look closely!
Prove the following theorem. You will need to start by stating a more general lemma to get a usable induction hypothesis; the main theorem will then be a simple corollary of this lemma.

Fixpoint s_compile (e : aexp) : list sinstr :=
  match e with
  | ANum n[SPush n]
  | AId x[SLoad x]
  | APlus a1 a2s_compile a1 ++ s_compile a2 ++ [SPlus]
  | AMinus a1 a2s_compile a1 ++ s_compile a2 ++ [SMinus]
  | AMult a1 a2s_compile a1 ++ s_compile a2 ++ [SMult]

Fixpoint s_execute (st : state) (stack : list nat) (prog : list sinstr) : list nat :=
  let s_insn (st : state) (stack : list nat) (insn : sinstr) : list nat :=
      match (insn, stack) with
      | (SPush n, _)n :: stack
      | (SLoad x, _)st x :: stack
      | (SPlus, n::m::stack')(m+n)::stack'
      | (SMinus, n::m::stack')(m-n)::stack'
      | (SMult, n::m::stack')(m×n)::stack'
      | (_, _)stack
  match prog with
  | nilstack
  | insn::prog's_execute st (s_insn st stack insn) prog'

Theorem s_compile_correct : (st : state) (e : aexp),
  s_execute st [] (s_compile e) = [ aeval st e ].
  (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

(* Mon Oct 12 08:48:50 PDT 2020 *)