
Require Export DMFP.Day16_indprop.


A permutation of a list is a rearrangement of its elements.
We can define permutations using the following inductive proposition. We'll worry about whether or not this is exactly the right proposition later on.

Inductive Permutation {A : Type} : list A list A Prop :=
| perm_nil: Permutation [] []
| perm_skip (x:A) (l l':list A) (H : Permutation l l') : Permutation (x::l) (x::l')
| perm_swap (x y:A) (l:list A) : Permutation (y::x::l) (x::y::l)
| perm_trans (l1 l2 l3 : list A) (H12 : Permutation l1 l2) (H23 : Permutation l2 l3)
  : Permutation l1 l3.

Example permutation_eg :
  Permutation [true;true;false] [false;true;true].
  apply perm_trans with [true;false;true].
  { apply perm_skip.
    apply perm_swap. }
  { apply perm_swap. }

Exercise: 1 star, standard (Permutation_refl)

Theorem Permutation_refl : A (l : list A),
    Permutation l l.
  (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Exercise: 1 star, standard (Permutation_length)

Theorem Permutation_length : A (l1 l2 : list A),
  Permutation l1 l2 length l1 = length l2.
  (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
How might Permutation_length look as in informal proof?
  • Theorem: if l1 is a permutation of l2, then l1 and l2 have the same length.
Proof: Let lists l1 and l2 be given such that l1 is a permutation of l2. We go by induction on the derivation of Permutation l1 l2. There are four cases.
  • (perm_nil) We have l1 = [] and l2 = [], both of which have length 0.
  • (perm_skip) We have l1 = x::l1' and l2 = x::l2' and Permutation l1' l2'; our IH shows that length l1' = length l2'. We have length (x::l1') = length (x::l2') immediately by the IH.
  • (perm_swap) We have l1 = y::x::l and l2 = x::y::l. We have length (y::x::l) = length (x::y::l) immediately.
  • (perm_trans) We have l1 = l and l2 = l'' and a list l' such that Permutation l l' and Permutation l' l''; our IHs show that length l = length l' and length l' = length l''. We can find length l1 = l2 by transitivity of equality and our IHs. Qed.
Notice that we get IHs in the perm_skip and perm_trans cases but not in perm_nil and perm_swap. Why is that?
Induction hypothesis come from "smaller" things---for nats, we get an IH for the n = S n' case because there's a smaller nat involved---n'. For inductive propositions, we'll get an IH when there's a recursive reference to the proposition we're defining. Both perm_skip and perm_trans refer back to the Permutation definition as a premise (and so we get an IH) but perm_nil and perm_swap don't (and so we don't get an IH).
More generally, induction on propositions works as follows. We have the following rules:

Permutation [] []
Permutation l l' (perm_skip)  

Permutation (x::l) (x::l')

Permutation (y::x::l) (x::y::l)
Permutation l l     Permutation l' l'' (perm_trans)  

Permutation l l''
We want to prove that for all l1 and l2, if Permutation l1 l2 and then length l1 = length l2.
Having let l1 and l2 be given such that Permutation l1 l2, we go by induction on the derivation to show that length l1 = length l2. What cases do we have? When do we have an IH and where does it come from?
We will have one case for each rule. If the rule is of the form Permutation a b, then we will have to show our goal for a and b. Here, that means showing that length a = length b. So in the perm_nil case, we have to prove that length [] = length [], since perm_nil only applies when both l1 = [] and l2 = []. In perm_trans, we'll get to keep our hypotheses (that Permutation l l' and Permutation l' l'') and we'll have to prove that length l = length l'' (since the a and b in the goal are l and l'', respectively).
We get an IH for each premise that is a recursive reference. That is, perm_nil and perm_swap are axioms, so there's no IH. But perm_skip and perm_trans both have premises that involve recursive references to the inductive relation we're looking at, so we get IHs.
In a case where we have a recursive reference of the form Permutation a b, we'll have a corresponding IH based on our goal, using a and b. That is, for this proof, we get an IH saying that length a = length b. Concretely, the perm_skip rule will give us length l = length l'; the perm_trans rule will give us two IHs: one saying that length l = length l' and one saying that length l' = length l''. One final remark: we've called something an axiom when it has no premises and a rule otherwise. But not every rule gets an IH!
We could have given the following rule instead of perm_nil:
l = []   l' = [] (perm_nil')  

Permutation l l'
In this case perm_nil' isn't strictly speaking an axiom, but we still wouldn't get an IH. You only get an IH for each recursive use of the inductive predicate.

Exercise: 1 star, standard (Permutation_sym)

Lemma Permutation_sym : A (l1 l2 : list A),
  Permutation l1 l2 Permutation l2 l1.
  (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Exercise: 2 stars, standard (Forall_perm)

To close, a useful utility lemma. Prove this by induction; but is it induction on al, or on bl, or on Permutation al bl, or on Forall f al? Some choices are much easier than others! If you're stuck, try a different one.

Inductive Forall {A : Type} (P : A Prop) : list A Prop :=
    Forall_nil : Forall P []
  | Forall_cons (x : A) (l : list A) (Hx : P x) (H : Forall P l) : Forall P (x :: l).

Theorem Forall_perm: {A} (f: A Prop) al bl,
  Permutation al bl
  Forall f al Forall f bl.
  (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

A computational interpretation

What does our function permutations have to do with the inductive proposition Permutation? We can prove that our function permutations is in some sense complete: everything it produces is a permutation of the given list. First, recall our definitions.

Fixpoint everywhere {A:Type} (a:A) (ls:list A) : list (list A) :=
  match ls with
  | [][[a]]
| h :: t(a :: ls) :: (map (fun t'h::t') (everywhere a t))

Fixpoint permutations {A:Type} (ls:list A) : list (list A) :=
  match ls with
  | [][[]]
| h :: tflat_map (everywhere h) (permutations t)

Exercise: 2 stars, standard (everywhere_perm)

Lemma everywhere_perm : A (l l' : list A) (x : A),
  In l' (everywhere x l)
  Permutation (x :: l) l'.
  (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Exercise: 2 stars, standard (permutations_complete)

Theorem permutations_complete : A (l l' : list A),
    In l' (permutations l) Permutation l l'.
  (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Exercise: 5 stars, advanced, optional (permutations_correct)

It's possible to prove the converse, that Permutation l l' implies In l' (permutations l). Feel free to give it a go, but it's very challenging!


Fixpoint insert_sorted (i:nat) (l: list nat) :=
  match l with
  | nili::nil
  | h::tif leb i h then i::h::t else h :: insert_sorted i t

Fixpoint sort (l: list nat) : list nat :=
  match l with
  | nilnil
  | h::tinsert_sorted h (sort t)
A sorting algorithm must rearrange the elements into a list that is totally ordered.
What does it mean for a list to be sorted? We can define an inductive proposition that seems to do the trick:

Inductive sorted: list nat Prop :=
  | sorted_nil : sorted []
  | sorted_1 (x:nat) : sorted [x]
  | sorted_cons (x y:nat) (l:list nat) (Hxy : x y) (H : sorted (y::l))
                        : sorted (x::y::l).

Example sorted_one_through_four :
  sorted [1;2;3;4].
  apply sorted_cons. { apply le_S. apply le_n. }
  apply sorted_cons. { apply le_S. apply le_n. }
  apply sorted_cons. { apply le_S. apply le_n. }
  apply sorted_1.
Is this really the right definition of what it means for a list to be sorted? One might have thought that it should refer to list indices, i.e., for valid indices i,j into the list, the ith item is less than or equal to the jth item:

Fixpoint nth {X:Type} (n:nat) (l:list X) (default:X) : X :=
  match n,l with
  | _,[]default
  | 0,h::_h
  | (S n'),_::tnth n' t default

Example nth_in_list : nth 3 [1;2;3;4;5] 0 = 4.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Example nth_default : nth 7 [1;2;3;4;5] 0 = 0.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Definition sorted' (al: list nat) :=
  i j, i < j < length al nth i al 0 nth j al 0.
Note: the notation i < j < length al really means i < j j < length al:
Compute (0 < 1 < 2).
This is a reasonable definition too. It should be equivalent. Later on, we'll prove that the two definitions really are equivalent. For now, let's use the first one to define what it means to be a correct sorting algorthm.

Definition is_a_sorting_algorithm (f: list nat list nat) :=
   al, Permutation al (f al) sorted (f al).
That is: the result (f al) should not only be a sorted sequence, but it should be some rearrangement (Permutation) of the input sequence.

Proofs with Sortedness

Before proving that we can write a sorting algorithm, let's get some intution for how the sorted predicate behaves.
First, let's reflect sorted.

Fixpoint is_sorted (l : list nat) : bool :=
  match l with
  | []true
  | [_]true
  | x::(y::_) as lleb x y && is_sorted l

Lemma is_sorted_iff_sorted : l,
    is_sorted l = true sorted l.
  intros. split.
  - intros H. induction l as [|n l' IHl'].
    + apply sorted_nil.
    + destruct l' as [|m l''].
      × apply sorted_1.
      × simpl in H. apply andb_true_iff in H. apply sorted_cons.
        { destruct H as [H _]. apply leb_complete. apply H. }
        { destruct H as [_ H]. apply IHl'. apply H. }
  - intros H. induction H as [|n|n m l' Hnm H IH].
    + reflexivity.
    + reflexivity.
    + simpl. apply leb_correct in Hnm. rewrite Hnm. simpl. apply IH.
In particular, what operations preserve sortedness? Which functions will return a sorted list when given a sorted list? We can formalize the notion of preservation as follows:

Definition preserves_sortedness (f : list nat list nat) :=
   al, sorted al sorted (f al).
What operations on lists do we have? Let's start with simple ones, like mapping (map). If we map the successor function S over a sorted list, the list should still be sorted.

Lemma add1_preserves_sortedness :
    preserves_sortedness (map S).
  intros al H. induction H.
  - simpl. apply sorted_nil.
  - simpl. apply sorted_1.
  - simpl. simpl in IHsorted.
    apply sorted_cons.
    apply n_le_m__Sn_le_Sm.
    apply Hxy.
    apply IHsorted.
We can do more than add one... we can add two!

Lemma add2_preserves_sortedness :
    preserves_sortedness (map (plus 2)).
  intros al H. induction H.
  - simpl. apply sorted_nil.
  - simpl. apply sorted_1.
  - simpl. simpl in IHsorted.
    apply sorted_cons.
    apply n_le_m__Sn_le_Sm.
    apply n_le_m__Sn_le_Sm.
    apply Hxy.
    apply IHsorted.
There are lots of functions that preserve sortedness. So many, in fact, that we can characterize a set of them: the monotonic functions are those that preserve ordering, i.e., if x y then f x f y. Both S and (plus 2) are monotonic.

Definition monotonic f := x y, x y f x f y.
Every monotonic function preserves sortedness.

Lemma monotonic_preserves_sortedness : f,
    monotonic f preserves_sortedness (map f).
  intros f Hf.
  intros al H. induction H.
  - simpl. apply sorted_nil.
  - simpl. apply sorted_1.
  - simpl. simpl in IHsorted.
    apply sorted_cons.
    apply Hf. apply Hxy.
    apply IHsorted.

Exercise: 3 stars, standard (addn_preserves_sortedness)

Now prove that adding any number preserves sortedness.

Lemma addn_preserves_sortedness : n,
    preserves_sortedness (map (plus n)).
  (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Other operations preserve sortedness, too. For example, we can remove any elements we want from a sorted list and the list will still be sorted. We can formalize this idea using the filter function---for any predicate p, filter p preserves sortedness.

Exercise: 4 stars, standard, optional (sorted_filter_cons)

Our proof goes in two stages. First, we show that if something is good at the front of a sorted list, it's also good at the front of a filtered sorted list.
Think carefully about what you do induction on. You may need a helper lemma in a particularly tricky case!

Lemma sorted_filter_cons : l p x,
    sorted (x :: l)
    sorted (x :: filter p l).
  (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Exercise: 3 stars, standard (filter_preserves_sortedness)

Using the (optional) lemma above, we can prove the more general property: (filter p) preserves sortedness for all predicates p.
There are two ways to prove this function, and one is much easier than the other... but both require sorted_filter_cons.

Lemma filter_preserves_sortedness : p,
    preserves_sortedness (filter p).
  (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Exercise: 3 stars, standard (bad_function_breaks_sortedness)

Not every function preserves sortedness. Define a non-recursive function that doesn't preserve sortedness. You may use any other function we've defined so far. (You can even write a recursive function, if you want, but it's possible to solve this exercise without it.

Definition bad_function : nat nat (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted.
Now prove that your function doesn't preserve sortedness.

Lemma bad_function_breaks_sortedness :
  ¬ preserves_sortedness (map bad_function).
  (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Proof of Correctness

Exercise: 3 stars, standard (insert_sorted_perm)

Prove the following auxiliary lemma, insert_sorted_perm, which will be useful for proving sort_perm below. Your proof will be by induction, but you'll need some of the permutation facts from the above.

Lemma insert_sorted_perm: x l, Permutation (x::l) (insert_sorted x l).
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Exercise: 3 stars, standard (sort_perm)

Now prove that sort is a permutation.

Theorem sort_perm: l, Permutation l (sort l).
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Exercise: 4 stars, standard (insert_sorted_sorted)

This one is a bit tricky. However, there is just a single induction right at the beginning, and you do not need to use insert_sorted_perm or sort_perm. The leb_spec lemma from day 16 may come in handy.

Lemma insert_sorted_sorted:
   a l, sorted l sorted (insert_sorted a l).
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Exercise: 2 stars, standard (sort_sorted)

This one is shorter.

Theorem sort_sorted: l, sorted (sort l).
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Now we wrap it all up.

Theorem insertion_sort_correct:
    is_a_sorting_algorithm sort.
  split. apply sort_perm. apply sort_sorted.

Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (sort_stable)

It's a nice exercise to prove the idempotence and stability lemmas from the informal work in Coq.
Two terms of art are used here: idempotent and stable. A function f is idempotent when f (f x) = f x.
A sort is stable when it doesn't change the original orderings of two elements. To generally show stability, we'd have to prove that for any two elements x and y in a list l, if x y and x comes before y in l, then x comes before y in sort l.
We're not going ot prove stability proper (which doesn't really make sense if we're only talking about nats, but a weaker concept.
Lemma sort_already_sorted : l,
    sorted l sort l = l.
  (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Corollary sort_idempotent : l,
    sort (sort l) = sort l.
  (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Making Sure the Specification is Right

It's really important to get the specification right. You can prove that your program satisfies its specification (and Coq will check that proof for you), but you can't prove that you have the right specification. Therefore, we take the trouble to write two different specifications of sortedness (sorted and sorted'), and prove that they mean the same thing. This increases our confidence that we have the right specification, though of course it doesn't prove that we do.

Exercise: 4 stars, standard, optional (sorted_sorted')

Lemma sorted_sorted': al, sorted al sorted' al.
Hint: Instead of doing induction on the list al, do induction on the sortedness of al. This proof is a bit tricky, so you may have to think about how to approach it, and try out one or two different ideas.

(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Exercise: 3 stars, standard, optional (sorted'_sorted)

Lemma sorted'_sorted: al, sorted' al sorted al.
Here, you can't do induction on the sorted'-ness of the list, because sorted' is not an inductive predicate.

(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Proving Correctness from the Alternate Spec

Depending on how you write the specification of a program, it can be much harder or easier to prove correctness. We saw that the predicates sorted and sorted' are equivalent; but it is really difficult to prove correctness of insertion sort directly from sorted'.
Try it yourself, if you dare! I managed it, but my proof is quite long and complicated. I found that I needed all these facts:
  • insert_sorted_perm, sort_perm
  • Forall_perm, Permutation_length
  • Permutation_sym, Permutation_trans
  • a new lemma Forall_nth, stated below.
Maybe you will find a better way that's not so complicated.
DO NOT USE sorted_sorted', sorted'_sorted, insert_sorted_sorted, or sort_sorted in these proofs!

Exercise: 3 stars, standard, optional (Forall_nth)

Lemma Forall_nth:
   {A: Type} (P: A Prop) d (al: list A),
     Forall P al ( i, i < length al P (nth i al d)).
  (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Exercise: 4 stars, standard, optional (insert_sorted_sorted')

(* Prove that inserting into a sorted list yields a sorted list, for
   the index-based notion of sorted.

   You'll find leb_spec handy. If you find that your context gets
   cluttered, you can run clear H to get rid of the hypothesis H;
   you can run clear - H to get rid of everything _but_ H. Be
   careful---you can't undo these tactics! *)

Lemma insert_sorted_sorted':
   a l, sorted' l sorted' (insert_sorted a l).
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Exercise: 4 stars, standard, optional (sort_sorted')

Theorem sort_sorted': l, sorted' (sort l).
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

The Moral of This Story

The proofs of insert_sorted_sorted and sort_sorted were easy; the proofs of insert_sorted_sorted' and sort_sorted' were difficult; and yet sorted al sorted' al. Different formulations of the functional specification can lead to great differences in the difficulty of the correctness proofs.
Suppose someone required you to prove sort_sorted', and never mentioned the sorted predicate to you. Instead of proving sort_sorted' directly, it would be much easier to design a new predicate (sorted), and then prove sort_sorted and sorted_sorted'.

(* Tue Oct 13 15:24:57 PDT 2020 *)