Case study: DNA edit distance
Definition dna_src : strand := [G; C; A; T].
Definition dna_tgt1 : strand := [T; C; A; T].
Definition dna_tgt2 : strand := [C; A; T].
Definition dna_tgt3 : strand := [C; A; T; G].
What edits might we need to make to get from dna_src to each of
the dna_tgts?
To change dna_src into dna_tgt1, we should replace the first
G, substituting it with a T.
To change dna_src into dna_tgt2, we should delete the first
To change dna_src into dna_tgt3, we should delete the first
G and add a G at the end.
We can formalize this idea explicitly: we'll define a type edit
and say what it means to 'apply' an edit.
Here's what an edit is: you can either copy a nucleotide,
delete a nucleotide, add a nucleotide, or substitute a
nucleotide for what was already there.
These aren't the only edits we could have defined. For example, we
don't need substitute, since we can always delete and then
add (or vice versa). We could add a move edit that somehow
said where to move the current base (i.e., in changing dna_src
to dna_tgt3, we could say that that G moves to the end).
We've chosen these edits because they correspond to the edits
invented by Vladimir Levenshtein in 1966, and are used to compute
the widely used Levenshtein distance (see It's worth
noting that this distance is very useful in computational
applications in a variety of domains, but (according to folklore),
Levenshtein didn't get to use computers at his Soviet institute!
In order to justify substitute's presence when add and
delete would do, we define a notion of cost. It's free to
copy, but every other edit has a cost of 1.
Definition cost (edit : edit) : nat :=
match edit with
| copy ⇒ 0
| delete ⇒ 1
| add _ ⇒ 1
| substitute _ ⇒ 1
Given a list of edits, the cost is just the sum of the costs of
every constituent edit.
Fixpoint total_cost (edits : list edit) : nat :=
match edits with
| [] ⇒ 0
| e::edits' ⇒ cost e + total_cost edits'
match edits with
| [] ⇒ 0
| e::edits' ⇒ cost e + total_cost edits'
We've only given an intuition for edits. How do they actually
work? We must define what it means to apply an edit. We'll do it
in two parts: first, given an edit and a strand of DNA we're
editing, apply_edit returns two things: first, an optional
nucleotide which will appear at the front of the new, edited
strand; and second, a (possibly modified) DNA strand that we're
working on.
Definition apply_edit (edit : edit) (orig : strand) : option base × strand :=
match edit with
| copy ⇒
match orig with
| [] ⇒ (None, [])
| b::orig' ⇒ (Some b, orig')
| delete ⇒ (None, match orig with
| [] ⇒ []
| _::orig' ⇒ orig'
| add b ⇒ (Some b, orig)
| substitute b ⇒ (Some b, match orig with
| [] ⇒ [] (* just act like add *)
| _::orig' ⇒ orig'
It's worth paying close attention to this function, as there
are several corner cases.
Once we know how to apply an individual edit, it's easy enough to
apply a list of edits. We walk down the list and, for each edit,
we see what should be added to the front (new) and what remains
of the strand of DNA we're editing (orig').
- copy has two possibilities. Either the strand we're editing is
done, in which there's nothing to add and nothing to continue
with... or the strand has some base b at the front, which (a)
we'll make sure to copy to the front of the new strand (Some
b), and (b) we'll return the rest of the strand (orig').
- delete is slightly simpler. We'll never add anything to the
front (None), and we'll knock off the base at the front of the
strand we're working with, returning whatever may be left
- add b is the simplest case: add b to the front and leave the
strand we're editing alone.
- susbtitute b is trickier. We'll put b at the front no matter what (Some b), but what should we do if we're supposed to substitute b but the strand we're editing is empty? We choose to shrug and say, "That's fine, we'll pretend you meant add b and not worry about having nothing to substitute for." If, on the other hand, orig = b'::orig', then we'll ignore b' (which is what we substituted for) and give orig' to keep editing.
Fixpoint apply_edits (orig : strand) (edits : list edit) : strand :=
match edits with
| [] ⇒ orig
| edit::edits' ⇒
let (new, orig') := apply_edit edit orig in
match new with
| None ⇒ apply_edits orig' edits'
| Some b ⇒ b::apply_edits orig' edits'
With a notion of edits in hand, let's verify that our formal model
matches our intuition. Can we come up with the 'valid' edits that
match our informal descriptions above?
Definition valid_edit (src : strand) (tgt : strand) (edits : list edit) :=
eq_strand (apply_edits src edits) tgt.
Definition edit_tgt1 : list edit := [substitute T; copy; copy; copy].
Definition edit_tgt1_worse : list edit := [delete; add T; copy; copy; copy].
Definition edit_tgt1_same : list edit := [substitute T].
Compute (valid_edit dna_src dna_tgt1 edit_tgt1).
Compute (valid_edit dna_src dna_tgt1 edit_tgt1_worse).
Compute (leb (total_cost edit_tgt1) (total_cost edit_tgt1_worse)).
Compute (eqb (total_cost edit_tgt1) (total_cost edit_tgt1_same)).
Exercise: 3 stars, standard (edit_tgt23)
Write edits that take dna_src to dna_tgt2 and dna_tgt3. Your edits should be minimal, i.e., the lowest cost possible, while still being valid.Definition edit_tgt2 : list edit (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted.
Compute (valid_edit dna_src dna_tgt2 edit_tgt2).
Definition edit_tgt3 : list edit (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted.
Compute (valid_edit dna_src dna_tgt3 edit_tgt3).
(* Do not modify the following line: *)
Definition manual_grade_for_edit_tgt23 : option (nat×string) := None.
Exercise: 3 stars, standard (delete_add_edit)
With our notion of edits in hand, we can contemplate defining algorithms that compute edits from one strand to another. Let's begin with the simplest one: the delete_add_edit.Definition delete_edit (src : strand) : list edit
(* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted.
Definition add_edit (tgt : strand) : list edit
(* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted.
Definition delete_add_edit (src : strand) (tgt : strand) : list edit
(* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted.
Fixpoint naive_sub_edit (src : strand) (tgt : strand) : list edit :=
match (src, tgt) with
| ([], tgt) ⇒ add_edit tgt
| (src, []) ⇒ delete_edit src
| (_::src', b2::tgt') ⇒
substitute b2 :: naive_sub_edit src' tgt'
Exercise: 2 stars, standard (sub_edit)
naive_sub_edit is a little bit, well, naive. Give an example of a pair of DNA strands naive_src and naive_tgt for which naive_sub_edit gives a high cost when it could give a very low cost.
Definition naive_src : strand (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted.
Definition naive_tgt : strand (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted.
Definition naive_tgt : strand (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted.
Explain why naive_sub_edit naive_src naive_tgt is so high
cost. What should happen differently?
Define a function sub_edit that generates an edit similarly to
naive_sub_edit, but without the naivete.
Fixpoint sub_edit (src : strand) (tgt : strand) : list edit (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted.
Levenshtein's edit distance
Exercise: 3 stars, standard (levenshtein)
We've looked at a bunch of different edit functions: it's time to look at Vladimir Levenshtein's!- If b1 and b2 are the same, we can copy, continuing with
src and tgt.
- If b1 and b2 are different, we can substitute b2,
continuing with src and tgt.
- We can delete b1, continuing with src and b2 :: tgt.
- We can add b2, continuing with b1 :: src and tgt.
Fixpoint levenshtein (src tgt : strand) : list edit (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted.
levenshtein [C; A; T] [C; G; T]
- copy :: levenshtein [A;T] [G;T]
- delete :: levenshtein [A;T] [C;G;T]
- add C :: levenshtein [C;A;T] [G;T]
Exercise: 1 star, standard (levenshtein__sub_edit)
Later on we'll prove that levenshtein produces optimal edits, i.e., you can't do better. That might not be obvious, though!
Definition levenshtein__sub_edit_src : strand
(* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted.
Definition levenshtein__sub_edit_tgt : strand
(* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted.
(* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted.
Definition levenshtein__sub_edit_tgt : strand
(* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted.
You've got it right when the first is less than or equal to the second.
Compute (2 × (total_cost (levenshtein levenshtein__sub_edit_src levenshtein__sub_edit_tgt))).
Compute (total_cost (sub_edit levenshtein__sub_edit_src levenshtein__sub_edit_tgt)).
Compute (total_cost (sub_edit levenshtein__sub_edit_src levenshtein__sub_edit_tgt)).
Why is levenshtein better than sub_edit? Try to make your
answer general. What can levenshtein do that sub_edit can't?
The best answer characterizes the difference, giving a recipe
for writing pairs of strands that will do better under
levenshtein than sub_edit.
(* Do not modify the following line: *)
Definition manual_grade_for_levenshtein__sub_edit_tgt : option (nat×string) := None.
(* Mon Oct 12 08:48:48 PDT 2020 *)