Requesting a Reference Letter:

It is important to pick proper letter writers; people who know you well enough to write a meaningful letter and who feel comfortable saying only good things about you. I highly recommend that you start interacting with professors as early in your careers as possible to have solid options for letter-writers when the time comes.

Should you ask me for a letter? It depends on how much we have interacted and on what basis. In general, if you have taken only a single course from me and have not interacted with me in any other context, I will say “no.” Unless there was a remarkable amount of interaction in that course, it would be difficult for me to write a strong letter. If you are unsure, then ask me if I feel comfortable writing you a strong letter, and I will tell you.

If I am going to write you a letter, I want a lot of information from you to help me write the strongest letter I can. Specifically: