Focus here on producer/consumer or bounded buffer problem.
Two processes
cooperating, one by adding items to a buffer, the other removing items. Ensure
not remove when nothing there and not overflow buffer as well.
Text also focuses on parallel matrix multiplication (read on own).
Text also discusses some ways of handling with simple extensions of existing languages:
Coroutines also worth noting (part of Modula-2). Iterators were a special case.
Idea is co-equal routines which pass control back and forth.
E.g., our
Modula-2 has library supporting routines:
NewCoroutine(P: PROC; workspaceSize:CARDINAL; VAR q: COROUTINE);Starts up new coroutine, q, by executing procedure P.
Transfer(VAR from, to: COROUTINE)Transfers control from one coroutine to another.
Can have multiple coroutines executing same procedure or can all be distinct.
Usually run on single processor.
Can think of as supporting multi-tasking. Good for writing operating systems.
See Modula-2 code in text for bounded buffer problem with coroutines.
Three operations:
InitSem(S: Semaphore; value: integer); Wait(S: Semaphore); Signal(S: Semaphore);
InitSem starts up semaphore with an initial (non-negative) value.
Wait(S): If S > 0 then S := S - 1 else suspend self
Signal(S): if processes are waiting, then wake up a process, else S := S + 1;
Think of Wait(S) as claiming a resource so that no one else can get it, while Signal(S) releases the resource.
In order to solve mutual exclusion problem, must ensure that Wait and Signal execute atomically (i.e., cannot be interrupted and no one else can execute at same time).
If start w/S = 1 then protect a critical region by:
Wait(S); -- grab token {Critical region} Signal(S); -- release tokenCan also start with other values of S, e.g., if start w/S = 0 and call Wait(S) then suspend execution until another process executes Signal(S).
Solution to bounded buffer:
Suppose also have procedures:
CreateProcess(p:PROC; workspacesize: CARDINAL); Creates nameless process StartProcesses; -- starts all processes which have been created. Terminate; -- stop execution of processWhen all processes are terminated control returns to unit calling StartProcesses.
Main program: CreateProcess(Producer,WorkSize); -- create at least one producer CreateProcess(Consumer,WorkSize); -- create at least one consumer BufferStart := 1; BufferEnd := 0 InitSem(NonEmpty, 0) -- semaphore w/initial value of 0 to indicate empty InitSem(NonFull, MaxBuffSize) -- semaphore w/initial value of size of buffer InitSem(MutEx,1) -- semaphore used for mutual exclusion StartProcesses end; Procedure Producer; begin loop read(ch) Wait(NonFull); Wait(MutEx); BufferEnd := BufferEnd MOD MaxBuffSize + 1; Buffer[BufferEnd] := ch; Signal(MutEx); Signal(NonEmpty); end loop; end; Procedure Consumer; begin loop Wait(NonEmpty); Wait(MutEx); ch := Buffer[BufferStart]; BufferStart := BufferStart MOD MaxBuffSize + 1; Signal(MutEx); Signal(NonFull); Write(ch) end loop end;
Why is there a MutEx semaphore?
Technically it is not necessary here since Producer only changes BufferEnd, while Consumer only changes BufferStart, but if they both changed a count of the number of items in the buffer would be important to keep them from executing at the same time!
What would go wrong if you changed the order of the two Wait's at the beginning of either Producer or Consumer?
Biggest problem with semaphores is that they are too low level and unstructured. Accidentally reversing order or Wait'ing twice could be disastrous.
The idea is to provide an ADT with "condition variables", each of which has an associated queue of processes and suspend (or delay) and continue ops for en and dequeuing processes. Suspend always stops current, continue starts up new if any waiting.
Concurrent Pascal uses monitors.
type buffer = monitor; var store: array[1..MaxBuffSize] of char;
BufferStart, BufferEnd, BufferSize: integer
nonfull, nonempty: queue; procedure entry insert(ch: char); begin if BufferSize = MaxBuffSize then delay(nonfull); BufferEnd :=BufferEnd mod MaxBuffSize + 1; store[BufferEnd] := ch;
BufferSize := BufferSize + 1;
continue(nonempty) end; procedure entry delete(var ch: char); begin
if BufferSize = 0 then delay(nonempty);
ch := store[BufferStart];
BufferStart := BufferStart mod MaxBuffSize + 1; BufferSize := BufferSize -1; continue(nonfull); end; begin (* initialization *)
BufferEnd := 0;
BufferStart := 1;
BufferSize := 0 end; type producer = process (b: buffer); var ch: char; begin while true do begin
read(ch); b.insert(ch) end; end type consumer = process(b: buffer); var ch: char; begin while true do begin b.delete(ch); write(ch) end end; var p: producer; q: consumer; b:buffer; begin init b, p(b), q(b) end.
Notice improved structure!
See text for simple way of emulating Semaphores w/ Monitors.
With distributed systems, cannot rely on shared variables for synchronization and communication.
With message passing, rely on send and receive operations:
Procedure Send(To: Process; M: Message); Procedure Receive(From: Process; M: Message);Variants exist in which drop "To" and "From" fields (broadcast messages).
Synchronization questions:
Ada's tasks combine features of monitors and message passing.
Process in Ada is called a task (defined much like a package).
Task exports entry names to world (like a monitor) which can be "called".
Select allows choice of which accept is selected.
selectwhen statements form guards.
[when <cond> =>] <select alternative>
{or [when <cond> =>] <select alternative>}
[else <statements>] end select
System determines which "when" conditions are true and select one which has an "accept" process waiting. If several than choose arbitrary one.
Caller is blocked only during body of "accept" clause.
Can have other
statements outside the "accept".
Ex from Ada:
task Buffer is -- specification
entry insert(ch: in CHARACTER);
entry delete(ch: out CHARACTER); end; task body Buffer is
MaxBuffSize: constant INTEGER := 50; Store: array(1..MaxBuffSize) of CHARACTER; BufferStart: INTEGER := 1; BufferEnd: INTEGER := 0;
BufferSize: INTEGER := 0; begin loop select when BufferSize < MaxBufferSize => accept insert(ch: in CHARACTER) do BufferEnd := BufferEnd mod MaxBuffSize + 1;
Store(BufferEnd) := ch; end; BufferSize := BufferSize + 1; or when BufferSize > 0 => accept delete(ch: out CHARACTER) do ch := Store(BufferStart); end; BufferStart := BufferStart mod MaxBufferSize + 1; BufferSize := BufferSize -1; end select; end loop end Buffer; task type Producer; task body Producer is ch: CHARACTER; begin loop TEXT_IO.GET(ch); Buffer.insert(ch); end loop; end Producer; task type Consumer; task body Consumeris ch: CHARACTER; begin loop Buffer.delete(ch); TEXT_IO.PUT(ch); end loop; end Consumer;
Note Producer/Consumer run forever - no entries.
Exit from task when at end and no open subprocesses or waiting with "terminate" alternative open and parent has executed to completion. If this true of all children of process then all terminate simultaneously.
Comparing semaphores and monitors and tasking:
Semaphores very low level.
Monitors are passive regions encapsulating resources to be shared (mutual exclusion). Cooperation enforced by delay and continue statements.
Everything active in Ada tasks (resources and processes)
Monitors and processes can easily be structured as Ada tasks and vice-versa.
Ada tasks better represents behavior of distributed system.
a. Intended application.
b. Intended programmers.
c. Intended computers to be used.
But many general principles!
Support for:
- bad ex: PL/I & Ada - don't throw in kitchen sink!
If too complex, danger of unexpected interactions, subsetting & (if redundant) development of dialects.
Simple conceptual model of semantics.
Can go too far! E.g., Basic, LISP syntax.
"Everything should be as simple as possible, but not simpler" Einstein
Bad example: subscript vs fcn def in FORTRAN.
Good example: Instance vble vs parameterless function in Eiffel
Success depends on appl.
Ex. of probs w/ Pascal: Fcn can only return simple type, constants only defined for built-in basic types, enumerated types cannot be read or written, etc.
Algol 68 carries to extremes, everything has value.
Smalltalk, Eiffel, other pure object-oriented languages do it well.
Original presentation usually too vague. Refined.
ALGOL 68 problem w/ redefining terms.
commenting conventions: line vs stream oriented.
blocking of compound statements - if, fi versus begin, end
two-dimensional syntax, syntax directed editors.
Related to writeability, readability, and modifiability.
Practical Considerations
Make sure solves problem, without causing new ones.
Show simply and efficiently implemented.
Carefully specify semantics
Use in lots of examples
Watch for inconsistencies, interactions.
(Knuth article on remaining problems in Algol 60: interactions major theme,
e.g. side effects and order of evaluation, unexpected exit from control
structure, aliasing - 2 diff. ways of referring to vble, integers also
Be especially wary of new features
Be ready to make modifications to solve minor problems.
Know intended applications, allowable size and complexity.
Implement on several machines, write manuals and texts
Be prepared to sell it to customers
Don't include untried ideas - consolidation, not innovation.
Make design group as small as possible.
Don't be afraid to revise - once distributed, too hard to change.
Simplicity is really the key - avoid complexity. Too many "solutions" make language hard to understand.
(See also Hoare, "The emperor's old clothes", CACM, Feb., 1981, pp. 75-83.)
Base programming language on:
Most dangerous approach to problems: add new features
Trap PL/I, Ada, and now C++ fell into.