CS136, Lecture 21

    1. Binary tree interface
    2. Examples
      1. Expression trees:
      2. Animals game

Binary tree interface

There are many alternative specifications of binary trees that allow insertion and deletion of elements. Th specification that we use has an implicit reference into the tree, called a cursor. The methods moveLeft, moveRight, moveUp below allow the programmer to move the cursor through the tree. Unlike an iterator (which can traverse the tree, but not modify it), the cursor is used to locate a leaf to be deleted, or to move off a leaf in the direction in which a new element is to be inserted. See the pre-condition for insert, below, for instance.

The structures package actually doesn't include an interface for binary trees (it just contains one class BinaryTree), but here is what it would look like if it existed:

public interface BinaryTreeInterface {

    public void clear();
    // post: removes all nodes from tree

    public void insert(Object value);
    // pre: cursor is invalid
    // post: if tree empty, value is inserted at root, o'wise
    //       value inserted where cursor last moved off tree

    public Object remove();
    // pre: cursor is valid and has no children
    // post: leaf removed, cursor is moved to parent, if any

    public Object value();
    // pre: cursor valid
    // post: returns value of object at cursor

    public void setValue(Object value);
    // pre: cursor valid
    // post: sets value found at cursor

    public void reset();
    // post: moves the cursor to the root, if any

    public boolean valid();
    // post: returns true if cursor points to a valid node.

    public boolean hasLeft();
    // post: returns true iff cursor has left child

    public boolean hasRight();
    // post: returns true iff cursor has right child 

    public boolean hasParent();
    // pre: cursor is valid
    // post: returns true iff cursor has parent

    public boolean isLeftChild();
    // post: return true if cursor has parent & is left child

    public boolean isRightChild();
    // post: return true if cursor has parent & is rt child

    public void moveLeft();
    // pre: cursor is valid
    // post: cursor moves to left child of pre-cursor, 
    //       or off tree

    public void moveRight();
    // pre: cursor is valid
    // post: cursor moves to right child of pre-cursor, 
    //       or off tree

    public void moveUp();
    // pre: cursor is valid
    // post: cursor moves up to parent of pre-cursor

    public int height();
    // post: returns height of cursor in tree
    //       or -1 if tree is empty

    public int depth();
    // post: returns depth of cursor in tree
    //       or -1 if tree is empty

    public boolean isFull();
    // post: return true iff subtree rooted at cursor is full

    public boolean isComplete();
    // post: returns true iff subtree rooted at cursor is 
    //        complete

    public boolean isEmpty();
    // post: returns true iff tree is emtpy

    public int size();
    // post: returns number of nodes in tree

    public Iterator elements();
    // post: returns inorder traversal of tree

    public Iterator inorderElements();
    // post: returns inorder traversal of tree

    public Iterator preorderElements();
    // post: returns preorder traversal of tree

    public Iterator postorderElements();
    // post: returns postorder traversal of tree

    public String toString();
    // post: returns string representation of tree

Tree traversals - visit all nodes in a tree

  1. pre-order (root first): root - left sub-tree - right sub-tree

  2. in-order (root in middle) - symmetric order: left sub-tree - root - right sub-tree

  3. post-order (root last): left sub-tree - right sub-tree - root

Notice what happens when you do these traversals of expression trees: Get prefix, infix, or postfix notation.

Most algorithms involve two parts -

  1. building tree,

  2. traversing it.

Why is recursion such an intuitive notion for trees?


Expression trees:


Once we have an expression tree, how can we evaluate it?

Evaluate left subtree, evaluate right subtree, then perform operation at root:

Animals game

Next homework assignment.

Game is held as tree with answers at leaves and questions as internal nodes.

Asking questions corresponds to path from root to a leaf, where leaf holds animal which is best guess.

If guess wrong, then add new animal and corresponding question (w/old animal, too) in tree in place of old animal.

Game is much more interesting if save old games in file so can build tree again.

Discuss how next class.

Binary tree implementation

As expected, we use linked nodes for primary implementation:

public class BinaryTreeNode
    protected Object val;
    protected BinaryTreeNode parent;
    protected BinaryTreeNode left;
    protected BinaryTreeNode right;

    public BinaryTreeNode(Object value,
              BinaryTreeNode left,
              BinaryTreeNode right) 
    // post: returns a node referencing value & subtrees
            val = value;

    public BinaryTreeNode left()
    // post: returns reference to left subtree, or null

    public BinaryTreeNode right()
    // post: returns reference to right subtree, or null

    public BinaryTreeNode parent()
    // post: returns reference to parent node, or null

    public void setLeft(BinaryTreeNode newLeft)
    // post: sets left subtree to newLeft
    //       reparents newLeft if not null
            if (left != null &&
                (left.parent() == this)) left.setParent(null);
            left = newLeft;
            if (left != null) left.setParent(this);

    public void setRight(BinaryTreeNode newRight)

    protected void setParent(BinaryTreeNode newParent)
    // post: reparents this node to parent reference, or null

    public static int size(BinaryTreeNode n)
    // post: returns the size of the subtree rooted at n

    public static BinaryTreeNode root(BinaryTreeNode n)
    // post: returns the root of the tree containing node n
            if ((n == null) || (n.parent() == null)) return n;
            else return root(n.parent());

    public static int height(BinaryTreeNode n)
    // post: returns the height of a node n in its tree
            if (n == null) return -1;
            return 1 + Math.max(height(n.left()),height(n.right()));

    public static int depth(BinaryTreeNode n)
    // post: returns the depth of a node in the tree
            if (n == null) return -1;
            return 1 + depth(n.parent());

    public boolean isLeftChild()
    // post: returns true if this is a left child of parent.
            if (parent() == null) return false;
            return this == parent().left();

    public Object value()
    // post: returns value associated with this node.

    public void setValue(Object value)
    // post: sets the value associated with this node


Come back and talk about iterators later. Nothing really surprising above.

Notice must be careful in setting element to left or right (must connect both ways) - extra test at beginning setting parent field of elt currently there to null isn't really necessary.

Notice root, height, and depth are all recursive (and are all static - i.e., belong with class, not object!).