CS 136:
Data Structures and Advanced Programming
Spring, 2004
Assignments, including executable versions of the programs are available
through this document. Code for use in assignments is available on
Cortland/Courses in the CS136/Assignments folder.
Programming assignments for CSCI 136 should be turned in to the "dropoff"
folder on Cortland/Courses in the CS136 folder. Be sure to put your name
and assignment number as the label of the folder. Also be sure to fully
comment your programs, including putting your name on all classes. You
should turn in the appropriate source (".java") files and the compiled code
(".class" files), all in a form that can easily be tested by the TA's.
Programming assignments for CSCI 136 will generally be due Sunday evenings
at 11:59pm, though I will generally give an hour's grace before counting
assignments as late.
All programs will be graded based on design, documentation, style, and
correctness. You should follow the guidelines in the
CS134 style guide, except as modified in class.
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