
In this course, you will explore topics in computer science by reading and presenting research papers. In addition, you will write a survey paper on a topic of your choice. For those of you doing a senior project, the paper will help prepare you for your project in the spring.

There are four sections of this class. This is the page for Sections 3 (Tuesdays 11-12:15pm) and 4 (Thursdays 11-12:15pm), both taught by Dr. Dave. The main CS190 senior seminar page is here.

Class Basics

There is more detail in the administrivia under the Resources section on the Sakai page, but the following are the basics:

You will each present twice during the semester with a partner. These presentations should be 20-30 minutes long and must end with 2-3 discussion questions. If you are presenting, you and your partner should:

  1. read the paper(s) at least 3 days before your presentation
  2. schedule a meeting with the professor at least 2 days before your presentation to go over your plans for the presentation. Make sure you've read the papers before we meet!
  3. by 5pm the day before your presentation, post in the slack forum the 2-3 discussion questions that will be on your last slide. At least one question must be technical and at least one must reflect on societal/ethical/cultural issues.
  4. give your presentation and lead a discussion in class
  5. schedule a meeting with the professor 1-3 days after your presentation to discuss/debrief

Most weeks you won't be presenting so you should:

  1. read the paper(s)
  2. by 5pm the day before class, post on slack a response to one (or more) of the questions and/or a question about the readings
  3. come to class and contribute to the discussion

Concurrently you will be meeting deadlines for your final paper. Deadlines are noted in the calendar below. Everything will be turned in under Assignments on the Sakai webpage.

Schedule - Section 3 (Tuesday)

This is a high-level outline of the planned syllabus for section 3, which meets on Tuesdays. The paper are on the Sakai page.

Meeting # Date Topics Presenter(s) RTOTD due
1 8/30 introduction Dr. Dave
2 9/6 facial affect recognition Jack, Se Ho finding papers
3 9/13 working in tech Becky, Maria survey papers 9/16 (senior project only): topic/advisor pairs
9/18: latex exercise
4 9/20 predicting recidivism Alan, Yurie academic conferences
5 9/27 fairness Justin, Nathan real life finances 10/2: topic + 10 references
6 10/4 classifying faces Gabriel, Jack, Anzo
7 10/11 collecting data Nathan, Stefanos 1 min. survey topic presentation 10/16: Annotated bibliography
*** fall break - no meeting 10/18 ***
9 10/25 software engineering ethics Justin, Saaket technical writing 10/30: outline + introduction draft
10 11/1 autonomous vehicles Becky, Yurie life of a professor
11 11/8 dark patterns Anzo, Maria 1 min. progress updates
12 11/15 interacting with algorithms Alan, Stefanos, Se Ho real life finances #2 11/20: paper draft
*** Thanksgiving break - no meeting 11/22 ***
13 11/29 looking ahead Gabriel, Saaket 11/30: peer review
14 12/6 Optional conversation 12/7: final paper

Schedule - Section 4 (Thursday)

This is a high-level outline of the planned syllabus for section 4, which meets on Thursdays. The papers are on the Sakai page.

Meeting # Date Topics Presenter(s) RTOTD due
1 10/1 introduction Dr. Dave
2 9/8 facial affect recognition finding papers
3 9/15 working in tech Alex, Sadie survey papers 9/16 (senior project only): topic/advisor pairs
9/18: latex exercise
4 9/22 predicting recidivism Adan, Alan academic conferences
5 9/29 fairness David, Ashley real life finances 10/2: topic + 10 references
6 10/6 classifying faces Sadie, Ziang
7 10/13 collecting data Alan, Alex 1 min. survey topic presentation 10/16: Annotated bibliography
8 10/20 Optional conversation
9 10/27 software engineering ethics Ashley, Ben technical writing 10/30: outline + introduction draft
10 11/3 autonomous vehicles Ziang, Chloe life of a professor
11 11/10 dark patterns David, Indiana 1 min. progress updates
12 11/17 interacting with algorithms Ben, Aidan real life finances #2 11/20: paper draft
*** Thanksgiving break - no meeting ***
13 12/1 looking ahead Indiana, Chloe 11/30: peer review