Lecture 16.0 — 2017-03-27
This lecture is written in literate Haskell; you can download the raw source.
import Test.QuickCheck
import System.Random
We spent class talking about QuickCheck. First, we saw the Gen
monad for generating random values. The sample :: Show a => Gen a -> IO ()
and sample' :: Gen a -> IO [a]
functions were useful here.
evenBelowTen :: Gen Int
evenBelowTen = elements [0,2,4,6,8]
fiveNums :: Gen [Int]
fiveNums = do
n1 <- evenBelowTen
n2 <- evenBelowTen
n3 <- evenBelowTen
n4 <- evenBelowTen
n5 <- evenBelowTen
return [n1,n2,n3,n4,n5]
Next, we wrote some properties. for example, we can check that addition is commutative by taking the following property “for all n1
and n2
sums_ok :: Int -> Int -> Bool
sums_ok n1 n2 = n1 + n2 == n2 + n1
and running quickCheck sums_ok
Next we played with generating binary trees:
data BST a = Empty | Node (BST a) a (BST a) deriving (Eq, Show)
bt :: Arbitrary a => Gen (BST a)
bt = oneof [return Empty,
Node <$> bt <*> arbitrary <*> bt]
The Arbitrary
type class is the piece of magic that lets quickCheck
work, by giving it a default generator of random values.
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (BST a) where
arbitrary = bt
We tried generating arbitrary binary search trees:
isBST :: Ord a => BST a -> Bool
isBST t = isBST' Nothing Nothing t
where isBST' lower upper Empty = True
isBST' lower upper (Node l x r) =
maybeBounded lower upper x &&
isBST' lower (Just x) l &&
isBST' (Just x) upper r
maybeBounded Nothing Nothing x = True
maybeBounded Nothing (Just upper) x = x < upper
maybeBounded (Just lower) Nothing x = lower < x
maybeBounded (Just lower) (Just upper) x = lower < x && x < upper
boundedBST :: (Arbitrary a, Ord a, Random a, Enum a) => a -> a -> Gen (BST a)
boundedBST lo hi | lo >= hi = return Empty
boundedBST lo hi =
oneof [return Empty,
v <- choose (lo,hi)
l <- boundedBST lo (pred v)
r <- boundedBST (succ v) hi
return $ Node l v r]
bsts :: (Arbitrary a, Bounded a, Ord a, Random a, Enum a) => Gen (BST a)
bsts = boundedBST minBound maxBound
We can test it out:
all_ok = forAll (bsts :: Gen (BST Int)) isBST
And then we con go further, testing some real BST functions:
insert x Empty = Node Empty x Empty
insert x (Node l y r) | x < y = Node (insert x l) y r
| x == y = Node l y r
| x > y = Node l y (insert x r)
delete x Empty = Empty
delete x (Node l y r)
| x < y = Node (delete x l) y r
| x > y = Node l y (delete x r)
| x == y = case (l,r) of
(Empty, _) -> r
(l, Empty) -> l
_ -> let (min, r') = deleteMin r in
Node l min r'
where deleteMin Empty = error "nope"
deleteMin (Node Empty x r) = (x,r)
deleteMin (Node l x r) =
let (min, l') = deleteMin l in
(min, Node l' x r)
find _ Empty = Nothing
find v (Node l x r)
| v < x = v `find` l
| v == x = Just x
| v > x = v `find` r
bsts' :: (Arbitrary a, Ord a) => Gen (BST a)
bsts' = listOf arbitrary >>= return . foldr insert Empty
insertFind :: Int -> BST Int -> Bool
insertFind x t = (find x $ insert x t) /= Nothing
insertValid :: Int -> Property
insertValid x = forAll bt $ \t -> isBST t ==> isBST $ insert x t
insertValid' :: Int -> Property
insertValid' x = forAll bsts $ \t -> isBST $ insert x t
insertValid'' :: Int -> Property
insertValid'' x = forAll bsts' $ \t -> isBST $ insert x t