Lecture 13.0 — 2017-03-01

Moving towards Monads

This lecture is written in literate Haskell; you can download the raw source.

We spent most of our time reworking chainl1:

import Data.Char
import Control.Applicative

newtype Parser a = Parser { parse :: String -> Maybe (a,String) }

instance Functor Parser where
  fmap f p = Parser $ \s ->
    case parse p s of
      Nothing -> Nothing
      Just (v,s') -> Just (f v,s')

instance Applicative Parser where
  pure a = Parser $ \s -> Just (a,s)
  f <*> a = Parser $ \s ->
    case parse f s of
      Nothing -> Nothing
      Just (g,s') -> parse (fmap g a) s'

eof :: Parser ()
eof = Parser $ \s -> if null s then Just ((),"") else Nothing

ensure :: (a -> Bool) -> Parser a -> Parser a
ensure pred p = Parser $ \s ->
  case parse p s of
    Nothing -> Nothing
    Just (a,s') -> if pred a then Just (a,s') else Nothing

satisfy :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char
satisfy p = Parser f
  where f [] = Nothing
        f (x:xs) = if p x then Just (x,xs) else Nothing

lookahead :: Parser (Maybe Char)
lookahead = Parser f
  where f [] = Just (Nothing,[])
        f (c:s) = Just (Just c,c:s)

instance Alternative Parser where
  empty = Parser $ \s -> Nothing
  p1 <|> p2 = Parser $ \s ->
    case parse p1 s of
      Just (a,s') -> Just (a,s')
      Nothing -> parse p2 s

int :: Parser Int
int = read <$> some (satisfy isDigit)

spaces :: Parser ()
spaces = many (satisfy isSpace) *> pure ()

char :: Char -> Parser Char
char c = spaces *> satisfy (==c)

plus, minus, times :: Parser Char
plus = char '+'
minus = char '-'
times = char '*'

num :: Parser Int
num = spaces *> int

Here’s the standard arithmetic parser we started with, extended with negation:

data Arith =
   Num Int
 | Plus Arith Arith
 | Times Arith Arith 
 | Neg Arith
 deriving Show

sub :: Arith -> Arith -> Arith
sub a b = Plus a (Neg b)

term, factor, neg, atom :: Parser Arith
term =       Plus <$> factor <* plus <*> term
         <|> sub  <$> factor <* minus <*> term
         <|> factor
factor =     Times <$> neg <* times <*> factor 
         <|> neg
neg =        Neg <$> (minus *> atom)
         <|> atom
atom = Num <$> num <|> (char '(' *> term <* char ')')

But this parser has a problem: it’s wrong! Consider parse term "5 - 3 - 2". The conventional rules of arithmetic indicate we should have left association, i.e., 5 minus 3 minus 2. But instead we get right associativity: 5 minus (3 minus 2).

How do we fix it? The idea is to understand a “chain” of left associative operations as a series of sub-operations separated by operators.

To warm up, here’s a way to parse one or more ps separated by a sep.

sepBy1 :: Parser a -> Parser sep -> Parser [a]
sepBy1 p sep = (:) <$> p <*> (many (sep *> p))

To define left chaining, we need our separator to not return some arbitrary, thrown away value—we want it to tell us which operator to use! Once we’ve collected all the operators, we can apply them left-associatively by using a fold:

chainl1 :: Parser a -> Parser (a -> a -> a) -> Parser a
chainl1 p sep = foldl (\acc (op,v) -> op acc v) <$> 
                p <*> many ((\op v -> (op,v)) <$> sep <*> p)

Refactored, we can verify that our grammar still works… try it out!

term', factor', neg', atom' :: Parser Arith
term' = factor' `chainl1` addop
  where addop =     (char '+' *> pure Plus)
                <|> (char '-' *> pure sub)
factor' = neg' `chainl1` mulop
  where mulop =     (char '*' *> pure Times)
neg' = Neg <$> (minus *> atom') <|> atom'
atom' = Num <$> num <|> (char '(' *> term' <* char ')')

We went further and defined a version of chainl1 that doesn’t need at least one thing:

chainl :: Parser a -> Parser (a -> a -> a) -> a -> Parser a
chainl p sep def = p `chainl1` sep <|> pure def

Motivating monads

We spent the last part of class trying to write a parser for a language like the following:

n, m are natural numbers

n : m_1 m_2 ... m_n


0 :
1 : 2
2 : 20 27


0 : 73 5 3
2 : 1

We want our parser to return the list of ints that comes after the count. We can write the first part pretty easily:

count :: Parser Int
count = num <* char ':'

And, given the count, we can write the rest with some helper functions:

list :: Int -> Parser [Int]
list n = sequenceA (replicate n num) <* eof

But how do we bind them together? We need a new operation that let’s us combine things:

instance Monad Parser where
  -- (>>=) :: Parser a -> (a -> Parser b) -> Parser b
  p1 >>= k = Parser $ \s ->
    case parse p1 s of
      Just (v,s') -> parse (k v) s'
      Nothing -> Nothing

lang :: Parser [Int]
lang = count >>= list

More to come!