

  1. Be sure to respond to the invitation to join Piazza. All communications will be made via that list.

  2. I will be out of town on Monday (giving a talk on Grace in Cambridge, England), but will be back on Tuesday evening. In place of class on Monday, I have recorded relatively short lecture segments. Read the text and watch the videos (and make sure you understand the programs!). They are available via the link on the web page for lecture 3. The lectures cover material that will be used in next week's lab, so be sure to watch them. You can ask questions in class Wednesday or post them on piazza.

  3. Lab starts promptly at 1:15 p.m. this afternoon. If you are well prepared it should go pretty smoothly and you should finish before 4 p.m.

  4. Thanks for letting me know about typos in the text and other materials. Please post them on Piazza. I will try to make fixes to the on-line materials as soon as possible.

  5. Where did the name Grace for the language come from? Grace is named after Grace Hopper, a famous early computer scientist who designed some of the earliest programming languages. (There is also a CS conference named after her - as well as a U.S. Navy destroyer. Lots of information is available on Wikipedia about her.) We also liked Grace because we hope to enable students to write graceful and elegant programs.
