# A3 **Deadline:** Tuesday, 02/20/24, 11:59 pm *This assignment may be done as individuals or with one partner. If you choose to work with a partner, you should submit one solution.* A3 and A4 are a two-part assignment. This first part (A3) is due on February 20. The second part (A4) is due of February 27. I expect A4 to take longer than A3, so you might want to get started on that one early. Unfortunately, I'm not going to post A4 on the website, I'm only going to give you an encrypted copy of A4. Your task for this week is to decrypt next week's assignment. The following information may be useful: I encrypted A4 with hybrid encryption using RSA-2048 with OAEP using SHA-256 and AES-256 in GCM. The starter files for A3, which include the RSA secret key (formatted in the PKCS8 standard), an encrypted copy of the AES key (formatted as a binary file), and the AES-encrypted A4 (formatted as a zip file), are available <a href="a3-starter.zip">here</a>. The randomly-generated IV used during AES encryption is 0x5A27710DB8004E0C4CF00573F5665290. If there are any other parameters you think would be useful to know, definitely ask! Hint: You could use any cryptographic library of your choice to implement the decryption, but you might find it helpful in the future if you use the same language as you plan to use for your project. **What to submit:** For A3, you should submit 1) the source code for a program that reads in the starter files and writes a (decrypted) file `a4.zip`, 2) a copy of the decrypted assignment handout `a4.pdf` (which you can find in the decrypted zip file), and 3) a feedback form specifying how long you spent on A3 and any comments or feedback on this assignment.