CS52 - Spring 2016 - Class 19

Lecture notes

  • admin
       - Academic honesty
       - Mentors

  • Binary operations
       - 5 operators
       - work bitwise
          - 5 & 4 = 101 & 100 = 100
          - 5 | 4 = 101 & 100 = 101
          - !5 = !101 = 010

       - Some more complicated ones
          - 110 & 100 | 011 = ?
             - order of operations!
                - !
                - &
                - | and ^
                - ->
          - 110 & 101 | 100 = 100
          - !110 & (101 | 100) = 001 & 101 = 001

  • Parsing binary expressions
       - EBNF for binary

       - 110 & 100 | 011
          - draw tree

       - 110 & 100 & 011
          - two possible trees!
             - &, | and ^ will all left associate
             - -> will right associate
       - !110 & (101 | 100)

  • Work left to right
       - can be done in a single pass
       - three main phases:
          - tokenization (scan): characters to tokens
          - parsing (parse): tokens to a syntax tree
          - evaluation (eval): syntax tree to a value

  • parsing
       - write at least one function for each production rule
          - e.g. byte, literal, etc.

       - should translate directly from the EBNF rules

       - each of these functions should:
          - take a list of tokens as input
          - consume as many tokens as needed for that particular component
          - return a tuple:
             1) the syntax tree from the created component
             2) a list of the remaining tokens that were not processed (i.e. were not part of this component)

  • Look at the disjunction function

  • Advice on how to proceed: work bottom up and debug as you go!