CS201 - Spring 2014 - Class 22
recursive DFS
search wrap-up
- other applications:
- game playing agents (e.g. chess)
tree terminology
- nodes are the elements of a tree
- edges connect the nodes
- the root of the tree is the top of the tree
- a subtree is any tree within the original tree (often including the original tree)
- parent/child relationships
- nodes have parents and children
- the children of a node are the nodes directly under it
- a node can have multiple children
- for a binary tree, at most two children
- the parent of a nodes is the the node directly above it in the tree
- for a tree, a node only has one parent
- all nodes except the root have a parent
- ancestor/descendant relationship
- a descendant of a node is any node under it in the tree (i.e. a child or a child or a child, etc.)
- every node except the root is a descendant of the root
- an ancestor of a node is any node above it in the tree (i.e. parent or a parent's parent, etc.)
- similarly, the root is an ancestor of every node
- siblings
- two nodes are siblings if they have the same parent
- leaf node
- a leaf node is a node that does not have any children (i.e. at the bottom of the tree)
- path
- a path is a set of edges connecting nodes n and m
- for a tree, we often say that a path must be the shortest set of edges from n to m
- the length of the path is the number of edges along the path
- height/depth of a node
- the height of the tree is the maximum path from the root to any leaf
- the depth of a node is the path length from the node to the root
- the root is at depth 0
- all children of the root at depth 1
- etc.
- degree of a tree
- for now, we'll only talk about binary trees, but you can have n-ary trees
- the degree of the tree is the maximum allowable number of children a node can have
- tree types
- simple tree (aka the loner)
- a single node by itself
- the twig
- each node has one child
- full tree
- every node has 2 children except the leaves
- complete tree
- full binary tree except the leaves are filled in from left to right
- tree properties
- given a tree of height h
- at most how many leaves does it have?
- maximum occurs when the tree is full
- 2^h
- in general, there are at most 2^d nodes at depth d
- what is the maximum number of nodes?
- the maximum number occurs when the tree is full
- bottom row has 2^h
- then 2^(h-1), 2^(h-2), ... , 1
- sum these up... 2^(h+1) - 1
- what is the minimum number of nodes?
- h+1, the twig
- given a full tree, what is the height of the tree with respect to the number of nodes?
n = 2^(h+1)-1
log n = h+1 log 2
h = O(log_2 n)
- expression trees
- (2 + 3) * 4
- ((4 + 2) * ((3 * 2) - 4)
- 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5
- ambiguous!
- geneology
- huffman codes (compression)
look at
BinaryTree code
- similar idea to a linked list however, instead of just one "next" node we have a left and a right child
- reinforces the idea that this is a recursive structure: a binary tree consists of a data item with left and right subtrees that are also binary trees
- "data" stores the data at this node
- "parent" references the parent
- why do we keep track of our parent?
- make some operations easier, e.g. depth
- left and right keep track of the children
- building a binary trees:
- for now, just two constructors:
- create a node with no children. When does this happen?
- leaf node
- create a node with children specified
- internal node
- where could we enforce the constraint that each node must contain two children?
- in the second constructor
- how do we build a binary tree with this implementation?
- from the bottom up!
- ((4 + 2) * ((3 * 2) - 4)
- look at buildSimpleTree method in BinaryTreeTraversal class