CS201 - Spring 2014 - Class 18
look at exercises for the day
look at
StringBufferExample code
StringBuffer vs. StringBuilder
The general ArrayList class implements the List interface (
- Which of the following methods are performed quickly by the ArrayList class (quickly being sub-linear)? Slowly?
- add to the end
- contains
- get
- insert at an index
- remove an element
- set the value of an existing element
- size
- Quick:
- add to the end (like we saw last time)
- get
- set
- size
- Slow:
- inserting an element at a particular index
- have to shift everything after towards the end
- removing an element
- have to remove and shift everything after towards the front
- contains
- have to iterate over every item
No free lunch!
- there's no one best data structure
- to make certain operations fast we often have to compromise and make other operations slower
- depending on what operations are important, one data structure may be more appropriate than another
- we're going to start looking at different data structures that are good at different things
Linked lists
- linked lists are a recursive data structure
- the data structure is built out of nodes
- a node stores both a data item as well as a reference to another node
- draw a picture and compare and contrast a picture of an array (or a Vector)
- how could we do this using a class?
- look at the IntNode class in
IntLinkedList code
- two things that we keep track of (with private instance variables)
- private int data: the data that we're actually storing in the node
- private IntNode next: a link to the next node in our linked list
- we have methods that allow us to access and manipulate the data within the node
- as well as methods that allow us to traverse and manipulate the links
- how could you build a linked list with N data items?
- start by creating node (node1) with some data
- create a new node (node2) with some other data and point it's next element at node1
- create a new node (nod3) with some more data and point it's next element at nod2
- etc, up through nodeN
- in the end, we'll have nodeN->nodeN-1->...->node3->node2->node1
- if someone gave us the first node, how would we traverse the linked list?
IntNode finger = head;
while( finger != null ){
finger = finger.next();
- We want to build a linked list data structure that supports similar operations to ArrayList. How would we do it?
- we'll just store a link the head of the linked list
- all of our operations will start at the head and then modify/traverse the list appropriately
- A few operations (look at
IntLinkedList code
- public void addFirst(int value)
- we need to associate head with a new value
- and set the "next" element for the new head to be the old head
- this is accomplished at the same time, using the Node constructor
- public int removeFirst()
- save the value of head so we can return it
- set head to be head.next()
- return the value of the original head
- public boolean contains(int value)
- start at the head and traverse through the nodes
- we can just keep a IntNode reference and update it with .next() to move to the next node
- stop when we either find it or we run off the end