Department of Computer Science
Middlebury College
CS 311 - Artificial Intelligence
Spring 2013

instructor: Dave Kauchak
e-mail: [first_initial][last_name]
office hours: MBH 635
  M/W 1-2:30pm
  F 11am-12
  and by appointment

time: T/Th 1:30-2:45am
location: MBH 538
web page: or go/cs311


Other information:


Note: This is a tentative schedule and will likely change
2/12intro (ppt),
python examples
Ch. 1, 2.1-2.3assignment 1 
2/14uninformed search (ppt)Ch. 3.1-3.4written 1 (solutions) 
2/19informed search (ppt)Ch. 3.5-3.6assignment 2 
2/21adversarial search (ppt)Ch. 5.1-5.3  
2/26game playing conclusions (ppt)
AB-pruning example
Ch. 5.4-5.9written 2 (solutions) 
2/28local search (ppt)Ch. 4.1-4.2  
3/5probability (ppt)Ch. 13 (Optional:Appendix A.3)assignment 3 
3/7more prob (ppt)Ch. 14.1-14.2  
3/12Naive Bayes (ppt)
mancala tournament
Ch. 20.1-20.2.2assignment 4Part 1 solution
3/14classification (ppt)Ch. 18.1-18.2  
3/19decision trees, review (ppt)  midterm
3/21SVMs (ppt)Ch. 18.3  
4/2k-means (ppt)Ch. 16, IR bookassignment 5 
4/4unsupervised learning (ppt)Ch. 20.3-20.3.1  
4/9neural nets (ppt)Ch. 18.6-18.7  
4/11neural net lab (in MBH 632)   
4/16present final project ideas Final Project 
4/18CSPs (ppt)Ch. 6written 3 (solutions) 
4/23knowledge representation (ppt)Ch. 7.4, 8.1-8.2, 12.1
Optional: NELL paper
4/25natural language processing (ppt)Ch. 23.4  
4/30robotics/review (ppt)Ch 25.1-25.2, 25.8-25.9 Exam 2
5/2computer vision (ppt)Ch. 24.1-24.3  
5/7philosophy of AI (ppt)Ch. 26Ch. 26 
5/9ethics of AI (ppt)   

Final exam (presentations!) on Monday, May 20, 7-10pm.
