CS62 - Spring 2010 - Lecture 19

  • Quiz: Exercise 15.3

    Suppose you have a hash table with seven entries (indexed 0 through
    6). This table uses open addressing with the hash function that maps each letter to its alphabet code (a = A = 0, etc.) modulo 7. Rehashing is accomplished using linear-probing with a jump of 1. Describe the state of the table after the letters D, a, d, H, a, and h are added to the table.

  • hashtable size
       - some rules of thumb
          - ~half full (default for java is .75, http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/util/HashMap.html) for open addressed hashtables
             - why?
                - recall, running time for most methods is O(1/1-alpha))
                - alpha = .75 gives us O(4), but degrades rapidly after that
          - prime number sizing
             - what happens if the size of the hashtable is a power of 2, e.g. 2^p?
                - if, like we did, we take the hashCode() and mod it with the hashtable size, what are we getting?
                - moding by 2^p maps the number so the numbers 0... 2^p
                - these are represented by the lower order p bits
                - not a very good use since we throw away the upper order bits
       - what happens if the load of our hashtable gets too large?
          - similar to ArrayList, create a new table that's larger
          - can we just copy the values over?
             - no, need to rehash since we've changed the size of the table, e.g. if use used mod m, then entries would be wrong

  • look at first.cpp code
       - our first C++ program!
       - what are some things that you notice that are common to Java?
          - main method
             - like Java, execution of the code starts in the main method
          - int variables
             - C++ has many of the standard types we've seen: int, double, float, char
             - and a few ones that are slightly different:
                - "long" in Java is "long int" in C++
                - "boolean" in Java is "bool" in C++
             - while we're on it, Java has 8 built in types:
                - short, int, long, double, float, boolean, char, byte
          - similar method construction
             - return type
             - method name
             - parameters
          - curly braces
          - control constructs
             - for loop
             - if statement
             - C++ has all the other familiar ones as well:
                - while
                - do-while
                - switch
                - if/else
          - method invocation
             - method name followed by parenthesis, which enclose the actual parameters
          - class method invocation with '.'
          - vector class
          - use of generics with the vector class, i.e. <int>
             - C++ has had generics for a while
             - Java just got them for version 1.5, which came out a few years ago (the latest version is v1.6)
       - C++ can be challenging to get right sometimes, but it should be noted many similarities there are between Java and C++
       - what are the differences?
          - where is the class???
             - unlike java, C++ code does not need to be in a class
                - in fact, although we will use multiple files to make our life easier, you can think of it as one gigantic chunk of code
          - main method
             - returns an int rather than being of type void
                - don't forget to return a value
                - a value of 0 means everything went ok
                - any other value, reports an error
             - doesn't have all that other stuff... public static
                - why did it need to be static in Java?
                   - methods have to be inside a class
                   - but to call a non-static method, we need an instance of the class (chicken and the egg :)
                - since it's not in a class, scope (public) isn't needed
             - doesn't take any arguments
                - though we can have a version that does take command-line arguments, but that's for another day
          - #include???
             - C++ can be thought of as one giant file of code (eventually)
             - if we need to use code from another class, we need to use #include
             - anything starting with # is called a pre-processor directective
                - the preprocessor runs before the compiler does
                - it can manipulate files, etc.
             - #include <x> says "copy the code from 'x' at the beginning of this file"
             - <> denotes a built-in, system class
             - we can use quotes "" to denote a user class/file and give the path to the file
          - using namespace std
             - what does the import command do in Java?
                - the import command makes our life easier
                - let's say we want to use the ArrayList class
                   - we could specify the full package path and use it that way:

                   java.util.ArrayList list = new java.util.ArrayList();
                   - this gets old pretty quickly
                   - if we import java.util.Arraylist, that says to make ArrayList part of our namespace, that is, whenever we refer to ArrayList, we're actually referring to java.util.ArrayList
             - in C++, the "using namespace std" commands tells the compiler to allow everything in the "std" namespace to be referred to without having to do anything special
                - equivalent of saying "import std" or something similar in Java
                - in C++, to refer to something in a namespace you type the name of the namespace followed by "::", i.e. "std::"
             - the vector class is in the std namespace, so it saves us from writing std::vector everywhere
             - in general, for most of our programs, you'll want to have this there (don't forget!!!)
          - vector
             - vector, similar to the Java Vector (or ArrayList) class
             - what happened to the "get" and "set" methods of Java?
                - in C++, you can access vector elements using the "[]"
                - in fact, there is no get or set method in the sense that Java has
                - why does this work?
                   - one of the neat things you can do in C++ is "operator overloading"
                      - what is an operator?
                         - special symbols that perform specific operations
                      - what operators have we seen?
                         - +, -, ...
                         - =, +=, ...
                         - ==, !=, <=
                         - &, |, ^
                         - <<, >>
                         - ++, --
                         - ?
                      - in C++, a class can change the functionality of built-in operators, e.g. '=', '<<' or, in this case '[]'
                   - Java can't do this, which is why we need methods like "equals"
             - it looks like in the simpleVersion method we're just creating a new variable to hold a vector, but this actually creates a vector!
                - "vector<int> nums" calls the zero parameter constructor in the vector class
             - how do we call constructors with parameters?
                - "vector<int> nums(10)" call the constructor with one parameter in the vector class
             - be careful!
                - "vector<int> nums()" does NOT call the zero parameter constructor
                - you'll get a compiler error
             - vector class is sort of a blend of arrays and ArrayList class
                - like noted above, we can use the '[]' operators on it to access items
                - notice that when we call the one parameter constructor, we can access the elements

                vector<int> nums(10);
                nums[8] = 10;

                - what would happen if we did this in Java?
                   - index out of bounds exception
                - what do you think will happen if we do:

                vector<int> nums;
                nums[8] = 10;

                run-time error (aka segmentation fault), just like Java, we cannot access elements in the vector that have not be instantiated (either via a push_back or via the constructor)
             - vector is part of a number of data structures in the STL (Standard Template Library)
                - look at C++ references on CS page
                - look at the different STL library classes
                - look at the vector class documentation
                   - many similar methods
                      - size
                      - insert
                   - some slightly renamed methods
                      - push_back instead of add
                   - there is an "at" method, but it's not the same as get... more on this later
                   - notice it has two things that start with "operator"
                      - operator[] (overloading of the [] for element access)
                      - operator= (overloading of the =)
                         - notice that it's listed as a constructor
                         - more on this in a bit
          - what is this "cout" business?
             - made available because of "#include <iostream>"
             - cout is an outputstream (similar to streams in Java)
             - cout is the particular name for the stream that allows you to print to the console/terminal
             - again, look at C++ documentation
                - C++ Standard Library: Input/Output Stream Library
                - if we scroll down, you can see "cout"
                   - "cout is an object of class ostream that represents the standard output stream"
                   - notice that it's just an object
                - look at ostream class
                   - what do you think we'll find in this class?
                   - "operator<<"
                      - "performs an output operation on that stream"
                      - for cout, that means printing to the console
                      - notice that it has methods for many different types
                      - notice that it returns an ostream
                         - how does that help us?
                         - allows us to chain multiple << together
             - back to the code... what does "cout << val << endl" do?
                - prints value of val to the console
                - prints "endl" to the console?
                - endl is a variable for the "end of line"
                   - it's included with <iostream>
          - filename is first.cpp?
             - what are the filename restrictions in Java?
                - class A, must be in A.java
             - in C++, there are no naming restrictions. You can use one file, multiple files and the filenames do not matter
             - by convention, when you have a class definition, you should put it in a filename with that same name .cpp

       - what does max do?
          - finds the maximum value in the vector
          - looks almost identical to what we would write in Java
       - what does simpleVersion() do?
          - creates a new vector
             - how many elements in it initially?
                - 0, it uses the default constructor
          - adds 1, 2 and 3 to the vector
          - calls max, to get the maximum value
          - prints out the maximum value to the console
             - in this case, 5
       - what does moreInteresting() do?
          - again, creates a new vector
          - creates a second vector nums2
          - sets the first entry in nums to be 15 (rather than 1)
          - calls max on nums2
          - what do you think is output?
             - two options:
                - 3
                - 15
          - what would be output in Java?
             - 15
          - 3 is actually output
          - what does this mean? why do you think this happens?
             - nums and nums2 are different objects