CS62 - Spring 2010 - Lecture 1

  • introduction to students
       - name
       - major, year, college
       - CS background
       - Why are you taking this course?
       - What do you hope to get out of the course?

  • goals of the class
       - Prereqs: 51 or AP CS. Should be familiar with Java specifically:
          - classes
          - arrays
          - control structures
          - recursion
       - advanced programming: more practice and more tools
       - data structures
       - basic performance analysis and design decisions
       - C++
       - After this class, you'll be ready to take upper division CS courses

  • Bursti (http://saras.cs.pomona.edu/bursti/) from cs160 in the Fall

  • administrative
       - show class web page
          - rough schedule
       - labs
          - two labs on Wed. and are required (no lab this week)
          - must come to one, but feel free to come to both
          - labs will lead generally be a lead in to assignment
       - computer accounts
       - I'll post everything online on the class web page
       - I will post my notes
       - Grading
       - Academic honesty (the code you write must be your own)

  • What makes a good computer program?
       - correct
       - efficient
       - readable/understandable/well-documented
       - reusable/easy to modify
       - data encapsulation/information hiding/abstraction
          - You write your code, how does your program actually end up running and showing up on the computer?
          - Let's ask some more directed questions
             - what is a string?
                - an ordered list of characters
             - what functionality do we have?
             - how is it implemented?
                - Could be many different ways, but most of the time, we don't care as long as the functionality is preserved. This is data abstraction.
          - The functionality, is called the interface
          - How this is done internally, is called the implementation      

  • Object oriented programming: The key to an object oriented programming language is managing complexity
       - classes
       - private, internal data
       - methods to access and manipulate the data
       - the only thing you need to know about a class is it's interface, i.e. it's public methods, not the details of how it's implemented

  • Why is OO programming useful/good?

  • Design a card dealer class
       - represent some number of decks of cards
       - What operations/functionality do we want (this is the interface)?
          - deal/get next card
          - are there cards left?
          - shuffle
       - What should the constructor consist of?
          - number of decks
       - Implementation details:
          - What data do we need to store?
             - somehow the state of the cards
          - How are we going to store that data?
          - Fill in the details of the methods
  • show CardDealer code
       - comment code!
       - coding style: I provide a style guideline online, but as you get better at programming you can experiment with what style works best for you. Just make sure you're consistent and it makes sense
       - constants: should always be caps and start with "private static final"
          - what do all of those words mean?
       - the book suggests using "protected" instead of "private". I'm going to use "private" and will talk about the difference soon.
       - What is "public static void main(String[] args)" and what do each of the parts mean?
       - Notice that all of our data is private (i.e. not accessible to outside classes), but we provide methods that allow interaction
       - What is the functionality of the Random class? What methods does it have?
          - We can look it up in the API
          - "import" allows us to bring in additional outside resources in to our class
       - How else could we implement the CardDealer methods?

  • show CardDealerBoolean code
       - just keep track of which cards have been dealt and then randomly pick a card from those remaining
       - same interface as CardDealer class, but different implementation
       - notice the use of private methods (setAllTrue)
       - which approach is better?
          - CardDealer seems more intuititive
          - CardDealer is more efficient (particularly as we have fewer undealt cards)
          - CardDealerBoolean uses less memory
             - how many bits do we need to store a boolean variable?
             - int's use 32 bits to represent the numbers... how many numbers can we represent?

  • Design a stopwatch class
       - What functionality should we have?
          - start
          - stop
          - reset
          - getTime
       - Be specific about the functionality:
          - What happens if we call start twice in ?
          - What happens if we call stop twice in a row? or without having called start?
          - What happens if we call start then call reset (without calling stop)?
       - What data do we need to store?
          - start time
          - stop time (or accumulated time)
          - whether it's running or not (what happens if we just hit stop twice without using a running variable?)

  • show StopWatch code