CS150 - Fall 2012 - Class 6

  • apples and bananas
       - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oacQL7UQtlk

  • admin
       - keep reading the book. We'll jump around a bit from the normal order of the book, so let me know if you find anything confusing.
       - Do the Lab prep for Friday! It's particularly important for this lab.
       - CS lunch on Friday in LaForce 121 (down the hall from Ross dining hall)

  • A quick review of strings from last time
       - we can index particular characters in the string using []'s. Indexing starts at 0
          >>> test = "a string"
          >>> test[0]
          >>> test[2]
          >>> test[-2]
       - we can get a substring (or part) of a string using slicing, giving a range of indices
          >>> test[2:4]
          >>> test[1:6]
          ' stri'
       - We commonly want to iterate over the characters in a string. We can do this using range over the length of the string

          for i in range(len(test)):
             print test[i] # do something with test[i]

  • look at apples_and_bananas function in string_basics.py code
       - What does the function do?
          - iterates through each of the vowels and "replaces" them in the string with whatever letter was passed in

       - Strings are objects
          - objects represent data
          - but they also have "methods" that we can call on them
             - to call a method, we use the '.' notation
             >>> x = "this is a string"
             >>> x.upper()
             'THIS IS A STRING'
             >>> x.capitalize()
             'This is a string'
             >>> x.find("a")
          - We can do this on anything that represents a string including variables like above, or on string literals:
             >>> "this is a string".upper()
             'THIS IS A STRING'
             >>> "this is a string".capitalize()
             'This is a string'
             >>> "this is a string".find("a")

       - Strings are immutable!
          - test.replace("i", "a") does NOT change test
          - test.upper() does NOT changes test to upper case, but returns a new string that is the capitalize version

  • What other methods might we want for strings?
       - upper / lower
       - find
       - replace
       - startswith / endswith
       - isalnum
       - isalpha
       - isdigit
       - islower
       - isupper
       - Many more, look at the documentation: http://docs.python.org/library/string.html

  • Problem set 5 problem 1

  • A few examples to try
       >>> test = " A string"
       >>> test[4]
       >>> test[-5]
       >>> test[-10]
       Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "<string>", line 1, in <fragment>
       IndexError: string index out of range
       >>> test[0:2]
       ' A'
       >>> test[2:7]
       ' a stri'
       >>> test[7:]
       >>> test.lower()
       " a string"
       >>> test.upper()
       " A STRING"
       >>> test.find("i")
       >>> test.find("ring")
       >>> test.find("A string")
       >>> test.find("banana");
       >>> " This is a string".find("i", 4)
       >>> test.replace("s", "S")
       " A String"
       >>> test.replace("stri", "ris");
       " A rising"
       >>> "This is a string".replace("i", "")
       "Ths s a strng"
       >>> test.upper()[3:]
       >>> test.upper().replace("i", "n").lower().find("n")
       >>> test[0:3] + "longer " + test[3:]
       " A longer string"
       >>> test.startswith(" A ")
       >>> test.startswith(" a")
       >>> test.endswith("n");
       >>> test.endswith("string");
       >>> test.lower()[6:8].startswith("i")