CS51 - Spring 2010 - Lecture 20
Exercise 16.5.2:
- String s = "I drank java on the island of Java."
- s.indexOf("java");
- s.indexOf("java", 8);
- s.indexOf("java", 9);
- s.indexOf("an");
- s.indexOf("an", 4);
- s.indexOf("an", 5);
Quick review from last time:
- what String methods do we have?
- length
- indexOf
- substring
- trim
- replace
- toLowerCase/toUpperCase
- startsWith/endsWith
- split
- Strings are immutable... what does that mean?
- e.g. String test = " this is a string ";
- test.trim() does NOT change test!
A few more methods:
test = " A string";
- test.length();
(don't confuse this with array .length, which is not a method call)
- How do you think a String is represented/implemented?
- array!
- of characters
- test.toCharArray()
[' ', 'A', ' ', 's', 't', 'r', 'i', 'n', 'g']
- test.charAt(4)
- test == " A string";
- test.equals(" A string");
- test.equals(" a string");
- test.equalsIgnoreCase(" a string");
- " A string" == " A string"
(Java uses a pool of Strings for string literals, so if a String literal occurs multiple times, it actually refers to the same String. Bottom line, just use .equals!)
StringDemos demo
BuildDemoPage demo
- produces html code
- this is what generates web pages (along with scripts, etc)
- html tags
- <tag>...</tag>
- a few special tags that are by themselves: <br>
- view page source
- sometimes tags can contain "attributes"
- attribute_name="attribute value"
- these provide additional information but are not part of the tag name
- for example, the applet tag
look at
BuildDemoPage code
- '+' for concatenate
- \n
- \"
- other special characters (
- \t
- \\
- \'
- why do we need these escape characters?
- something to watch out for
- with any code with user input, be careful about malicious users or corner cases
- what if the class name has an html tag in it?
counting occurrences of a word in a string
- public int wordCount(String text, String word){
int count = 0;
int index = text.indexOf(word, 0);
while ( index >= 0 ){
index = text.indexOf(word, index + 1);
return count;
- what if we wanted non-overlapping occurrences?
- index = text.indexOf(word, index + word.length());
- char: another built-in type (like int, double, ...)
- char c = 'a';
- char c = "this is a string".getChar(7);
- char[] charArray = "this is a string".toCharArray();
- characters have integer values
- what can we do with Integer?
- >, <, >=, <=, ...
characters have a defined sequence a...z, A...Z, 0...9
- Character class has some useful static methods (like Integer or Double)
- Character.isUpperCase(char c)
- Character.isWhiteSpace(char c);
- Character.isLetter(char c);
- Character.isLetterOrDigit(char c);
- Character.isDigit(char c);
- We can write:
private void method(int x, int y){
if( x < y ){
// do something
- What if we wanted to write:
private void method(String x, String y ){
if( x < y ){
// so something
- the comparison operators (<, >, <=, >=) only work on built-in data types, not on classes
- However, seems like there is a natural ordering to String and we could compare them...
- compareTo(String s) method
- another method of the String class is the compareTo method
- returns a number < 0 if this String is less than the String passed in
- returns 0 if this String is equal to the String passed in
- return a number > 0 if this String is greater than the String passed in
- look at the Comparable interface (
- "Compares this object with the specified object for order. Returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object."
- The String class implements the Comparable interface and has a compareTo method
- can be used in general to compare objects if you want
private void method(String x, String y ){
if( x.compareTo(y) < 0 ){
// so something
counting the number of sentences
- For our purposes a sentence is:
- a string of characters ending in a period followed by a space (or the end of the string)
- the last word in the sentence should not be capitalized
- public int sentenceCount(String text){
String[] words = text.split(" ");
int count = 0;
for( String word: words ){
if( word.endsWith(".") ){
char first = word.getChar(0);
if( !(first >= 'A' && first <= 'Z' ){
// if( Character.isUpperCase(first) )
TP2: Centipede
- read the whole description!
- design
- due on 11/24 at 11am (i.e. beginning of class)
- won't grade until we grade your final submission
- my advice:
- make sure you understand the general problem
- think at a high-level about how things interact
- think through the questions in "The Design" section
- incrementally develop the design by walking through the "Implementation Order" section, updating your design as you go
- go back to the question in "The Design" section and make sure you've addressed them all
- grading
- 100 points total
- like TP1 must to some extra credit to get 100 (this time, just 2 points worth)
- up to 5 additional points of EC
- 60 points come from just the style and design!
- incremental design
- much better to turn in good quality code that implements most of the functionality than bad code that implements everything
- code quality
- be careful not to introduce bad coding style with your extra credit
- review the notes on 11/1 about common style mistakes