CS62 - Spring 2021 - Class 3

Example code in this lecture


Lecture notes

  • Admin
       - my office hours today: 4-4:30pm
       - how is assignment 1 going?
       - assignment deadlines: 11:59 *any* time zone
       - lab tomorrow
       - quiz on Thursday
       - assignment 2 out tomorrow

  • Quick recap from last time...

  • static
       - variables
          - Everything in Java has to be inside a class
          - For instance variables, that means that each time we get a new copy of the object, we get extra copies of the variables
          - For constants, that means each copy of the object will have it's own versions of the constants. Does that make sense?
          - No!
             - if we declare a variable to be static, there's only one version of it PER class, NOT per object
          - all constants we will declare as static

       - methods
          - Java does not have functions, it only has methods
             - a function is a standalone piece of code that is not associated with a class
             - a method is called on an object, e.g. variable.methodName(...)
          - There are some times when we might want to have function-like behavior? Any ideas when?
             - Some things really should just be function (e.g., math operations like round, abs, etc. -- https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/lang/Math.html)
             - our code has to start somewhere. Chicken and the egg problem: what code constructs the first object?
          - For these reasons, there are static methods
          - details:
             - static methods can be called *without* instantiated an object
                - if you're inside the class, you can just write the name of the method (though this isn't that different from calling a non-static method)
                - if you're outside of the class, you can call it by saying the class name . (dot) the method name

             - static methods cannot access any non-static instance variables (instance variables are associated with an instance of the class).

  • We're now able to understand the main method!!!
       - public: accessible outside of the class
       - static: stand-alone method that does not access/require any state of an object (i.e. access instance variables)
       - void: doesn't return anything
       - main: name of the method
       - String[]: an array of Strings
       - args: the name of the parameter

  • JavaDoc: documentation in Java
       - JavaDoc is a way of commenting your code that *also* allows for html documentation to be generated!
       - http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/documentation/index-137868.html
       - a way for you to communicate the "interface" to other programmers/users
       - /** is the beginning comment delimiter for classes/methods
          - if you type this above the class or a method and hit return, Eclipse will automatically generate a template for you!
       - Two basic parts
          - The document comment, which is written in HTML and is the first non-whitespace-line chunk of text
       - block tags. The main ones we'll use are below, but many more online
          - @author
          - @param
          - @return
          - @throws
       - We can generate the HTML from the comments using eclipse (or on the command line)
          - In Eclipse: Project->Generate Javadoc...
          - in the left window, select the classes that you want to generate the javadoc for (generally, you should do one project at a time)
          - select the destination (the "doc" folder within the project is a good place)
          - click "finish" (or "next" if you'd like other options)
          - generate HTML output with the documentation!

  • initializing variables
       - When we declare a new variable, Java creates a new space in memory for the value
          - if it's a primitive type, the value will go directly there
          - if it's anything else, it will be a reference to an object
       - We often will declare the variable and assign to it immediately:
          int x = 2;
          Card c = new Card(1, "hearts");
       - However, we can also decouple these steps:
          int x;
          x = 2;
          Card c;
          c = new Card(1, "hearts");

       - What would happen if we looked at/printed out the value of a variable *before* assigning to it?
             - In some languages, this isn't well defined!

       - In Java, when you create a variable without assigning to it, it gets a default value
          - For the primitive types, it's something reasonable (often 0)
          - For everything else, we get "null"
             - null is Javas way of indicating that this variable is not associated with a value.

  • look at Initialization.java in Initialization code
       - Anything unusual about the code?

       - Where is the constructor?!?
          - If you don't specify a constructor, Java will automatically generate a zero parameter constructor for you
          - It doesn't do anything, but the object get created along with the instance variables
       - this
          - every class has an instance variable (that is implicitly declared) call "this"
          - The type of the variable is the type of class, in this case Initialization
          - It holds *the current object", i.e., it is a reference to the object that the methods are being called on
          - Most of the time "this" isn't needed:
             - you can just say
             x = 2
             - and don't need to say
             this.x = 2

             though they do the same thing

          - in setX there is a parameter x and an instance variable x
             - if we wrote x = x
                - this is just assigning to the parameter x it's own value

             - this.x = x

             says store into the instance variable x the value of the parameter x

          - we could have also just written

             public void setX(int number){
                x = number;

              but it's often convenient to use the same name to make it explicit

  • look at Initialization.java in Initialization code
       - What would happen if we run test1()?
          - We'll see:
             4 of hearts

       - What would happen if we run test2()?
          - We haven't set the values, so we'll get the default values

       - What would happen if we run test3()?
          - try to call a method on an object that doesn't exist!

  • java.lang.NullPointerException
       - You will get null pointer exceptions
          - it just happens if you program long enough in Java
       - The cause is that you tried to access some value as if it were an object, but it was actually null