CS51A - Spring 2022 - Class 22

Example code in this lecture


Lecture notes

  • administrative
       - nim!

  • web pages
       - what is a web page or more specifically what's in a web page?
          - just a text file with a list of text, formatting information, commands, etc.
          - generally made up from three things:
             1) html (hypertext markup language): this is the main backbone of the page
             2) css: contains style and formatting information
             3) javascript: for handling dynamic content and other non-static functionalities
          - this text is then parsed by the web browser to display the content
       - you can view the html source of a web page from your browser
          - in Safari: View->View Source
          - in Firefox: View->Page Source
          - in Chrome: View->Developer->View Source
       - html content
          - html consists of tags (a tag starts with a '<' and ends with a '>')
          - generally tags come in pairs, with an opening tag and closing tag, e.g. <html> ... </html>
          - lots of documentation online for html

  • if we look at the course webpage (http://www.cs.pomona.edu/classes/cs51a/) we can see the html that generates it

  • reading from web pages using urllib.request
       - look at url_basics.py code : what does the print_data function do?
          - looks very similar to other functions we've seen before for reading data
          - key difference: we're reading from a webpage!
       - to read from a webpage, we need to open a connection to it (like opening a file)
          - there is a package urllib.requests that supports various web functionality
             - the main function we'll use is urlopen

             from urllib.request import urlopen

          - once you have a connection open, you can read it a line at a time, like from a file, etc.

       - if we run this on the course webpage we see the following output:
          >>> print_data("http://www.cs.pomona.edu/classes/cs51a/")

          - which mirrors roughly the same text we saw through our browser

          - anything different?
             - b!
          - these aren't actually strings. We can check the type by adding an extra print statement

       - if we run again with the type information printed out we see:
          <class 'bytes'>

          - bytes is another class that represents raw data
          - webpages can contain a wide range of characters (e.g., Chinese characters)
          - we need to know how to interpret the raw data to turn it into characters

  • A best guess: look at the print_url_data function from url_basics.py code
       - often web pages will have as metadata the character encoding to use
       - for our purposes, we'll just make a best guess at a common encoding scheme, ISO-8859-1, which handles a fair amount of web pages
       - the byte class has a 'decode' method that will turn the bytes into a string
       - if we run print_url_data, we'll see that we get the same output, but now as strings:
          >>> print_data("http://www.cs.pomona.edu/classes/cs51a/")

  • look at url_extractor.py code
       - what does the get_note_urls function do?
          - opens up the course web page
          - reads a line at a time
             - checks each line to see if it contains any lecture notes
             - if so, keeps track of it in a list

          - str.find(some_string):
             - returns the index in str where some_string occurs, or -1 if it doesn't
             - starts searching from the beginning of the string
          - str.find(some_string, start_index)
             - rather than starting at the beginning, start searching at start_index

             >>> "banana".find("ana")
             >>> "banana".find("ana",2)

          - what does "begin_index = line.find(search_line)" do?
             - finds where the lecture strings starts
          - what does "end_index = line.find('"', begin_index)" do?
             - searching for the end of the link

       - what does write_list_to_file do?
          - opens a file, this time with "w" instead of "r"
             - "w" stands for write
             - if the file doesn't exist it will create it
             - if the file does exists, it will erase the current contents and overwrite it (be careful!)
          - we can also write to a file without overwriting the contents, but instead appending to the end
             - "a" stands for append
          - just like with reading form a file, we get a file object from open
          - the "write" method writes an object to the file as a string
          - why do I have the "\n" appended on to the end of item?
             - write does NOT put a line return after the end of it
             - if you want one, you need to put it in yourself
       - what does write_lectures function do?
          - gets the lecture urls from the course web page
          - writes them to a outfile

  • Revisiting url_extractor.py code
       - look at the webpage
       - look at the output: do we get *all* of the lecture note links?
          - No! We miss those with the .pptx links. Why?
          - the code assumes one lecture per line, but that's not true

       - how do we fix this?
          - rather than searching per line, treat the entire webpage as a long string
          - search for the first occurrence of lecture
          - extract it
          - then search again starter at the end of that occurrence

  • look get_note_urls_improved function in url_extractor_improved.py code
       - read
          - rather than reading a line at a time, we can read the entire contents all at once
          - this also works on files
       - we then decode this so that page_text has all of the webpage text as a string

       - what does "begin_index = page_text.find(search_line)" do?
          - searches for the index of the first occurrence of "lectures/"
          - will the code enter the while loop?
             - if it finds an occurrence

       - what does "end_index = page_text.find('"', begin_index)" do?
          - searches for the end of the link
       - we can then extract the url
       - what does "begin_index = page_text.find(search_line, end_index)" do?
          - searches *again*, but not starting at end_index, the end of the last link found

       - if we run the improved version, we now get the pptx links too

  • how could we change our code to just extract the name of the file (e.g., lecture1-intro.html)?
       - look at get_note_files_only function in url_extractor_improved.py code
       - key change: we want to skip the "lectures/" part when extracting the page
          - rather than using begin_index, we want to skip the length of "lectures/" forward when extracting

  • what's the difference between http and https
       - the 's' stands for secure
       - when you communicate with an https website:
          - you get some reassurance that you're actually communicating with the website (rather than someone pretending to be the website)
          - your communications are encrypted so it's difficult to see what information you're sending back and forth
       - there is a bit of overhead in setting up this communication properly
          - the right way is to install SSL certificates for python
       - for simplicity, however, you can also tell python to simply ignore the SSL certificates and connect to an https site without checking.
       - look at url_basics_ssl.py code
          - urlopen has an optional parameter that you can specify that will allow you to connect to an https webpage without checking ssl certificates