def add(num1, num2): """ Adds two numbers :param num1: (num) number 1 to add :param num2: (num) number 2 to add :return: (num) the sum of the two given numbers """ return num1 + num2 def double(num): """ Doubles the provided number :param num: (num) the number to double :return: (num) the provided number doubled """ return 2 * num def add_then_double(a, b): """ Adds two numbers and then doubles the result :param a: (num) the first number to add :param b: (num) the second number to add :return: (num) the doubled summation of the two provided numbers """ added = add(a, b) return double(added) # return doubled # could have also been written as one line: # return double(add(a,b))