Machine Learning - Spring 2022 - Class 21

  • admin
       - assignment 9 out
          - start working on at least the installation part (it will only take an hour or so)
          - Can also start on the mapreduce on paper part, though we'll look at more examples on Thursday
          - two parts

       - Midterm 2 will be posted on Monday
          - Cover everything from large margin classifiers up through mapreduce
             - won't ask you to write mapreduce code
          - open book, open notes

  • All hadoop demos can be found in the hadoop examples directory

  • what does the "map" function do in other languages?

  • general mapreduce program pipeline
       1. the input is provided to the mapreduce program
          - think of the input as a giant list of elements
          - elements are ALWAYS some key/value pair
          - however, the default key/value pair is:
             - key = byte offset into the file
             - value = line in a file
       2. each key/value pair is passed to the mapping function
          - the mapping function takes a key/value pair as input
          - does some processing
          - and outputs zero or more key/value pairs as output (not necessarily the same types as input)
       3. all of the output pairs are grouped by the key
          - this results in: key -> value1, value2, value3, ... for all the values associated with that specific key
          - this is still a key value pair
             - the key = key
             - the value = and iterator over values
       4. these new key/value pairs are then passed to the reducer function
          - input is key -> value iterator
          - does some processing (often some sort of aggregation)
          - outputs the final key/value pairs, which should the the answer (or at least answer to the subproblem)

  • let's try and write a function that counts the number of word occurrences in a file

  • writing a mapreduce program
       - three components:
          1. map function
          2. reduce function
          3. driver

  • to write your own program, here's how I recommend doing it
       1. Figure out what your input is
          - in particular, what will the map step get as input for it's key/value
          - the default is just a line in a file
       2. Figure out how to break the program down into a map step and a reduce step
          - The map step will take the input, do some processing and produce a new collection of key/value pairs
          - The reduce step will take the output from the map step as input and then produce another new collection of key/value pairs
          - Sometimes, you may have to break the program into multiple map/reduce steps!
             - most of the programs we'll look at can be accomplished with just 1-2 map/reduce steps
       3. Write pseudo-code for the map and reduce functions
          - be very specific about what the key/value input/output types are for the map/reduce step
          - think about what processing needs to happen in each function
             - ideally, you should keep this processing down to a minimum
             - there cannot be shared state between calls to the map function!
                - if you find that you need it, you need to rethink how to write the program
       4. Write the code
          a. Decide whether you want to have a single class (with nested map and reduce classes) or three classes
          b. Write your map function
             - convert your input types into the appropriate hadoop types (IntWritable, DoubleWritable, Text, ...)
          c. Write a basic driver function
             - setup the job configuration, in particular
                - create a new JobConf item based on the driver class
                - set the job name
                - set the key/value output types
                - Optional: if the key/value output types of the map are *different* than the output types of the reduce stage, set these as well
                - set the mapper and reducer classes
                - Optional: if you're using a combiner class, set that as well
                - set the input and output directories
                - Optional: if your program requires additional input, set these as well
                - setup code to run the job
          d. Debug your map function
             - I strongly encourage you to use the NoOpReducer and make sure your map function it printing out what you expect before trying to put the whole thing together
             - Run it on some test data and make sure your map function is working
          e. Write your reduce function
             - convert your input types into the appropriate hadoop types
          f. Put it all together and run it!

  • general overview: first, let's look at how we can break this down into a map step and a reduce step
       - map step for word count?
          - input is a line
          - two output options
             - option 1: word -> # of occurrence in this line
             - option 2: word -> 1 for each word in the line
          - either of the options is fine, however, most often will choose option 2
             - simpler to implement
             - you want the map function to be as fast and as simple as possible
             - you want to avoid having to declare/create new objects since this takes time
                - remember that this map function is going to be called for *every* line in the data
             - you want the processing for each call to map to be as consistent as possible
       - reduce step
          - the reduce step gets as input the output from the map step with the values aggregated into an iterator per key
             - in our case: word -> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 (an iterator with a bunch of 1s)
          - all we need to do is some these up and output a pair of word -> sum

  • input/output types
       - before you can actually write your program you need to figure out what types of the input and output should be
          - the input and output are always key/value pairs

       - mapreduce types
          - The main types we'll use are:
             - Text
             - IntWritable
             - LongWritable
             - DoubleWritable
             - BooleanWritable
          - Why do they have their own built-in types (instead of say, Integer, Double, Long, ...)?
             - They're mutable!
             - In MapReduce programs we try hard to minimize the number of objects created

  • types for word count
       - map
          - the default input to a mapper is
             - key = number (the specific type is LongWritable)
             - value = line (the specific type is Text)
          - the output types will depend on what computation you're doing
             - for word count?
                - key = Text
                - values = IntWritable (could actually use almost anything here)
       - reduce
          - the input to reduce will always be the output from the map function, specifically
             - input key type = map output key type
             - input value type = Iterator<map output value type>
          - the output to reduce will depend on the task (but the key is often the same as the input key)
             - for word count?
                - key = Text (the word)
                - value = IntWritable

  • look at WordCount code
       - both the map and reduce function MUST be written in their own classes
          - the map function should be in a class that implements Mapper
             - three methods to implement: map, close and configure
             - often we'll extend MapReduceBase which has default methods for close and configure
          - the reduce function should be in a class that implements Reducer
             - three methods to implement: reduce, close and configure
             - often we'll extend MapReduceBase again
          - two options for generating these classes (we'll see both in examples for this class)
             - stand alone classes
             - as static classes inside another class
                - for simple approaches (and approaches where we don't need any state) this is a nice approach

       - WordCountMapper class
          - when implementing the Mapper interface, we need to supply the types for the input/output pairs
          - then we just have to implement the map function
             - takes 4 parameters
                - first is the input key
                - second is the output key
                - third is the collector, which is where we'll put all of our input/output pairs that we're *outputting* (to the reduce phase)
                - fourth is a reporter, which we'll talk about later
             - functionality:
                - split up the line into words
                - for each word, add an output pair word -> 1
                - why do we have the two instance variables?

       - WordCountReducer class
          - when implementing the Reducer interface, we need to supply the types for the input/output pairs
          - then we just have to implement the reduce function
             - takes 4 parameters
                - first is the input key (it will be the same type as the output key type from the map function)
                - second is an iterator over values (the type of the iterator will be the output value type from the map function)
                - third is the collector, which is where we'll put all of our input/output pairs that we're *outputting* (for the final output)
                - fourth is a reporter, which we'll talk about later
             - functionality
                - the iterator should have all of the word occurrence counts (in our case, a lot of 1s)
                - iterate over this and keep track of the sum

       - run
          - To run a mapreduce job you need to tell it a number of things, e.g. what the output types are and what the map and reduce classes are
          - This is specified in the JobConf configuration file
             - look at the run method as a good example of how to set this up
          - Based on this configuration, you then instantiate a JobClient and actually run the job by calling .runJob

       - main
          - There still needs to be an entry into the Java program, so we need a main method somewhere
          - It doesn't have to be in the same class as the "run" method, but we'll often put it there for convenience

  • Note about performance
       - The map and reduce function will get called many, many times (e.g. the map function for each line in the file)
       - Because of this, even small changes in efficiency of these functions can drastically impact the overall run-time
       - A few observations about the WordCount code regarding efficiency:
          - Avoid instantiating variables wherever possible (you see this in both the map and reduce methods)
             - use the "set" methods on a single instance variable
             - the collector copies the data so it's fine to reuse a variable
          - Avoid data structures
             - This is why we prefer outputting 1 for a word rather than the word count per line
          - Use static final constants when you can   

  • running the application (see assignment 9 for more notes on this)
       1) Make sure the code compiles in Eclipse
       2) Create a jar file
          - cd into the workspace directory for your project
          - cd into the "bin" directory of your project
          - create the jar file
             > jar -cvf myjar.jar packages
       3) Copy the file to the VM server
          - copy the file to the server

             > scp -P 2522 myjar.jar training@

             - just using ':' says copy it into your home directory on the VM, you can also put it in a subdirectory if you want by adding that
       4) ssh into the VM
          > ssh -p 2522 training@
          (password is also 'training')
       5) run the program on the VM hadoop cluster
          > hadoop jar myjar.jar demos.WordCount
          WordCount <input_dir> <output_dir>

          - To actually run it, specify the input and output directory
             - The input directory should have one or more text file. MapReduce will process *all* files in the directory.
             - The output directory *must not exist*. If it does, you'll get an error

  • A few more details on how the MapReduce framework works:
          - (this link also has some more nice MapReduce examples)