**Completed Rough Draft** [Back to Neural Networks](https://cs.pomona.edu/classes/cs152/) # Project Milestones 01. [Individual Proposals (due week 3)](01-proposals.mdeep.html) 02. [Introduction Outline (due week 4)](02-introduction-outline.mdeep.html) 03. [Related Works Search (due week 5)](03-related-works-search.mdeep.html) 04. [Project Update 1 (due week 6)](04-update1.mdeep.html) 05. [Self-Assessment and Peer Evaluations 1 (due week 6)](05-evaluations1.mdeep.html) 06. [Introduction and Related Works Draft (due week 7)](06-introduction-related-works-draft.mdeep.html) 07. [Project Update 2 (due week 8)](07-update2.mdeep.html) 08. [Methods Outline (due week 9)](08-methods-outline.mdeep.html) 09. [Self-Assessment and Peer Evaluations 2 (week 10)](09-evaluations2.mdeep.html) 10. [Discussion Outline (due week 11)](10-discussion-outline.mdeep.html) 11. **Complete Rough Draft (due week 14)** 12. [Final Self-Assessment and Peer Evaluations (due Monday finals week)](12-evaluations3.mdeep.html) 13. [Complete Project and Revisions (due Wednesday finals week)](13-completed-project.mdeep.html) # Requirements Note: **there is not late due date for this item. It must be completed by the end of the day on April 28.** Update your existing web-page. - Revise your existing text. - Fill in your methods section. - Fill in your discussion section. + What is the key message for your work? + **Include an ethics discussion here, if appropriate, or as a separate unrelated section afterward.** If your project doesn’t touch on any ethical issues, you should write about an unrelated ethical topic of your choice. It does not need to fit the narrative. - Add a short reflection section. + What would you do differently next time? + How would you continue this work (e.g., what extensions would you pursue)? - At least 1400 words (though I suspect some groups will have substantially more). - Although I've listed several sections, you can feel free to add any additional sections as you see fit (for example, "Future Work"). If you want some extra insight on writing a research paper, I agree with most of Simon Peyton Jones's information in [How to write a great research paper](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/academic-program/write-great-research-paper/). **You will submit a link to your web-page on gradescope.** # Advice and Grading This rough draft should be a mostly complete submission. You can, of course, update it prior to the final submission, but all of your work should be complete. For the final draft, you might want to polish up charts, figures, and tables, but don't plan to make any significant changes. As this project is fairly open-ended, it is difficult to give a precise rubric. However, here is a list of important concepts (**not all papers will address all concepts**), did you - clearly state the thesis of your project? - provide clear evidence supporting your thesis? - provide a clear explanation as to why you could not support your thesis? - develop a new technique from scratch? - create your own dataset? - compare several different methods (e.g., CNNs vs fully-connected vs RNNs)? - compare several different models (e.g., Resnets, YOLO, Inception, custom)? - compare several different sets of hyperparameter values? - compare your results with a baseline (e.g., human-level accuracy, or a non-machine learning method)? - compare different frameworks (e.g., PyTorch, TensorFlow, etc.) - create an application for your final model? - provide a thorough analysis of the ethical implications? - survey several existing works and discussion their strengths and weaknesses? - support your claims/analysis with appropriate data and figures? - create something beyond what you'd find in a simple tutorial? - describe the strengths and weaknesses of your data, model, and approach in general?