**Introduction and Related Works Draft** [Back to Neural Networks](https://cs.pomona.edu/classes/cs152/) # Project Milestones 01. [Individual Proposals (due week 3)](01-proposals.mdeep.html) 02. [Introduction Outline (due week 4)](02-introduction-outline.mdeep.html) 03. [Related Works Search (due week 5)](03-related-works-search.mdeep.html) 04. [Project Update 1 (due week 6)](04-update1.mdeep.html) 05. [Self-Assessment and Peer Evaluations 1 (due week 6)](05-evaluations1.mdeep.html) 06. **Introduction and Related Works Draft (due week 7)** 07. [Project Update 2 (due week 8)](07-update2.mdeep.html) 08. [Methods Outline (due week 9)](08-methods-outline.mdeep.html) 09. [Self-Assessment and Peer Evaluations 2 (week 10)](09-evaluations2.mdeep.html) 10. [Discussion Outline (due week 11)](10-discussion-outline.mdeep.html) 11. [Complete Rough Draft (due week 14)](11-completed-rough-draft.mdeep.html) 12. [Final Self-Assessment and Peer Evaluations (due Monday finals week)](12-evaluations3.mdeep.html) 13. [Complete Project and Revisions (due Wednesday finals week)](13-completed-project.mdeep.html) # Requirements By now, you should have a good idea of your project’s motivations, scope, and *potential* results. Thus, you will now start filling in portions that will become your final report. For now, you only need to complete a **rough** draft of the introduction and related works sections (or combine them into a single narrative, whichever you find easier to write). Update your web-page with the following. - Fill in your introduction outline and either weave-in the related works or create a new related works section. In either case, you should not leave the "Related Works Search" section---it will become the related works section or get incorporated into the introduction (both are common styles). You will, however, need to keep a references section at the end of the document ([here is an example](https://gthampak.github.io/physinet.io/)). - Write 400 to 800 words total (roughly one to two pages). The key idea for the related works section is that it should be easy to read. It will no longer be a set of disjoint paragraphs. You should group together similar related studies and add transition sentences. **You will submit a link to your web-page on gradescope.** All of the information you provide is *tentative*, and I expect many groups to change their minds as projects evolve.