import objectdraw.*;
import java.awt.*;

// Andrea Danyluk, February 8, 2000
// Implements a laundry sorting simulator.
// When the applet begins, three squares are displayed, representing laundry
// baskets for white, dark, and colored laundry.  A square is also displayed,
// representing a swatch of fabric.  The initial swatch is white.
// The user should drag the swatch, using the mouse, to the laundry basket in which
// it belongs.  If the user chooses correctly, a new swatch is generated with random color
// If the user chooses incorrectly (or drops the swatch somewhere other than a basket),
// the original swatch remains in place.

public class LaundrySorterApplet extends WindowController
   private static final int BASKET_X_POSITION = 20;      // x-anchor for laundry baskets
   private static final int BASKET_Y_POSITION = 100;     // y-anchor for laundry baskets
   private static final int BASKET_SPACING = 20;         // spacing between baskets
   private static final int BASKET_SIZE = 60;            // width and height of each basket
   private static final Location SWATCH_POSITION = new Location(60, 20);   // swatch position
   private static final int SWATCH_SIZE = 40;            // width and height of swatch
   // position of messages to indicate number of swatches correct and incorrect
   private static final  RIGHT_TEXT_POSITION = new Location(20, 200);
   private static final Location WRONG_TEXT_POSITION = new Location(100, 200);
   // color ranges
    static final int DARK_COLORS = 330;          // any RGB sum less than 230 is dark
   private static final int WHITE_COLORS = 600;  // any RGB sum greater than 600 is white
   private FilledRect swatch;                    // the swatch
   private FramedRect swatchFrame;               // the swatch frame
   private FramedRect targetBasket;              // basket into which swatch should be placed
   private FramedRect whites, darks, colors;     // the three baskets
   private int rightCounter = 0;                 // number sorted correctly
   private int wrongCounter = 0;                 // number sorted incorrectly
   private Text rightCountText, wrongCountText;
    RandomIntGenerator rGen = new RandomIntGenerator(0,255);
   private boolean draggingIt = false;           // whether the swatch has been picked up
   private  initialPoint;

  public void begin()
     // construct the laundry baskets
     whites = new FramedRect(BASKET_X_POSITION, BASKET_Y_POSITION, 
                             BASKET_SIZE, BASKET_SIZE, canvas);
                             BASKET_Y_POSITION, BASKET_SIZE, BASKET_SIZE, canvas);
                             BASKET_Y_POSITION, BASKET_SIZE, BASKET_SIZE, canvas);
     // generate labels for the baskets
     new Text("whites", BASKET_X_POSITION+15, BASKET_Y_POSITION+20, canvas);
                        BASKET_Y_POSITION+20, canvas);
                        BASKET_Y_POSITION+20, canvas);
     // set up the swatch and its target basket
     swatch = new FilledRect(SWATCH_POSITION, SWATCH_SIZE, SWATCH_SIZE, canvas);
     swatchFrame = new FramedRect(SWATCH_POSITION, SWATCH_SIZE, SWATCH_SIZE, canvas);
     targetBasket = whites;
     // display initial counters of number correctly and incorrectly sorted
     rightCountText = new Text("  correct = 0", RIGHT_TEXT_POSITION, canvas);
     wrongCountText = new Text("incorrect = 0", WRONG_TEXT_POSITION, canvas);
  public void onMousePress(Location point)
  // picks up the swatch if mouse depressed on it
     if (swatch.contains(point))
        draggingIt = true;
        initialPoint = point;

   public void onMouseDrag(Location point)
   // drags the swatch (if it's been  picked up)
      if (draggingIt)
         swatch.move(point.getX() - initialPoint.getX(), 
                     point.getY() - initialPoint.getY());
         swatchFrame.move(point.getX() - initialPoint.getX(), 
                          point.getY() - initialPoint.getY());
         initialPoint = point;

  public void onMouseRelease(Location point)
  // determines whether swatch is dropped in its corresponding basket
  // if so, generates a new swatch
     if (draggingIt)
        // drop it and be ready to pick up again
        draggingIt = false;
        // determine if swatch was placed correctly
        if (targetBasket.contains(point))
              rightCounter = rightCounter + 1;
              rightCountText.setText("correct = " + rightCounter);
              // generate a new color swatch
              int redness = rGen.nextValue();
              int greenness = rGen.nextValue();
              int blueness = rGen.nextValue();
              swatch.setColor(new Color(redness, greenness, blueness));
              int colorSum = redness + greenness + blueness;
              if (colorSum <  DARK_COLORS)
                 targetBasket = darks;
              else if (colorSum <= WHITE_COLORS)
                 targetBasket = colors;
                 targetBasket = whites;
           wrongCounter = wrongCounter + 1;
           wrongCountText.setText("incorrect = " + wrongCounter);
