CS 334
Programming Languages
Spring 2002

Lecture 3

More ML

Type constructors

tuples, records, lists


(17,"abc", true) : int * string * bool


{name = "bob",salary = 50000.99, rank=1}: {name: string, salary:real, rank:int}

#lab : {lab : 'a,...} -> 'a

Ex. of function on tuples:

   - fun power (m,n) = if n = 0 then 1
                                else m * power (m,n-1);
   val power = fn : (int * int) -> int

On the other hand

   - fun cpower m n = if n = 0 then 1
                                else m * cpower m (n-1);
   val cpower = fn : int -> (int -> int)

Note these are different functions!

Latter said to be in "Curried" form (after Haskell Curry).

Can define

   - val twopower = cpower 2
   val twopower = fn : int -> int
   - twopower 3;
   val it = 8 : int

[2,3,4,5,6] - all elts must be of same type.


Most common mistake of new ML programmers - confusing "::" and "@".

Many kinds of lists:

nil is part of any list type,

   - nil;
   val it = [] : 'a list

where 'a stands for a type variable. Similarly write:

   - map;
   val it = fn: ('a -> 'b) -> (('a list) -> ('b list))

Map is first example of a polymorphic function.

Lists are built up using ::, can also be decomposed the same way,

  • i.e., [1,2,3] = 1::[2,3] = 1::2::[3] = 1::2::3::nil

    Can define functions by cases.

       - fun product [] : int = 1
       =   | product (fst::rest) = fst * (product rest);

    Note that "=" is automatically printed on continuation line. Don't include it in your program files!

    Can also use integers in patterns:

    - fun oneTo 0 = []   
    =   | oneTo n = n::(oneTo (n-1));   
    - fun fact n = product (oneTo n);

    Note oneTo 5 = [5,4,3,2,1]

    Could have written

       val fact = product o oneTo (* o is fcn. comp. *)

    Here is how we could define a reverse fcn if it were not provided:

       - fun reverse [] = []   
       =   | reverse (h::t) = reverse(t)@[h];  (* pattern matching *)

    Pattern matching

    Pattern matching is quite important in this language.

    Rarely use hd or tl - list operators giving head and tail of list.

    Note that hd (a::x) = a, tl(a::x) = x, and ((hd x) :: (tl x)) = x

    if x is a list with at least one element.

    Can use pattern matching in relatively complex ways to bind variables:

       - val (x,y) = (5 div 2, 5 mod 2);   
       val x = 2 : int   
       val y = 1 : int   
       - val head::tail = [1,2,3];   
       val head = 1 : int   
       val tail = [2,3] : int list   
       - val {a = x, b = y} = {b = 3, a = "one"};   
       val x = "one" : string   
       val y = 3 : int   
       - val head::_ = [4,5,6];  (* note use of wildcard "_" *)   
       val head = 4 : int

    Type inference

    Language is strongly typed via type inference - infers type involving type variables if possible.


       hd : ('a list) -> 'a   
       tl : ('a list) -> ('a list)


       fun last [x] = x   
         | last (fst::snd::rest) = last (snd::rest);

    has type 'a list -> 'a, but don't have to declare it!

    Restrictions on type inference (including overloading problems)

    As noted earlier, type inference does not always interact well with overloading: arith ops, ordering (e.g. "<") - though it's better in sml97 than it was!

    Also need to distinguish "equality" types:

       - fun search item [] = false   
       =   | search item (fst::rest) = if item = fst then true   
       =                                      else search item rest;   
       val search = fn : ''a -> ((''a list) -> bool)
    Double quote before variable name indicates "equality" type. Cannot use "=" on types which are real or function types or contain real or function types. Also only type variables allowed in equality types are those with ''.

    Local declarations (including parallel and sequential declarations).

    Functions and values declared at top level (interactively) stay visible until a new definition is given to the identifier.
       - val x = 3 * 3;   
       val x = 9 : int;   
       - 2 * x;   
       val it = 18 : int

    Can also give local declarations of function and variables.

       - fun roots (a,b,c) = let val disc = Math.sqrt (b * b - 4.0 * a * c)    
       =                     in   
       =                         ((~b + disc)/(2.0*a),(~b - disc)/(2.0*a))   
       =                     end;   
       - roots (1.0,5.0,6.0);   
       (~2.0,~3.0) : real * real   
       - disc;   
       Type checking error in: disc   
       Unbound value identifier: disc


    ML uses static scoping (unlike original LISP)
       - val x = 3;   
       val x = 3 : int   
       - fun f y = x + y;   
       val f = fn : int -> int   
       - val x = 6;   
       val x = 6 : int   
       - f 0;
    What is answer?
    Why? Because definition of f used first "x", not second.

    ML employs "eager" or call-by-value parameter passing

    Talk later about "lazy" or "call-by-need".

    Declarations and Order of operations:

    Can have sequential or parallel declarations:

       - val x = 12   
       = val y = x +2;   
       val x = 12 : int   
       val y = 14 : int   
       - val x = 2   
       = and y = x + 3;   
       val x = 2 : int   
       val y = 15 : int

    In the first pair of declarations, the declared value of x is used in the definition of y. In the second pair, however, because both are given in parallel, both declarations use only declared values before the parallel declaration. Thus y is evaluated using the old value of x.

    However, when defining functions, simultaneous declaration supports mutual recursion.

       - fun f n = if n = 0 then 1 else g n   
       = and g m = m * f(m-1);



       fun partition (pivot, nil) = (nil,nil)   
         | partition (pivot, first :: others) =   
               val (smalls, bigs) = partition(pivot, others)   
               if first < pivot then (first::smalls, bigs)   
                                else (smalls, first::bigs)   
    The system responds with:
       val partition = fn : int * int list -> int list * int list
    Not polymorphic since system assumes "<" is on integers. Can force to be function on reals (for example) by including type of pivot in declaration: (pivot:real,nil)
       fun qsort nil = nil   
         | qsort [singleton] = [singleton]   
         | qsort (first::rest) =   
               val (smalls, bigs) = partition(first,rest)   
               qsort(smalls) @ [first] @ qsort(bigs)   
    It's hard to believe quicksort could be so simple!

    Can make quicksort polymorphic if pass in less than operator to both partition and qsort:

       fun partition (pivot, nil) (lessThan) = (nil,nil)   
         | partition (pivot, first :: others) (lessThan) =   
              val (smalls, bigs) = partition(pivot, others) (lessThan)   
              if (lessThan first pivot) then (first::smalls, bigs)   
                                        else (smalls, first::bigs)   
       > val partition = fn : ('a * ('b list)) ->    
    		(('b -> ('a -> bool)) -> (('b list) * ('b list)))   
       fun qsort nil lessThan = nil   
         | qsort [singleton] lessThan = [singleton]   
         | qsort (first::rest) lessThan =   
               val (smalls, bigs) = partition(first,rest) lessThan   
               (qsort smalls lessThan) @ [first] @ (qsort bigs lessThan)   
       > val qsort = fn : ('a list) -> (('a -> ('a -> bool)) -> ('a list))
    Now if define:
       - intLt (x:int) (y:int) = x < y;   
       - qsort [6,3,8,4,7,1] intLt;   
       > val [1,3,4,6,7,8] : int list
    Note: could define
       - val PIntLt :int * int -> bool = op <;
    but wrong type for what needed here (though it is trivial to rewrite partition to take this type of function)!

    Defining new types

    User-defined types possible.


    Type abbreviations use keyword type.
       type point = int * int	(* nullary *)   
       type 'a pair = 'a * 'a	(* unary *)


    Generate new types using datatype.

    Types are disjoint unions (w/constructors as tags)

    Support recursive type definitions!

    Generative (support pattern matching as well)

       - datatype color = Red | Green | Blue;   
       datatype color = Blue | Green | Red   
         con Red = Red : color   
         con Green = Green : color   
         con Blue = Blue : color

    "con" stands for constructor.

    Write constructor tags with capital letter as convention to distinguish from variables.

       - datatype 'a tree = Niltree | Maketree of 'a * ('a tree) * ('a tree)   
       datatype 'a tree = Maketree of 'a * ('a tree) * ('a tree)    
                             | Niltree   
       con Niltree = Niltree : 'a tree   
       con Maketree = fn : ('a * ('a tree) * ('a tree)) ->    
    										                           ('a tree)

    Write binary search program using trees!

    	fun insert (new:int) Niltree = Maketree (new,Niltree,Niltree)   
    	  | insert new (Maketree (root,l,r)) =    
    	           if new < root then Maketree (root,(insert new l),r)   
    	                            else Maketree (root,l,(insert new r))   
    	fun buildtree [] = Niltree   
    	  | buildtree (fst :: rest) = insert fst (buildtree rest)   
    	fun find (elt:int) Niltree = false   
    	  | find elt (Maketree (root,left,right)) =    
    	            if elt = root then true   
    	                          else if elt < root then find elt left   
    	                          else find elt right  (* elt > root *)   
    	fun bsearch elt list = find elt (buildtree list);   
    	- buildtree [8,3,6,8,3,4,9,10];   
    	Maketree (10,Maketree (9,Maketree (4,Maketree (3,Niltree, 
    	Maketree (3,Niltree,Niltree)),Maketree (8,Maketree (6,Niltree,Niltree),
    	Maketree (8,Niltree,Niltree))),Niltree), Niltree) : int tree   
    	- bsearch 4 [8,3,6,8,3,4,9,10];   
    	true : bool   
    	- bsearch 7 [8,3,6,8,3,4,9,10];   
    	false : bool   
    	fun sumtree Niltree = 0   
    	  | sumtree (Maketree(root,left,right)) = root + sumtree left + sumtree right;

    Can also have any kind of tagged unions:

       - datatype sum = IntTag of int | RealTag of real | ComplexTag of real * real;

    Abstract data types - later

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