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CS 334
Details of Java packages and visibility: A class (or interface) belongs to a package if it includes a declaration at the top of the form:
package SomePackage;
Visibility restrictions in Java: public, default, protected, or private
If method has param of same type, can see all private features of parameter.
If class not declared to be part of a package then part of the default package.
Problems with packages:
Sometimes tied to directory structure.
Anyone can add to package and get privileged access
All classes/interfaces w/out named package in default package (so all have access to each other!)
No explicit interface for package
Abstraction barriers not possible for interfaces. Discourages use of interfaces for classes.
package A; public class Fst { void m(int k){System.out.println("Fst m: "+k);} public void n(){System.out.print("Fst n: "); m(3);} } package B; import A.*; public class Snd extends Fst{ public void m(int k){System.out.println("Snd m: "+k);} public void p(){System.out.print("Snd p: "); m(5);} } package A; import B.*; public class Third extends Snd{ public void m(int k){System.out.println("Third m: "+k);} } |
import A.*; import B.*; public class Fourth{ public static void main(String[] args){ Fst fst = new Fst(); fst.n(); Snd snd = new Snd(); snd.n(); snd.m(5); Third third = new Third(); third.n(); third.m(7); third.p(); } } |
Fst n: Fst m: 3 Fst n: Fst m: 3 // ???? Snd m: 5 Fst n: Third m: 3 Third m: 7 Snd p: Snd m: 5
I obtained the following warning from Metrowerks (a similar warning appears on the FreeBSD UNIX compiler):
Warning : Note: Method void m(int) in class B.Snd does not override the corresponding method in class A.Fst.
If you are trying to override this method, you cannot do so because it is private to a
different package.
Snd.java line 8 public void m(int k){System.out.println("Snd m: "+k);}
What happened?
m in A not visible in B, so not override - overloaded
m in A visible in C, but m in B not visible, so overrides A
Doesn't provide the correct kind of visibility control.
Subclass only vs. package scope
Need package scope for interfaces as well
Java programs require lots of type casts (as do C++, Object Pascal, etc.). Why?
The Object class in Java illustrates most of the problems.
public class Object{ protected Object clone(){...} public boolean equal(Object other){...} }
Recall not allowed to change signature of methods in extensions. Also all classes automatically inherit from Object.
public class A implements Cloneable{ protected B b = ...; ... public Object clone(){ A other = super.clone(); other.b = b.clone(); // type error return other; } } A a1 = new A(); A a2 = a1.clone(); // type error
Both errors would disappear if could change return types of methods. (OK in C++)
Suppose also want to override equals in A:
public boolean equal(Object other){ if (other instanceof A){ A aother = (A)other; return (b = aother.b); else ???
Inconvenient (and slow) to have run-time test. No static check possible.
What to do in else clause?
Get similar problems if try to define doubly-linked node as subclass of linked node.
public void setNext(Node newNext){...}
Want parameter type to be doubly-linked in subclass.
Methods where parameters should be of same type (class) as receiver called "binary methods".
Source of many typing problems in OOL's.
Still other problems:
public class Circle{ protected Point center; ... }
If define ColorCircle as extension, might want center to be ColorPoint.
Can't make any of these changes in signature (types) in Java, Object Pascal, and C++ (aside from return type in C++)
Why are there these restrictions?
Is there any way to overcome them?
class A { D m(C c) {...} void n() {... self.m(someC) ...} } class B{ D' m(C' c'){...} }
For which C', D' will B end up being type safe if A is?
Odersky, Wadler, et al (follow up to Pizza). Is currently expected(!) to be added to Java 1.5.
GJ adds parametric polymorphism w/ syntax like C++'s templates:
public class Stack<Elt> extends Vector<Elt>{ public Elt push(Elt item){...} public Elt pop(){...} public Elt peek(){...} public boolean empty(){...} public int search(Elt o){...} } Stack<Point> myStack = new Stack<Point>(); Point aPoint = new Point(2,3); myStack.push(aPoint);
Can also add constraints to type parameters:
public interface Comparing { public boolean equal(Comparing other); public boolean greaterThan(Comparing other); public boolean lessThan(Comparing other); } public class OrderedList< Elt implements Comparing > extends ... { protected Elt[] elts = new Elt[0]; public void insert(Elt item){... while (elts[current].greaterThan(item)) current ++; ... } } public Elt removeFirst(){...} public boolean empty(){...} public int searchFor(Elt o){...} }
How to define ordered objects?
public class KeyedObj implements Comparing{ protected int key ; ...; public int getKey(){...} public lessThan(Comparing other){ return this.key < other.getKey();} }
Won't work: other.getKey() not well-typed!
public lessThan(Comparing other){ if (other instanceof Comparing) return this.key < other.getKey();} else ?????
Same problem as earlier!
F-bounded polymorphism (1989) can help:
public interface Comparing <Elt>{ boolean lessThan(Elt other); boolean greaterThan(Elt other); } public class OrderedList < Elt implements Comparing<Elt> >{ protected Elt [] elts; public void insert(Elt newVal){ while (elts[current].greaterThan(newVal)) current ++; ... } } public class KeyedObj implements Comparing <KeyedObj>{ protected int key ; ...; public int getKey(){ } public lessThan(KeyedObj other){ return this.key < other.getKey();} }
Now OrderedList<KeyedObj> is fine!
Generally works well (though confusing at first).
Still one problem -- F-bounded not preserved under subclass:
public class NuKeyedObj extends KeyedObj { protected String nuField; ...; public lessThan(KeyedObj other){ return this.key < other.getKey() && other.getNuField() ...;} }
Unfortunately, NuKeyedObj does not implement
Can't be used with OrderedList!
Other info on GJ:
Works with existing JVM -- essentially translates to original code w/Object and casts.
Authors designed so that existing library classes can be used as though they were polymorphic.
Because of translation, cannot get accurate info using Java's reflection facilities or debugger.
See GJ web page available through course web page.
Designed by Bertrand Meyer in mid-80's
Class-based OOL w/multiple inheritance
Assertions: pre- and post-conditions, loop invariants and variants built into language.
Supports bounded polymorphism.
Reference semantics like Java, garbage collection, etc.
Information hiding: private, public, or could list classes visible to (like C++'s friends)
No interfaces or modules.
In subclasses, can redefine or even rename methods.
Can also change type of instance variables, parameters and return types covariantly. As we know, this causes type-safety problems!
Introduced "anchor" types: Can declare type to be "like" another feature:
x: A; y: like x;
Currentis Eiffel's name for self.
class LINKABLE [G] feature item: G; -- value held right: like Current; -- Right neighbor putRight (other: like Current) is -- Put `other' to right of current cell. do right := other ensure chained: right = other end; end -- class LINKABLE class BILINKABLE [G] inherit LINKABLE [G] redefine putRight end feature -- Access left: like Current; -- Left neighbor putRight (other: like Current) is -- Put `other' to right of current cell. do right := other; if (other /= Void) then other.simplePutLeft (Current) end end; putLeft (other: like Current) is -- Put `other' to left of current cell. do left := other; if (other /= Void) then other.simplePutRight (Current) end ensure chained: left = other end; feature {BILINKABLE} simplePutRight (other: like Current) is -- set `right' to `other' do right := other end; simplePutLeft (other: like Current) is -- set `left' to `other' do left := other end; invariant rightSymmetry: (right /= Void) implies (right.left = Current); leftSymmetry: (left /= Void) implies (left.right = Current) end -- class BILINKABLE
BILINKABLE is subclass of LINKABLE -- Can't do this with Java, C++, etc., because cannot change type of methods in subclasses in those languages, and don't have a "like Current" construct.
Reason is that covariant changes in types of parameters or instance variable types lead to failure of subtyping (though changes to return types don't cause problems)
Can define:
Can be instantiated with either
LINKABLE (and get singly-linked list) or
BILINKABLE (and get doubly-linked list).
Very expressive:
deferred class Comparing feature lessThan(other: like Current): boolean is deferred end greaterThan(other: like Current): boolean; end
Unfortunately, use of like Current gives rise to implicit covariant change to types of instance variables and method parameter and return types.
Thus BILINKABLE is not a subtype of LINKABLE. Though BILINKABLE is internally consistent.