CS 334
Programming Languages
Spring 2002

Lecture 11

Summary of types so far:

postpone ADT's until later

Modern tendency to strengthen static typing and avoid implicit holes in types system.

- usually explicit (dangerous ) means for bypassing types system, if desired

Try to push as many errors to compile time as possible by:

Problem: loss of flexibility which obtainable from dynamic typing or lack of any typing.

Important direction of current research in computer science:

Provide type safety, but increase flexibility.

Important progress over last 20 years:

Polymorphism, ADT's, Subtyping & other aspects of object-oriented languages.


Change "state" of machine.

State of computer corresponds to contents of memory and any external devices (I/O)

State sometimes called "store"

Note distinction between "state" and "environment". Environment is mapping between identifiers and values (including locations). State includes mapping between locations and values.

Values in store or memory are "storable" versus "denotable" (or "bindable")

Symbol table depends on declarations and scope - static

Environment tells where to find values - dynamic

State depends on previous computation - dynamic

If have compiler, use symbol table when generating code to determine meaning of all identifiers. At run-time, symbol table no longer needed (hard coded into compiled code), but state and environment change dynamically.

In interpreter, may have to keep track of symbol table, environment, and state at run-time. (In fact could avoid using state if there is no "aliasing" in the language.)


   vble := expressions

Order of evaluation can be important, especially if there are side-effects. Usually left-side evaluated first, then right-side.

		A[f(j)] := j * f(j) + j -- 
difficult to predict value if f has side effect of changing j

Two kinds of assignments:

  1. assignment by copying and

  2. assignment by sharing (often handy w/dynamic typing or OOL's)

Most statements are actually control structures for combining other expressions and statements:

Selection: If .. then ... else ...
Repetition: while ... do ...

FORTRAN started with very primitive control structures:

Very close to machine instructions

Why need repetition - can do it all with goto's?

"The static structure of a program should correspond in a simple way with the dynamic structure of the corresponding computation." Dijkstra letter to editor.

ALGOL 60 more elaborate:

Pascal expanded but simplified: Ada like Pascal but more uniform loop with exit
		iteration specification loop 
			loop body
		end loop.
where iteration specification can be: Also can have vanilla loop which can be left w/ exit statement.

Also provide exit when ...., syntactic sugar for if .. then exit

Can also exit from several depths of loops

Interesting theoretical result of Bohm and Jacopini (1966) that every flowchart can be programmed entirely in terms of sequential, if, and while commands.

Natural Semantics for commands

Can write natural semantics for various commands:

With commands must keep track of store: locations -> storable values.

If expressions can have side-effects then must update rules to keep track of effect on store. Rewriting rules now have conclusions of form (e, ev, s) >> (v, s') where v is a storable value, ev is an environment (mapping from identifiers to denotable values - including locations), s is initial state (or store), and s' is state after evaluation of e.

    (b, ev, s) >> (true, s')    (e1, ev, s') >> (v, s'')
          (if b then e1 else e2, ev, s) >> (v, s'')
Thus if evaluation of b and e1 have side-effects on memory, then show up in "answer".

Axioms - no hypotheses!

    (id, ev, s) >> (s(loc), s)        where  loc = ev(id)

(id++, ev, s) >> (v, s[loc:=v+1]) where loc = ev(id), v = s(loc)

Note s[loc:=v+1] is state, s', identical to s except s'(loc) = v+1.
    (e1, ev, s) >> (v1, s')    (e2, ev, s') >> (v2, s'')
            (e1 + e2, ev, s) >> (v1 + v2, s'')
When evaluate a command, "result" is a state only.


        (e, ev, s) >> (v, s')
    ------------------------------   where ev(x) = loc
    (x := e, ev, s) >> s'[loc:=v]

    (C1, ev, s) >> s'    (C2, ev, s') >> s''
             (C1; C2, ev, s) >> s''

    (b, ev, s) >> (true, s')   (C1, ev, s') >> s''
          (if b then C1 else C2, ev, s) >> s''

+ similar rule if b false

     (b, ev, s) >> (false, s')
    (while b do C, ev, s) >> s'

    (b, ev, s) >> (true, s')    (C, ev, s') >> s''   
             (while b do C, ev, s'') >> s'''
              (while b do C, ev, s) >> s'''

Notice how similar definition of semantics for

    while E do C
is to
    if E then begin 
        while E do C 


Clu allows definition of user-defined iterators (abstract over control structures):
        for c : char in string_chars(s) do ...
where have defined:
        string_chars = iter (s : string) yields (char);
            index : Int := 1;
            limit : Int := string$size (s);
            while index <= limit do
                yield (string$fetch(s, index));
                index := index + 1;
        end string_chars;

Behave like restricted type of co-routine.

Can be implemented on stack similarly to procedure call.

Now available in Java and C++ using object-oriented features to retain state of traversal.


Need mechanism to handle exceptional conditions.

Example: Using a stack, and try to pop element off of empty stack.

Clearly corresponds to mistake of some sort, but stack module doesn't know how to respond.

In older languages main way to handle is to print error message and halt or include boolean flag in every procedure telling if succeeded. Then must remember to check!

Another option is to pass in a procedure parameter which handles exceptions.

Exception mechanisms in programming languages:

Can raise an exception and send back to caller who is responsible for handling exception.

Call program robust if recovers from exceptional conditions, rather than just halting (or crashing).

Typical exceptions:

When exception is raised, it must be handled or program will fail!

Exception handling in Ada:

Raise exception via: raise excp_name

Attach exception handlers to subprogram body, package body, or block.


        when excp_name1 => C'
        when excp_name2 => C''
        when others => C'

When raise an exception, where do you look for handler? In most languages, start with current block (or subprogram). If not there, force return from unit and raise same exception to routine which called current one, etc., up the call chain until find handler or get to outer level and fail. (Clu starts at calling routine.)

Semantics of raising and handling exceptions is dynamic rather than static!

Handler can attempt to handle exception, but give up and call another exception.

Resuming after exceptions

What happens after have found exception handler and successfully executed it (i.e., no further exceptions raised)?

In Ada and Java, return from the procedure (or block) containing the handler - called termination model.

PL/I has resumption model - go back to re-execute statement where failure occurred (makes sense for read errors, for example) unless GOTO in handler code.

Eiffel (an OOL) uses variant of resumption model.

Exceptions in ML can pass parameter to exception handlers (like datatype defs). Otherwise very similar to Ada.


datatype 'a stack = EmptyStack | Push of 'a * ('a stack);
exception empty;

fun pop EmptyStack = raise empty
  | pop(Push(n,rest)) = rest;

fun top EmptyStack = raise empty
  | top (Push(n,rest)) = n;

fun IsEmpty EmptyStack = true
  | IsEmpty (Push(n,rest)) = false;
exception nomatch;
fun buildstack nil initstack = initstack
  | buildstack ("("::rest) initstack = buildstack rest (Push("(",initstack))
  | buildstack (")"::rest) (Push("(",bottom)) = bottom
  | buildstack (")"::rest) initstack = raise nomatch
  | buildstack (fst::rest) initstack = buildstack rest initstack;
fun balanced string = (buildstack (explode string) = EmptyStack) 
                                                     handle nomatch => false;

Notice awkwardness in syntax. Need to put parentheses around the expression to which the handler is associated!

Some would argue shouldn't use exception nomatch since really not unexpected situation. Just a way of introducing goto's in code!


Distinction between what something does and how it does it.

Interested in supporting abstraction (separation between what and how).

Originally, designers attempted to create languages w/ all types and statements that were necessary.

Realized quickly that needed extensible languages.

First abstractions for statements and expressions - Procedures and Functions

Arrays and records, then pointers introduced to build new types and operations on them.

Built-in types have associated operations - representation is hidden (for most part)

Support of ADT's is most important innovation of 1970's.

Simula 67 - package op's w/ data types - representation not hidden

Clu, Mesa, Modula-2, Ada, Smalltalk

Come back to them in Chapter 9.

Iterators correspond to abstraction over control structure
- high-order fcns in ML even more so!

More support for abstraction, generally more expressive is language.

Use of parameters supports abstraction -
Creates more flexible program phrases.

Accessing non-local information:

Common, Global variables (in block-structured languages),

Parameters - data, subprograms, types

Data Parameters

1. Call by Reference (FORTRAN, Pascal):

Pass address of actual parameter.

Access via indirection.

What if parameter is expression or constant? CHGTO4(2).

2. Call by Copy (Algol 60, Pascal, C, etc.):

Actual parameter copies value to formal parameter (and/or vice-versa).

value (in), result (out), value-result (in-out)

result and value-result parameters must be variables, value can be any storable value.

Can be expensive for large parameters.

3. Call by Name (Algol-60)

Actual parameter provides expression to formal parameter - re-evaluated whenever accessed.


        Procedure  swap(a, b : integer);
            var temp : integer;
                temp := a;
                a := b;
                b := temp
Won't always work, e.g.

swap(i, a[i]) with i = 1, a[1] = 3, a[3] = 17.

No way to define a correct swap in Algol-60!

Expressive power - Jensen's device:

To compute: x = Sum for i=1 to n of Vi

    real procedure SUM (k, lower, upper, ak);
        value lower, upper;     
        integer k, lower, upper;
        real ak;
            real s;
            s := 0;
            for k := lower step 1 until upper do
                s := s + ak;
            sum := s

What is result of sum(i, 1, m, A[i])?

What about sum(i, 1, m, sum(j, 1, n, B[i,j]))?

If evaluating parameters has side-effects (e.g., read), then must know how and how many times parameter is evaluated to predict what will happen.

Therefore try to avoid call-by-name with expressions with side-effects.

Lazy evaluation is efficient implementation of call-by-name where only evaluate parameter once. Requires that there be no side-effects, since owise get diff. results.

Implement call-by-name using thunks - procedures which evaluate expressions - difficult and slow. Must pass around code for evaluating expression (including environment defined in). Can use the same THUNK's as show up in environment based interpreter.

Note different from call-by-text (which would allow capture of free vbles).

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