CS 334
Programming Languages
Spring 2000

Lecture 13

Procedures and functions as parameters and return values

Already seen how to pass functional (& procedural) parameters in our interpreter using closures.

When pass function (or procedure) parameters in stack-based languages, must also pass the equivalent of a closure. In particular must pass the environment in which the function was defined. This is accomplished by passing the appropriate static pointer with the function so that can find non-local variables. Usually pass the pair (ep,ip) of environment pointer and instruction pointer as the "closure" of a procedure, when it is passed as a parameter.

Returning functions from functions is harder since defining environment may go away:

program ret;

function a(): function (integer): integer;
        var m: integer;
        function addm (n: integer): integer;
                        return (n + m)

        begin (* a *)
                m := 5;
                return addm
        end; (* a *)

procedure b (g: function(integer): integer);
        begin (* b *)
        end (* b *)

begin (* main *)
        b(a())          (* note that a() returns a function, which is                                   
                       then passed to b *)
When b(a()) is called, a() returns a function which depends on the non-local variable m, but m has gone away by the time the function is actually applied. Hence languages (like ML) which allow functions to return functions cannot use the simple stack discipline - must keep around activation records even after their associated function or procedure has returned.

Correspondence Principle

Can classify parameter passing by copying (value, result, or value-result) or definitional.

Definitional have constant, variable, procedural, and functional.

Constant parameters are treated as values, not variables - different from call-by-value.
Default for Ada in parameters.

Can think of call-by-name as definitional with expression parameter.

Note that difference in parameter passing depends on what is bound (value or address) and when it is bound.

Another way of classifying parameters is to note that each parameter mechanism corresponds to declaration in language:

Correspondence Principle: For each form of declaration there exists a corresponding parameter mechanism, and vice-versa.

E.g., constant, variable (def. & declaration), procedure & function, type(?)

What about call-by-name?

Two major problems which arise with subprograms:


Modifications of non-local environment. Often happens with global vbles or call by reference parameters, very dangerous in call-by-name.

Very disturbing in functions since can make it hard to figure out values of expressions. Example:

        A[f(j)] := j * f(j) + j 
Makes it harder to optimize - e.g. evaluate f(j) only once.


More than one name for a variable. Most common ways of arising are with global vble and a parameter, two parameters, or pointers


        Procedure swap( var x, y: integer);
            x := x + y;
            y := x - y;
            x := x - y

This is a tricky way of completing a swap of x and y w/out extra space.

Unfortunately, it doesn't always work - swap (a,a) (but does work with value-result! )

Can get similar probs with A, A[i] as parameters and pointers

Another problem: Overlap btn global vble and by-reference parameter.

Aliasing causes problems with correctness since any two vbles may refer to the same object. It also makes it difficult to optimize if can't predict when a vble might be changed.

If no aliasing, can't detect difference btn call-by-reference and call-by-value-result. But not semantically equivalent if aliasing is possible.

Leads to problems in Ada where language definition does not specify whether in-out parameters are to be implemented by reference or value-result. (Illegal program if it makes a difference - but not detectable!)

Unfortunately Ada doesn't enforce no aliasing. Therefore possible problems with in out parameters.

Euclid (variant of Pascal) designed to write verifiable programs. Attempted to eliminate aliasing. Unfortunately some can only be caught at run-time, e.g. p(A[i], A[j]). Legality assertions generated to check run-time problems. Global vbles had to be explicitly imported to avoid problems. I.e. treated as implicit parameters

Problems with writing large programs:

Wulf and Shaw: Global Variables Considered Harmful (1973)
  1. Side effects - hidden access

  2. Indiscriminant access - can't prevent access - may be difficult to make changes later

  3. Screening - may lose access via new declaration of vble

  4. Aliasing - control shared access to prevent more than one name for reference variables.

Characteristics of solution:

  1. No implicit inheritance of variables

  2. Right to access by mutual consent

  3. Access to structure not imply access to substructure

  4. Provide different types of access (e.g. read-only)

  5. Decouple declaration, name access, and allocation of space. (e.g. scope indep of where declared, similarly w/allocation of space - like Pascal new)

Abstract Data Types

(Major thrust of programming language design in 70's)

Package data structure and its operations in same module - Encapsulation

Data type consists of set of objects plus set of operations on the objects of the type (constructors, inspectors, destructors).

Want mechanism to build new data types (extensible types). Should be treated same way as built-in types. Representation should be hidden from users (abstract). Users only have access via operations provided by the ADT.

Distinguish between specification and implementation.


Book states language should provide:

Method for defining data type and the operations on that type (all in same place). The definitions should not depend on any implementation details. The definitions of the operations should include a specification of their semantics.

Provides user-interface with ADT.

Typically includes

  1. Data structures: constants, types, & variables accessible to user (although details may be hidden)

  2. Declarations of functions and procedures accessible to user (bodies not provided here).
May also include axioms specifying behavior "promised" by any implementation. The following is an algebraic specification of behavior (see text for details).


        pop(push(S,x)) = S, 

if not empty(S) then push(pop(S), top(S)) = S

Data + Operations (+ possibly equations) = Algebra

Implementation (Representation):

Again from text:

Method for collecting the implementation details of the type and its operations (in one place), and of restricting access to these details by programs that use the data type. Provides details on all data structures (including some hidden to users) and bodies of all operations.

Note that ADT methodology is orthogonal to top-down design

How to represent ADT's in programming languages?

Three predominant concerns in language design:

Reusable modules to represent ADT's quite important.
Examine implementation in Simula 67, Ada, Modula 2, Clu, and ML..

Simula 67

Derived from Algol 60. Simulation language.

Provided notion of class.

class vehicle(weight,maxload);
    real weight, maxload;
    integer licenseno;      (* attributes of class instance *)
    real load;
    Boolean procedure tooheavy;
        tooheavy := weight + load > maxload;
    load := 0;      (* initialization code *)
Refer to objects through references:
    ref(vehicle) rv, pickup;
    rv1:- new vehicle(2000,2500);
    pickup:- rv1;       (* special assignment via sharing *)
    pickup.licenseno := 3747;
    pickup.load := pickup.load +150;
    if pickup.tooheavy then ...
Notice that attributes are available to all users.

Representation not hidden.

Come back to discuss subclasses later when discussing object-oriented languages.

Intermezzo: What are problems with defining a new type in terms of an old?

E.g., represent rationals as records (or ordered pairs) of integers.

  1. Representation might have several values that do not correspond to any values of the desired type (e.g., (3,0)).

  2. Representation might have multiple values corresponding to the same abstract value (e.g., (1,2), (2,4), etc.)

  3. Values of the new type can be confused with values of the representation type.

Abstract data type is one that is defined by group of operations (including constants) and (possibly) a set of equations. Set of values only defined indirectly as those values which can be generated by ops, starting from constructors or constants.

E.g., Stack defined by EmptyStack, push, pop, top, and empty operations and equations.

   pop(push(fst,rest)) = rest, 
   top(push(fst,rest)) = fst, 
   empty(EmptyStack) = true, 
   empty(push(fst,rest)) = false, 
Key is representation is hidden.

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