Explicit polymorphism: Clu, Ada, Eiffel, Modula-3, C++
No type inference. If have polymorphic function, must explicitly pass type parameter.
E.g., fun map t u (f: t -> u) (l: t list): u list
Apply: map string int length ["a","help","Willy"] = [1,4,5]
Write type as
forall t. forall u. (t -> u) -> (t list) -> u list
Makes clear that t, u are type variables.
Can understand implicit polymorphic terms as abbreviations for explicit polymorphic terms. Compare with type of map in ML, above.
Explicit polymorphic terms more expressive!
Restrictions on polymorphism for ML.
Polymorphic functions can be defined at top-level or in let clauses, but polymorphic function expressions cannot be used as arguments of functions.
let fun id x = x in (id "ab", id 17) end;is fine, but can't write
let fun test g = (g [], g "ab") in test (fn x => x) end;In fact, can't even write:
fun test2 f = (f [], f 17);Gets confused since f is used with two different typings:
'a list -> 'b, int -> 'c and can't unify 'a list and int.
No problem writing this in explicit polymorphic language:
let fun test (g: forall t.t -> t): (int list, string) = (g (int list) [], g string "ab") in test (Fn t => fn (x:t) => x) end;
Write f: forall t. T, if f takes a type parameter U and
returns a value of type T[U/t].
Use Fn t => to
indicate parameter is a type.
Thus "id", defined by:
fun id t (x:t) = xhas type: forall t. t -> t.
A polymorphic function is one which takes a type parameter, which specializes it into a function of particular type. I.e., id T is function of type T -> T.
Think of "id" as representing a class of functions, each of which has uniform (parameterized) type.
When can an element of one type be used in a context which expects another?
If an element of type T can be used whereever an element of type T' is expected then say T is a subtype of T' (write T <= T').
Example: Integer <= Real, 1..10 <= Integer
Note this is only true of expressions, not variables!
Can understand definition of subtype as implying existence of a (well-behaved) implicit coercion from sub to supertype.
Well-behaved = homomorphism w.r.t. operators. I.e., ToReal: Integer -> Real
ToReal(2 + 3 * 4) = ToReal(2) + ToReal(3) * ToReal(4)Ada provides subranges of all primitive types (including reals): always inherit operations of base class.
Get subtypes of open array type by freezing bounds.
Get subtype of variant record by freezing variant.
Are there other reasonable subtypes?
Suppose have
type point = {x, y: real}; datatype colortype = Red | Blue | Yellow | Green; type colorpoint = {x,y : real; color: colortype}
Is colorpoint <= point?
Suppose have
fun dist(p:point):real = sqrt(sqr(p.x) + sqr(p.y));Is there any reason this cannot be applied to cp:colorpoint?
Suppose have
fun move(p:point,dx:real,dy:real) : point = {x = p.x + dx, y = p.y + dy}
Note that move(cp,1.2,3.6) returns a point rather than a colorpoint.
If want a colorpoint, then must make up new notation:
fun move(p,dx,dy) = p gets {x = p.x + dx, y = p.y + dy}
"Gets" updates particular components of a record. Thus cp gets {x=1.2} results in a colorpoint whose x component is 1.2
Need a more expressive type system to capture functionality of this term. Easiest in a language with explicit parametric polymorphism. Gives "bounded" polymorphism.
fun move(t <= point, p : t, dx : real,dy : real): t = p gets {x = p.x + dx, y = p.y + dy}Type is
forall t <= point. t * real * real -> t
Decided that for
type point = {x, y: real}; datatype colortype = Red | Blue | Yellow | Green; type colorpoint = {x,y : real; color: colortype}
Get Colorpoint <= point
But Colorpoint is not a subset of Point!!
Set of triples not subset of set of pairs.
Two ways of looking at it.
1. Interpret
Point = {p | p is a record with (at least) x and y components which are reals}
Colorpoint = {p | p is a record with (at least) x and y components which are reals, and color component which is colortype}.
Then Colorpoint is a subset of Point.
Fits intuition of subtypes as subsets, but there are technical problems.
If p, q are elts of Point, then how do we determine if p = q?
Is it
enough to have p.x = q.x and p.y = q.y?
If so, then green point at origin is equal to red point at origin!
Seem equal as points, but different as colorpoints!
2. Give up intuition of subtypes as subtypes and go back to intuition with implicit coercions.
Clear implicit coercion from colorpoint to point - simply forget color component.
Behaves nicely with respect to operations on records.
Can define elements of type point as equivalence classes of records from set point from 1.
Define p =pt q iff p.x = q.x and p.y = q.y
Define p =cpt q iff p.x = q.x, p.y = q.y, and p.color = q.color.
Therefore can have p, q elements of colorpoint s.t. p =pt q but not p =cpt q.
Model built from this given in Bruce & Longo, 1990.
Slightly different model based on definable coercions given by Breazu-Tannen et al in 1991.
Both provide models of language with subtypes and explicit parametric polymorphism.
Biggest loss in moving from FORTRAN to Pascal is lack of support for modules with persistent local data.
Clu, Ada, and Modula 2 attempted to remedy this by adding clusters, packages, and modules.
In Ada & Modula 2, objects (i.e. packages, and modules) were late additions to an earlier paradigm (Pascal-like)
ADT languages provide reasonable support for all but extensibility (in particular if want minor extensions - but rest is same), some limitations on reuseability.
Object-oriented languages are an attempt to make progress toward these goals.
A programming language is object-oriented if:
Simula 67 first object-oriented language - designed for discrete simulations.
Up until recently, Smalltalk best-known - Alan Kay at Xerox (now at Apple).
Gone through Smalltalk-72,-74,-76,-78,-80.
C++, object-oriented extensions to Pascal, C, LISP, etc.
One of nicest is Eiffel - discuss later (See Meyer's Object-Oriented Software Construction). Also Sather (public-domain variant of Eiffel).
Object-oriented languages built around following concepts:
Objects are internal data abstractions - only accessible to outer world through associated procedures
Object types
Most current OOL's identify object types and classes (in particular subtypes and subclasses).
See later this can lead to holes in typing system and/or restrictions in expressibility.
In typical object-oriented programming language, everything is an object.
Abstraction preserved since no object can make changes to the internal state of another object. (Some languages don't enforce.)
- just send messages using methods in public interface.
We will be using the OO language, EIFFEL3.
It is one of best on the market, though it has some important flaws.
To use Eiffel, type:
source EiffelSetup ebenchYou can follow ebench with "&" if wish to spawn it off as a separate process, but then programs can't get keyboard input when running in the debug system.
If have problems starting up ebench, try typing:
echo $EIFFEL3 $PLATFORMto make sure that EiffelSetup worked properly.
Let's start with a very simple example consisting of 3 classes. The following should be stored in a file, point.e.
All sample programs can be found in ~kim/cs334stuff/Eiffel
class POINT -- class which suports a movable point creation -- designates a method which may be used when -- creating a POINT object. Create -- Note: When an object is defined it sets all attributes to -- default value for that type (e.g. 0 for integer and -- real). Can also designate one or more features which can -- be called to do further initializations feature Create (lp: LINKED_STACK [POINT]) is -- Create point at origin and push it onto `lp' require lp /= Void do lp.put (Current) -- Current is name for "self", the -- object executing the method. end; -- Create x, y: REAL; translate (a, b: REAL) is -- Move by `a' horizontally, `b' vertically. do x := x+a; y := y+b end; -- translate scale (factor: REAL) is -- Scale by a ratio of `factor'. do x := factor * x; y := factor * y end; -- scale display is -- Output position of point do io.putstring ("Current position: x = "); io.putreal (x); io.putstring ("; y = "); io.putreal (y); io.new_line -- writeln end -- display end -- class POINTNote that "io" is a feature of every class (automatically inherited from ANY) which provides io features. Simply send messages to it to do I/O
In a separate file: interaction.e:
class INTERACTION -- simple program demonstrating creation and handling of -- requests in Eiffel creation create -- while name is the same as Point, it need not be! feature {NONE} -- NONE means these are inaccessible outside of INTERACTION my_point: POINT; request: INTEGER; Up, Down, Left, Right, Quit: INTEGER is unique; -- equivalent of user-defined type point_stack: LINKED_STACK [POINT]; -- from library feature -- since no qualifier, these are public over: BOOLEAN; Create is -- Create a point do !!point_stack.make; -- create and execute "make". !!my_point.Create (point_stack); end; -- Create get_request is -- Ask what the user wants to do next, -- returning the answer in attribute `request': -- `Up', `Down', `Left', `Right' or `Quit'. local answer: CHARACTER; correct: BOOLEAN do -- all loops are of from .. until .. loop form from -- anything after from is initialization -- correct := false <- automatically set! until -- continue until the following cond'n true! correct loop io.new_line; io.putstring ("Enter command (one character)"); io.new_line; io.putstring ("U for Up, D for Down, L for Left, % %R for Right, Q for Quit: "); -- % indicates continue string to next line io.readchar; answer := io.lastchar; io.next_line; correct := true; inspect -- inspect is like a case statement. answer when 'u', 'U' then request := Up when 'd', 'D' then request := Down when 'l', 'L' then request := Left when 'r', 'R' then request := Right when 'q', 'Q' then request := Quit else io.new_line; io.putstring ("Bad code. Please enter again."); io.new_line; correct := false end end end; -- get_request one_command is -- Get user request and execute it do get_request; inspect request when Up then my_point.translate (0., 1.) when Down then my_point.translate (0., -1.) when Left then my_point.translate (-1., 0.) when Right then my_point.translate (1., 0.) when Quit then over := true end; my_point.display end -- one_command end -- class INTERACTIONFinally, the class which is executed as the main program:
class SESSION creation Create feature Create is -- Execute sequence of interactive commands local interface: INTERACTION do from !!interface.Create until interface.over loop interface.one_command end end -- Create end -- class SESSION
This is all controlled by the following "ACE"
system TRY_EIFFEL -- Replace SYSTEM_NAME by the name of the executable file -- to be generated for your system. root SESSION (ROOT_CLUSTER): "create" -- Replace ROOT_CLASS, ROOT_CLUSTER and creation_procedure -- by the names of the root class, root class cluster and -- root creation procedure for your system. -- The `(ROOT_CLUSTER)' part may be omitted if there is -- no other class of name ROOT_CLASS in the universe. default assertion (require); precompiled ("$EIFFEL3/precompiled/spec/$PLATFORM/base") cluster ROOT_CLUSTER: "."; -- Replace ROOT_CLUSTER and PATH by the names of the -- root class cluster & path for your system. -- Add any other clusters that your system will need. kernel: "$EIFFEL3/library/base/kernel"; support: "$EIFFEL3/library/base/support"; access: "$EIFFEL3/library/base/structures/access"; cursors: "$EIFFEL3/library/base/structures/cursors"; cursor_tree: "$EIFFEL3/library/base/structures/cursor_tree"; dispenser: "$EIFFEL3/library/base/structures/dispenser"; iteration: "$EIFFEL3/library/base/structures/iteration"; list: "$EIFFEL3/library/base/structures/list"; obsolete: "$EIFFEL3/library/base/structures/obsolete"; set: "$EIFFEL3/library/base/structures/set"; sort: "$EIFFEL3/library/base/structures/sort"; storage: "$EIFFEL3/library/base/structures/storage"; table: "$EIFFEL3/library/base/structures/table"; traversing: "$EIFFEL3/library/base/structures/traversing"; tree: "$EIFFEL3/library/base/structures/tree"; endHere is another example from Eiffel using generics to support ordered pairs and rationals:
deferred class ORDERED_PAIR2 [T] -- this class cannot be instantiated because method display -- is deferred! feature x : T; -- first coordinate y : T; -- second coordinate setx(r : T) is -- set first coordinate do x := r end; -- setx sety(r : T) is -- set second coordinate do y := r end; -- sety display is -- display the ordered pair deferred -- must be filled in in subclass end; -- display same(other : like Current) : BOOLEAN is do Result := (x = other.x) and (y = other.y) end -- same end -- ORDERED_PAIR2
Return answer from function by assigning to "Result".
When use must instantiate T, see NEWRATIONAL below. Must also instantiate any deferred features (e.g., display) before can use.
Subclasses and Inheritance
A new class can be declared to be a subclass of any other class. The new class then "inherits" all features of the old class (think of this as almost like copying the code for all features of old class into the new class).
The new class can add new features or redefine old ones.
class NEWRATIONAL inherit ORDERED_PAIR2 [INTEGER] rename x as n, -- can change names of features y as d redefine same -- indicates that same will be redefined. -- Need not mention display since it was deferred! end creation Create feature Create is -- create a rational do d := 1 end; -- Create feature {NONE} -- private method reduce : INTEGER is -- reduce to lowest terms local num,den,next : INTEGER do if (n =0) or (d = 0) then Result := 1 else if n < 0 then num := -n else num := n end; if d < 0 then den := -d else den := d end; from next := num \\ den -- \\ is mod operator invariant -- must be true each time through loop ((num \\ next) = 0) and ((den \\ next) = 0) variant -- must decrease each time through loop next until next = 0 loop num := den; den := next; next := (num \\ den) end; Result := den end end; -- reduce feature set(numer, denom : INTEGER) is -- set the numerator and denominator -- post: d > 0 require -- precondition denom /= 0 local gcd : INTEGER do n := numer; d := denom; if d < 0 then n := -n; d := -d end; gcd := reduce; n := n // gcd; d := d // gcd ensure -- postcondition d > 0 end; -- set read is -- get rational in form n/d from input local num, den, attempts : INTEGER do io.readint; num := io.lastint; io.readchar; io.readint; den := io.lastint; set(num,den) ensure d > 0 rescue -- exception handler if attempts < 3 then io.next_line; -- go to next input line io.new_line; -- go to next output line io.putstring("A fraction is an integer "); io.putstring("divided by a non-zero integer."); io.putstring(" Enter a fraction: "); attempts := attempts + 1; retry end end; -- read display is -- display the fraction do if n = d*(n // d) then io.putint(n // d) else io.putint(n); io.putchar('/'); io.putint(d) end end; -- display same(other : like Current) : BOOLEAN is -- are the fractions equal? do Result := (n*other.d = d*other.n) end; -- same lessthan(other : like Current) : BOOLEAN is -- is Current < other do Result := (n*other.d < d*other.n) end; invariant d /= 0 end -- NEWRATIONALNote that "like Current" in "lessthan" denotes the class of the object receiving the message.
Can also use "like x" for x any instance variable of class.
Declaring class to be "like Current" helps ensure that routine will work properly in subclasses - guarantees class of argument same as class of object sending message to.
Can also have multiple inheritance (new class inherits from more than one class).
Can add capabilities to any NEWRATIONAL with a subclass:
class RATIONALMATH inherit NEWRATIONAL creation Create feature plus(other : like Current) : like Current is local sumnum, sumden : INTEGER; do sumnum := n*other.d + other.n*d; sumden := d*other.d; !!Result.Create; Result.set(sumnum,sumden) end; -- plus -- add other operations here end -- RATIONALMATH
A main program which uses RATIONALMATHis simply a class whose create procedure is the routine which is executed by the system.
class TESTRATIONAL creation Create feature Create is -- manipulate some rational numbers local p1,p2,p3 : RATIONALMATH do !!p1.Create; !!p2.Create; !!p3.Create; io.putstring("Enter a fraction as n/d: "); p1.read; io.putstring("Enter a fraction as n/d: "); p2.read; p1.display; io.new_line; p2.display; io.new_line; if p1.same(p2) then io.putstring("They're equal") else io.putstring("They're not equal") end; io.new_line; end -- Create end -- TESTRATIONAL
Note that all variables should be thought of as references to objects.
Can't do anything except assign to a variable until you create it! (Illegal to send a message to an uninitialized variable.)
Thus a := b means that a now refers to the same object as b (sharing).
Important:: Note that only local variables or own attributes may be assigned to or created
To give "a" a new copy of object referred to by "b", write a := clone(b)
Note that you need not have created a before you can do this!
"a = b" is true iff a and b refer to the same object.
"equal(a,b)" is true iff the fields of a and b are identical.
Note that clone and equal are routines available in any class.
They are
defined in class ANY which has features which are available to all other
classes. ANY also includes io which was used earlier.