CS 334
Please at least skim the reading for a class before the lecture. We will be able to have much more interesting classes if you know something about the material as we discuss it.
- Preview, History of Programming Languages L: 1, 2
- Functional Programming & ML L: 10, Ullman
- More ML Ullman
- Features of functional languages L: 10, 5.7
- Syntax L:4
- Compilers and Interpreters, variables ASU: 2, L: 5.1-5.3
- Bindings & scope, Types L: 5.4-5.6, 6.1-6.2
- Type Constructors L: 6.3
- Type Systems L: 6.4-6.7
- Run-time structure L: 7.4 (not 7.4.2), 7.5
- More run-time structure, environment-based interpreters
- Dynamic memory management, Commands L: 10.8, 7.1-7.3
- Parameters L: 7.4.2
- Abstract data types L: 8 except 8.5 & 8.8
- Polymorphism & OOL's L: 8.5, 9
- Object-oriented languages & Eiffel Switzer
- More Eiffel Switzer
- Java and evaluating OOL's
- Semantics L: 12.3-12.5
- Logic Programming & Prolog L: 11
- More Prolog
- Concurrency L: 13
- More concurrency
- Language selection & Design, Summary L: 3
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