CS 136
Data Structures and Advanced Programming
Spring, 1998
Course Information
Kim Bruce
, kim@cs.williams.edu, 200 Bronfman, X2273
Office Hours
: M 2:00-3:30, T 2:35-3:30, W 11:00-12:00, Th 2:35-3:30 (usually), F 1:15 - 2:15, and by appointment
: Snehal Patel and Robin Yan are the CSCI 136 TA's. They and other TA's will be available in the CS Macintosh laboratory (BSC B28) from 7 to 11pm, Sunday through Thursday evenings.
Java Structures
by Duane Bailey, and
Core Java 1.1: Volume I - Fundamentals
by Cay S. Horstmann and Gary Cornell.
Lecture and Reading Schedule
CodeWarrior Information
on using CodeWarrior on the Mac.
Java packages and references
CS136 data structures package documentation
(c) 1996 duane a. bailey.
Note that links from local documentation pages to the built-in java classes and methods do not work. You need to go to those directly through the links to Sun documentation below.
CS136 data structures package source code
(c) 1996 duane a. bailey.
Java 1.1 documentation
Java packages user documentation
(generated by javadoc) provided by Sun.
The Java 1.0 Language Specification
The Java Tutorial
from Sun.
Migrating from Pascal to java
Virtual Machine Specification
Java Whitepaper
CS136 graphics package
(c) 1997 Kim B. Bruce
Most of this documentation (and more) can also be found at
Sample Applets for CS136
Maze demo
Input/Output demo
See assignments for other demos.
Other sources of info on Java
Java resources (including tutorials) compiled by Marty Hall of Johns Hopkins University
GUI programming for multi-platform applications in Java 1.1
by Joe Bergin at Pace University.
GUI programming in Java
- one of the most comprehensive Java sites
A set of
Java lecture notes
from the author of a Java tutorial.
Java Resources for Sun Workstations
, the Java compiler on the Suns.
, the Java interpreter on the Suns.
, the Java debugger on the Suns.
, the Java documentation generator on the Suns.
, the Java class viewer on the Suns.
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