CS136, Lecture 2

  1. Learning Java
    1. Java syntax for Pascal features
    2. New object-oriented features
      1. Interfaces
      2. Classes
      3. Visibility declarations
      4. How do you create an object?
      5. Garbage Collection
      6. Objects as references
      7. Subtypes
      8. Casting values

Learning Java

Last time discussed general ideas of OO languages. Now talk about how they are expressed in Java.

Java syntax for Pascal features

Base types: boolean, char (16 bit), int (32 bit), long (64 bit), float (32 bit), double (64 bit);

Briefly review syntax of "traditional" constructs: assignment, if, for, while, declarations, ==, !=, etc.

Declarations not separated from rest of code

x := e; => x = e;

begin ... end => {...}

if cond then ...else... => if (cond) ... else ...

while cond do ... => while (cond) ...

repeat .. until cond => do {...} while !cond;

for i := 10 to 20 do ... => for (int i = 10; i <= 20; i++)...

Semicolons used as line terminator, not separator.

New object-oriented features


General definition of interface has form

interface NewInterface extends OldInterface
   method specifications>


General definition of class has form:
public class NewClass extends SuperClass implements NewInterface 
   instance variable declarations
   constructor declarations and bodies
   method declarations and bodies
Extends and Implements clauses are optional (everything automatically inherits from Object).

See Employee example on-line.

Visibility declarations

Declare visibility of fields & methods: Fields should always be protected (or private).

Only declare method public if intended to be used by clients (external objects)

Notice can refer to instance variables within methods without passing as parameters (global to class). Can also refer to instance variables as components of this. E.g., this.top

Keyword this refers to object executing method

Notice HourlyEmployee and ExemptEmployee declared as subclasses using extends.

How do you create an object?

If have variable declared:
   Employee myEmployee; 
then create via
   myEmployee = new Employee(...);
where Employee(...) is a constructor for Employee type. Note distinction between "static" and "dynamic" type of object.

If variable declared with a static type of, say Employee, but want to instantiate as HourlyEmployee, then write:

   myEmployee = new HourlyEmployee(...);
In general can always use object of a subclass in place of object of superclass.

Garbage Collection

Never have to dispose of objects! Garbage collector automatically disposes of objects when they are no longer accessible from program.

Objects as references

Objects are actually held as "references" - implicit pointers.

Equality test (==) tests if identical references,

Assignment leads to sharing - two variables pointing to same object!

I.e., if fst, snd : Employee, and execute: fst = send, then change to fst.Name will change snd.Name.

Typically create a new object using a class constructor or use clone method inherited from Object (see pg 64 of text). Object also has equals method.


Object of subclass can be used where expect an object of superclass.

Can assign an object of subclass to variable of superclass (but not vice-versa).

Can also pass an object of subclass as parameter where expect object of superclass.


public void DoSomething(Employee thisEmployee,... );
    System.out.println(thisEmployee.GetName() + " makes " +
If pass in a parameter of class Employee, then print out 0.

If pass in a parameter of class HourlyEmployee, then print out 40 * HourlySalary.

If pass in a parameter of class ExemptEmployee, then print out yearlySalary / 52.

Uses dynamic method-lookup of message to find corresponding method of object.

Casting values

Can assign from subclass to superclass:

E.g., if emp is type Employee, hEmp is type HourlyEmployee, then can write:

    emp = hemp;
    hEmp = emp ;        // Illegal assignment - won't compile! 
    hEmp = (HourlyEmployee) emp;  // example of downcast
         // Ok if emp is really HourlyEmployee, raises exception otherwise
    if (emp instanceof HourlyEmployee) then  
            // Safer alternative - check before casting!
        hemp := (HourlyEmployee)emp;  
    emp.setHourlyPay(6.25f)     // illegal even though emp is really HourlyEmployee
    ((HourlyEmployee) emp ).setHourlyPay(6.25f)  // OK since did cast first