import cat_factory // can access top-level methods in cat_factory.grace import vector type Cat = { getName->String color->String changeNameTo(_:String)->String speak->Void asString->String} type Cheetah = Cat & { speed->Number race(_:Cat)->Cat} type Iterator= { hasNext->Boolean get->T next->T} type Vector = { size->Number isEmpty->Boolean clear->Void contains(_:T)->Boolean addFirst(_:T)->Void addLast(_:T)->Void firstElement->T lastElement->T removeFirst->T removeLast->T removeValue(_:T)->T indexOf(_:T)->Number at(_:Number)->T setValue(_:T)at(_:Number)->T add(_:T)at(_:Number)->Void removeFromIndex(_:Number)->T iterator->Iterator asString->String forEachDo(_:Block)->Void map(_:Block)->Vector ensureCapacity(_:Number)->Void capacity->Number copyInto(_)->Void indexOf(_:T)startingFrom(_:Number)->Number setSize(_:Number)->Void trimToSize->Void} // searches for cat named name in list and returns matching cat // if it exists method find (name:String) in (list:Vector)->Dynamic{ for(1..list.size) do {i-> if( == name) then{ return} } } // a vector that accepts objects of type Cat var myCats:Vector := vector.withSize 10 def myFirstCat = cat_factory.catOfColor "calico" named "Ivan" def mySecondCat = cat_factory.catOfColor "black" def myThirdCat = myThirdCat.changeNameTo "Missy" myCats.addFirst(myFirstCat) myCats.addLast(myThirdCat) myCats.add(mySecondCat)at(2) "Macavity" myCats.addLast(cat_factory.cheetah) myCats.addLast(cat_factory.cheetahNamed "Alex") myCats.addLast(cat_factory.cheetahNamed "Sebastian" withSpeed 74.5) // makes each cat in the vector use speak method myCats.forEachDo{thisCat->thisCat.speak} print "\n" def champion = cat_factory.cheetahNamed "Champion" withSpeed 73 // prints result of races between each cat in the vector and Champion myCats.forEachDo{thisCat-> var s:String := "Champion vs {thisCat.getName}: " s := s ++ "{champion.race(thisCat).getName} won" print(s)} print "\n" // if Kitty is a cheetah, will change name to Edith // if Kitty is a cat but not a cheetah, will change name to Ellen // if there's no cat named Kitty in the vector, will print message match(find "Kitty" in(myCats)) case{found:Cheetah-> found.changeNameTo "Edith"} case{found:Cat-> found.changeNameTo "Ellen"} case{other-> print "You don't own a cat named Kitty"} // prints out each cat in the vector var catIter:Iterator := myCats.iterator print "My cats are: " while{catIter.hasNext} do {print(}