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Turning in Homework

All homework should be turned in via the course sakai web page. Homework solutions should be turned in as pdf generated by LaTeX. If you don't know LaTeX, we recommend looking at "The Not So Short Introduction to LATEX2?". You can find it at the course "links" page.

If there are portions that you cannot write in LaTeX (e.g., pictures) you can create a pdf version (e.g., by taking a picture or scanning them) and then include them in your homework using an \includegraphics command. See the LaTeX documents for details.

To make it easier for you to LaTeX your solutions, we will post the original LaTeX of the assignment. We will also post the LaTeX version of the solutions of some of the problem sets. The TeXShop application installed in the Pomona CS labs is a pretty supportive environment for running this on Macs.

Several people have found the program JFLAP to be useful in testing the design of programs for automata and Turing machines, as well as in creating diagrams for homework solutions. You can read about JFLAP and download the program for free from

All items turned in must have your name on them, as we will normally be looking at printouts, and will not know to whom to give credit if there are no names printed.

An important criterion in grading homework will be clarity of solution. Thus you should attempt to explain your solutions as clearly as possible. This is especially important for proofs, as we already know the result is true. We are looking to see if you can formulate a complete and correct proof.

Late policy

Homework will generally be due at midnight on Thursday nights each week classes are in session. Each student may use a maximum of three late days during the course of the semester, and only one for each assignment. These are intended to be used for illness or unexpected emergencies, rather than to make up for a late start on your homework. Once those late days are used up, late homework will not be accepted unless there is an extended unexpected emergency (e.g., hospitalization, death in the family, etc.).

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