CS 062, Lecture 42
Visitor Pattern
See the Parser Visitor classes to illustrate how the Visitor Pattern
works. The idea is that rather than building all of the operations into a
collection of classes, you build in a hook that allows "Visitor" to visit
the tree, getting access to whatever information is necessary to perform
the operations on the tree. See ParserVisitor5.
Final wrap-up
Outline of course
- Object-Oriented Programming in Java (review)
- Analysis of Algorithms (big "O")
- Basic data structures and algorithms for manipulating them
- Lists (Including ArrayList and LinkedList)
- Stacks
- Queues
- Trees - including balanced trees & Visitor pattern
- Priority Queues
- Maps and Dictionaries (includes hash tables)
- Sets
- Sorting and searching algorithms (insertion, selection, merge,
- GUI Programming
- Concurrency
- OO Programming in C++
- Basic programming
- Memory and run-time organization
- Parameter passing
- Templates
- Overloading operators
- Copy constructors, destructors, and operator=
- I/O
The final exam will be on Friday, May 11, from 9 a.m. to noon. It will be
comprehensive, but will focus mainly on material not covered on the
midterm. There will be some programming, but the main focus will be on
whether you understood the material that we covered.
A primary goal of this course was on the broad topics of abstraction,
representation of data, and algorithms for manipulating data. These are
all essential for developing the skills to write and maintain medium to
large sized programs.
The material on C++ was included for several reasons:
- It is important to know more than one language in order to make it
easier to learn more.
- C++ is used in many of the advanced courses in CS and is used
extensively in the real world.
- Learning C++ requires you to acquire a better understanding of
memory and how it is used in object-oriented languages, forcing you to
have a deeper understanding of what is happening with your program at