In this lab, we’ll once again be playing with sorting algorithms! This time our goal is to make them more efficient by using parallelism. You may work in pairs on this lab.

We’ll also be learning a little bit about the source control tool git in this lab.

Getting started

The starter files for this lab can be found in /common/cs/cs062/labs/lab09. However, instead of copying them like you usually do, we’ll use git to create a synchronized clone of them. Start by opening up a terminal and cding into your workspace directory. Then enter the following command to create a clone of the starter code:

git clone /common/cs/cs062/labs/lab09

It should say:

Cloning into 'lab09'...

Git is a tool that keeps track of different versions of software, and allows you to roll back to a previous version if you find out that you made a mistake. It also allows multiple contributors to work on the same code at the same time, and it helps automatically merge the work of a group of contributors into a single combined code file.

By cloning a “repository,” you have just created a copy of the starter code, along with all of its history of changes, in such a way that you can now add your own changes and then eventually send them back to the origin repository. You can look at the history of the starter code by typing git log. This will show you a record of each “commit,” which is a set of changes that some programmer added to the repository. When you do this, you’ll notice that something isn’t quite right—the most recent commit says something about introducing errors!

Luckily, with git we can always go back in time if we made a mistake. To do this, type:

git checkout 466d560

This will temporarily update your code to a specific version. The number 466d560 was the (unique) start of one of the commit numbers from the git log output (and you could have tab-completed it by typing 46<TAB>). By doing this, you can look at a specific version of the code, but if you type git status, you’ll see that it says “HEAD detached.” This rather troubling state of affairs happens when the current version you’re looking at (called HEAD) isn’t the most recent version on a branch. When you make changes, it’s best to add them to the end of a branch, so that things don’t get too confused.

To list the current branches, use git branch. You’ll see that there’s a branch called error, which you’re currently on, and another branch called master, which is the default branch in git. So let’s see what’s in the master branch: run git checkout master and then git log. Now you should see a commit that reverts the errors introduced in the error branch. Effectively, the error branch is a dead-end that’s now out-of-date.

If we wanted to see what the errors were, we could run git diff 1f2ce3c 5ef789b (or just git diff master error) to have git print out the exact differences between the fixed version and the error version. If we wanted to convince ourselves that the error really was reverted, we could run git diff master 466d560 and hope that it prints out nothing—no changes between the current master branch and the original commit 466d560.

This is as far as we’ll go with git this lab, but we’ll be using it again in future labs.

The Quicksort Code

You will notice that this version of Quicksort is a bit clunkier than earlier versions you have seen. It is invoked by creating a new QSManager and then invoking its run method. Similarly each recursive call creates a new QSManager and then calls its run method. The reason for the extra overhead of creating new objects for each call is to make it easier to generalize this for parallel execution.

The program also prints out the first 10 elements of the sorted array so that you can make sure the array is correctly sorted after you make modifications to the code later in the lab.

Start by running the main method of QSManager to get timing information on Quicksort. Notice that the code runs the sort routine 10 times to “warm up” the code, and then runs it another 10 times to get timing values. It reports each of those times as well as the minimum of those 10 times. Please answer these questions. You can open up a text editor and write your answers there if you wish.

  1. Why is there variance in these numbers? (Hint: it is more than just the application continuing to warm up.)

  2. Write down the minimum time for 10,000 elements and 20,000 elements by changing the value of the constant NUM ELEMENTS. Do these numbers make sense given our analysis of the big-O complexity of quicksort?

Running in Parallel

Modify the code in QSManager so that the recursive calls run in parallel. This can be accomplished by making QSManager extend Thread and invoking it with start rather than run when you want to start a separate thread. (Refer to the “Parallelism and Concurrency” text or your lecture notes for additional details).

We would like the code to run as efficiently as possible, so only create a single new thread when you make the recursive calls (and the initial call can also run in the same thread as the rest of the main program). Your code should be very similar to that of our final attempt at summing an array using Java’s Thread class (see lecture 22). Don’t forget to wait for the new thread to complete before returning from the run method. Also, be careful of the order that you write the code to ensure that it really runs in parallel and not sequentially. Using this version of the program, write down the minimum times for 10,000 and 20,000 elements in the array.

  1. Explain why you think this version of QuickSort is faster or slower (depending on your results) than the previous version.

Using the ForkJoin Framework

Now that you have it running in parallel, make it even faster using the ForkJoin framework from Java 7. This version should be similar to the code examples from lecture 22 except that your class will extend RecursiveAction rather than RecursiveTask (because compute needs no return value). Make sure that QSManager imports the appropriate classes from java.util.concurrent. Using this version of the program, write down the minimum times for 10,000 and 20,000 elements in the array. Also, answer the following question:

  1. Explain why you think this version of QuickSort is faster (or slower, depending on your results) than the previous versions.

What to turn in

Save your answers to the questions above and the times for the three different versions of the program for 10,000 and 20,000 elements in a text file named “answers.txt.” Export your Eclipse code as usual and submit “answers.txt” along with your bin/ and src/ directories. Don’t forget to put both your name and your partner’s name in the .json file.