For this assignment, you will:
(This project was created in Spring 2010 by Dan Grossman. A full write-up of the assignment appears here. We have made slight modifications to the project for this class, but have tried to duplicate all of the relevant information.)
The United States Constitution has required since 1789 that a census be performed every 10 years. In this project, you will process some data from the 2000 census in order to efficiently answer certain queries about population density. These queries will ask for the population in some rectangular area of the country. The census data consists of roughly 210,000 data points – so any desktop computer has plenty of memory. Unfortunately, this size makes using parallelism less compelling (but nonetheless required and educational).
You will implement the desired functionality in several ways that vary in their simplicity and efficiency. Some of the ways will require fork-join parallelism and, in particular, Java’s ForkJoin Framework. Others are entirely sequential.
The final portion of this project involves comparing execution times for different approaches and parameter settings. You will want to write scripts or code to collect timing data for you, and you will want to use a machine that has at least 4 cores (processing units). The Mac’s in the CS department lab in Edmunds 227 typically have 4 cores. In addition, you will need to log in and run your code remotely on This is a 48 core Linux machine available in the department.
This project is an experiment where much of the coding details and experimentation are left to you, though we will describe the algorithms you must use. Will parallelism help or hurt? Does it matter given that most of your code runs only in a preprocessing step? The answers may or may not surprise you, but you should learn about parallelism along the way.
You are highly encouraged to work in pairs on this assignment. Just like last week, we will discuss a good design for this assignment in class on Wednesday. As such, please come to class prepared and ready to discuss your design!
Figure 1: Map including the United States of America
The file blkgrp_pop_centroid_withname.txt
(distributed with the starter files) was published by the U.S. Census Bureau1. The data divides the U.S. into 211, 267 geographic areas called “census-block-groups” and reports for each such group the population in the year 2000 and the latitude and longitude of the group2.
Given this data, we can imagine the entire U.S. as a giant rectangle bounded by the minimum and maximum latitude and longitude of all the census-block-groups. Most of this rectangle will not have any population: the rectangle includes all of Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico and therefore a lot of ocean and Canada that have no U.S. population.
Note that the code we provide you reads in the input data and changes the coordinates for each census group. That is because the Earth is spherical but our grid is a rectangle. Our code uses the Mercator Projection to map a portion of a sphere onto a rectangle. It stretches latitudes more as you move north. You do not have to understand this except to know that the latitudes you will compute with are not the latitudes in the input file. You can manually disable this projection while testing by changing the code if you find it helpful to do so.
We can next imagine answering queries related to areas inside the U.S.:
Such questions can reveal that population density varies dramatically in different regions, which explains, for example, how a presidential candidate can win despite losing the states that account for most of the geographic area of the country. By supporting only rectangles as queries, we can answer queries more quickly. Other shapes could be approximated using multiple small rectangles. Your program will first process the data to find the four corners of the rectangle containing the United States. Some versions of the program will then further preprocess the data to build a data structure that can efficiently answer the queries described above. The program will then prompt the user for such queries and answer them until the user chooses to quit. For testing and timing purposes, you may also wish to provide an alternative where queries are read from a second file.
The starter code contains 4 Java classes: PopulationQuery
, Rectangle
, CensusGroup
, and CensusData
. You must finish the PopulationQuery
class as well as create classes of your own to implement four different algorithms for answering population queries.
This class represents a rectangle. You do not have to use this class but it may be convenient.
This class represents an individual “census block group”. For each census block group, it stores the latitude and longitude of the group as well as the population in the group.
This class is a container for the census data. It contains an array whose elements are CensusGroup
objects. Feel free to add methods to this class as needed.
is the primary class that handles population queries. The starter code for PopulationQuery
contains a parse method which takes care of parsing the input file (sequentially) and populating an object of type CensusData
The main
method in the PopulationQuery
class is the method that controls everything. The main
method is responsible for processing the command line arguments, calling the parse
method, and then prompting the user for a query. Four command-line arguments must be accepted (in this order):
, -v2
, or -v3
corresponding to which version of your implementation to use. -v4
can be accepted if you do the extra credit.For our testing purposes, your program must accept exactly these arguments in this order. For the testing and timing configurations you should create a new class (or perhaps several) that will run your program in the desired configurations. See the end of this write-up for review on using command line arguments in Eclipse.
Suppose x = 100 and y = 50. That would mean we want to think of the rectangle containing the entire U.S. as being a grid with 100 columns (the x-axis) numbered 1 through 100 from west to east and 50 rows (the y-axis) numbered 1 through 50 from south to north3. The grid would have 5000 little rectangles in it.
Using larger x and y values will let us answer queries more precisely but will require more time and/or space. Once we have our grid, a query then describes a rectangle within the U.S. A query is simply four numbers in the following order:
Your program should print a single one-line prompt asking for these four numbers and then read them in. Any illegal input (i.e., not 4 integers on one line) indicates the user is done and the program should end. Otherwise, you should output two numbers:
You should then repeat the prompt for another query.
To implement your program, you will need to determine in which grid position each census-block-group lies. That will require first knowing the four corners of the U.S. rectangle, which can be computed by finding the minimum and maximum latitude and longitude over all the census-block-groups. Note that smaller latitudes are farther south and smaller longitudes are farther west. Also note all longitudes are negative, but this should not cause any problems.
You will implement three different versions of your program (and a fourth for extra credit, if you choose to do it). There are significant opportunities to share code among the different versions and you should seize these opportunities.
Feel free to modify the existing classes (e.g. CensusData
and PopulationQuery
) by adding methods and/or variables, but don’t remove or rename anything that’s given. You will also end up creating your own classes. This project requires you to think about how you will divide up the work of answering a query among your different classes and what quantities will be computed in which classes. As such, you should set aside enough time to iterate through different class designs until you settle on a design that works.
Before processing any queries, process the data to find the four corners of the U.S. rectangle using a sequential O(n) algorithm, where n is the number of census-block-groups. Then for each query do another sequential O(n) traversal to answer the query (determining for each census-block-group whether or not it is in the query rectangle). The most reusable approach for each census-block-group is probably to first compute what grid position it is in and then test if this grid position is in the query rectangle.
This version is the same as version 1 except both the initial corner-finding and the traversal for each query should use the ForkJoin
framework effectively. The work will remain O(n), but the span should be O(log n). Finding the corners should require only one data traversal, and each query should require only one additional data traversal.
This version will, like version 1, not use any parallelism, but it will perform additional preprocessing so that each query can be answered in O(1) time. This involves two additional steps:
Create a grid of size x×y (use an array of arrays rather than something like Bailey’s Matrix
class to minimize timing complications) where each element is an int
that will hold the total population for that grid position. Recall x and y are the command-line arguments for the grid size. Compute the grid using a single O(n) traversal, where n is the number of census-block-groups.
Now modify the grid so that instead of each grid element holding the total for that grid position, it instead holds the total for that position and all positions with smaller indices (positions to the south and west). In other words, the grid element g stores the total population of everyone in the rectangle whose lower-left corner is the southwest corner of the country (minimum longitude/lattitude) and whose upper-right corner is g. This can be done in time O(xy) but you need to be careful about the order you process the elements.
For example, suppose after step 1 we have this grid (with x=y=4):
9 1 1 1
2 2 0 0
1 7 4 3
0 11 1 9
Then step 2 would update the grid to be:
12 33 39 52
3 23 28 40
1 19 24 36
0 11 12 21
There is an arithmetic trick to completing the second step in a single pass over the grid. Suppose our grid positions are labeled starting from (1,1) in the bottom-left corner. (You can implement it differently, but this is how queries are given.) So our grid is:
(1,4) (2,4) (3,4) (4,4)
(1,3) (2,3) (3,3) (4,3)
(1,2) (2,2) (3,2) (4,2)
(1,1) (2,1) (3,1) (4,1)
Now, using standard Java array notation, notice that after step 2, for any element not on the left or bottom edge:
grid[i][j] = orig + grid[i-1][j] + grid[i][j-1] - grid[i-1][j-1]
where orig
is grid[i][j]
after step 1. So you can do all of step 2 in O(xy) time by simply proceeding one row at a time bottom to top or one column at a time from left to right, or any number of other ways. The key is that you update (i-1,j)
, (i,j-1)
, and (i-1,j-1)
before (i,j)
Given this unusual grid, we can use a similar trick to answer queries in O(1) time. Remember a query gives us the corners of the query rectangle. In our example above, suppose the query rectangle has corners (3,2), (3,3), (4,3), and (4,2) (i.e., given as 3 2 4 3
). The initial grid would give us the answer 7, but we would have to do work proportional to the size of the query rectangle (small in this case, potentially large in general). After the second step, we can instead get 7 as 40 - 21 - 23 + 11. In general, the trick is to:
Notice this is O(1) work. Draw a picture or two to convince yourself this works. Note: A simpler approach to answering queries in O(1) time would be to precompute the answer to every possible query ahead of time. But that would take O(x2y2) space and preprocessing time.
As in version 2, the initial corner finding should be done in parallel. As in version 3, you should create the grid that allows O(1) queries. The first step, building the grid, should be done in parallel using the ForkJoin
framework. The second step, modifying the grid to sum from the northwest, should remain sequential; just use the code you wrote in version 3.
To parallelize the first grid-building step, you will need each parallel subproblem to return a grid. To combine the results from two subproblems, you will need to add the contents of one grid to the other. If the grids were always small, doing this sequentially would be okay, but for larger grids you will want to parallelize this as well using another ForkJoin
computation. So, in order to merge two results during the parallel grid-building, you will need to add the grids in parallel. (To test that this works correctly, you may need to set a sequential cutoff lower than your final setting.)
Warning: do not attempt to use a single shared grid into which all threads add their results. The result of having two threads writing the same grid cell at the same time is unpredictable!
Note that your ForkJoin
tasks will need several values that are the same for all tasks: the input array, the grid size, and the overall corners. Rather than passing many unchanging arguments in every constructor call, it is cleaner and probably faster to pass an object that has fields for all these unchanging values.
The write-up requires you to measure the performance (running time) of various implementations with different parameter settings. To report interesting results properly, you should use a machine with at least four processors and report relevant machine characteristics. You will also need to report interesting numbers more relevant to long-running programs. In particular you need to:
Not time parsing the input data into a file. In other words, you should avoid timing the parsing since it is slow but not interesting.
Allow the Java Virtual Machine and the ForkJoin
framework to “warm up” before taking measurements. The easiest way to do this is to put the code to be timed in a loop and not count the first few loop iterations, which are probably slower. That is, to test the running time of some variant V
, execute something like:
for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
and average the time of the last 10 iterations. The first few iterations may run slower, until Java decides to invest the effort to optimize V
. That is why you ignore the first iterations. Even once this optimization is done, each iteration of V
may take a somewhat different amount of time, which is why it is more accurate to take an average of several runs of V
. Because this is wasted work for your program, you should do this only for timing experiments. This will give a better sense of how your program would behave if run many times, run for a long time, or run on more data.
Write extra code to perform the experiments, but this code should not interfere with your working program. You do not want to sit entering queries manually in order to collect timing data.
For guidelines on what experiments to run, see the section below (Report). Note you may not have the time or resources to experiment with every combination of every parameter; you will need to choose wisely to reach appropriate conclusions in an effective way.
Turn in a report answering the following questions. Note there is a fair amount of data collection for comparing timing, so do not wait until the last minute. Your report must be submitted as a PDF file called report.pdf
. (You can use Microsoft Word but you should then print to PDF).
framework. The code should have a sequential cut-off that can be varied. Perform experiments to determine the optimal value of this sequential cut-off. Graph the results and reach appropriate conclusions. Note that if the sequential cut-off is high enough to eliminate all parallelism, then you should see performance close to the sequential algorithms, but evaluate this claim empirically.You will be graded based on the following criteria:
Criterion | Points |
Version 1 | 4 |
Version 2 - correctly uses ForkJoin framework
4 |
Version 3 - correctly answers queries in O(1) time | 4 |
Timing and report | 8 |
General correctness | 2 |
Appropriate comments (including JavaDoc )
2 |
Style and formatting | 2 |
Extra credit | 2 |
Please save the PDF of your writeup in the directory you export from Eclipse. If you worked with a partner, you can submit one project for both students. Be sure to put both of your names in the following places:
commentsAs usual, rename your exported directory to Assignment09_LastNameFirstName
(or Assignment09_LastNameFirstName_LastNameFirstName
if you did it in pairs) and use the submit
script to submit it:
/common/cs/cs062/bin/submit cs062 asg09 Assignment09_Names
In Java, command line arguments are passed to the program’s main method using the args array of type String. For example, assume you run a program from the command line as follows:
> java census.PopulationQuery filename 10 20 -v4
Then in your main method, the args
array will have length of 4, where args[0]
will hold the value “filename”, args[1]
will hold the value “10”, args[2]
will hold the value “20”, and args[3]
will hold the value “-v4”. Note that in all cases, the values are stored as Strings. Thus, to use the value in args[1]
as an int
, it will need to be converted. For example, by calling Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
In order to pass command line arguments using Eclipse, you need to go to the “Run” menu at the top of the screen. Select “Run Configurations…” from the menu. When the “Run Configuration” window pops up, select the appropriate configuration from the left hand side of the screen. Then click on the “Arguments” tab, and enter your command line arguments in the text box labeled “Program arguments:” separating each argument using spaces (or newlines).
You can find this file at It is in the .zip
file under the “All 50 States” link at the bottom.↩
It actually reports the average latitude and longitude of the people in the group, but that will not concern us: just assume everyone in the group lived at this single point.↩
Note we choose to be “user-friendly” by not using zero-based indexing.↩