
For this assignment, you will:


In this assignment, we will use a basic technique in artificial intelligence to automatically generate text. You will write a program that reads in a piece of text and then uses that text as a basis to generate new text. The method for generating new text uses simple probability.

First, we read in a piece of text word by word (we consider punctuation symbols to be words) keeping track of how often each three-word sequence (trigram) appears. For example, consider the following excerpt from Rudyard Kipling’s poem “If”:

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting

In this excerpt, the trigrams are: “if you can”, “you can keep”, “can keep your”, “keep your head”, “your head when”, “head when all”, etc.

Once we have counted all of the trigrams, we can compute the probability that a word w 3 will immediately follow two other words (w 1 w 2 ) using the following equation:

p(w3|w1,w2) = n123n12

where n123 is the number of times we have observed the sequence w1w2w3 and n12 is the number of times we have observed w1w2.

For example, let’s compute the probability that the word “can” will immediately follow the words “if you.” In the excerpt above, the sequence “if you can” occurs three times. The sequence “if you” also occurs three times. So the probability is given by,

p(can|if you) = 3/3 = 1

The probability that any other word comes immediately after “if you” is 0. Consider another example. In the excerpt above, the words “you can” appear 3 times. The first time followed by “keep”, the second time by “trust” and the last time by “wait.” Thus,

p(keep|you can) = 1/3

p(trust|you can) = 1/3

p(wait|you can) = 1/3

Again, the probability that any other word besides “keep,” “trust,” or “wait” appears after “you can” is zero.

Once we have the text processed, and stored in a data structure that allows us to compute probabilities, we can generate new text. We first pick two words to start with (for example, the first two words in the input text). Given these two words, and the probabilities computed above, we use a random number generator to choose the next word. Continue this process until the new text is 400 words long (including punctuation). When printing the new text, please generate a new line after every 20 words so that you don’t just generate one very long, unreadable, line.

Note: There may be two words that were seen in the text but were never followed by any word. For example, in the excerpt of the Kipling poem above, the words “by waiting” occur once but are never followed by a word (since they are the last two words in the excerpt). In this case, you should think up a creative solution so that the text continues.

Warning: This assignment is significantly harder than the last one and will take a lot of time. Please start early to save yourself lots of grief! The correctness of the assignments in this class will be automatically verified. For this reason, you must follow all naming conventions specified in this assignment.


FreqList class

We suggest that you write the FreqList class first. FreqList should contain an array list of Associations. ArrayList is part of the java.util package with documentation found in the Java 8 Javadoc pages linked to from the handout page on the course website. The Association class is part of Bailey’s structure5 package. Javadoc for this class is also available from a different link on the handout page.

An Association has both a key and a value. The key is a word and the value is the number of times the word occurs. When a word is added, if it already occurs in the array list then its value (i.e. its frequency) is incremented by 1. If it doesn’t exist, add the word to the array list with a value (i.e. frequency) of 1.

Your FreqList class should have an instance variable that keep tracks of the number of words added. This is equivalent to the sum of all the values (i.e. frequencies) of all the Associations in the array list.

The FreqList class should also have a method with the following definition:

public String get(double p)

This method takes a double p as an input and returns a word from the array list. The input p must be between 0.0 and 1.0, otherwise the method throws an IllegalArgumentException. How can we use p to generate a word? In our example above, the FreqList for the words “you can” would look like: {<“keep”, 1>, <“trust”, 1>, <“wait”, 1>}. The sum of all of the frequencies is 3. Thus, we will return “keep” whenever 0 ≤ p < 1/3, “trust” whenever 1/3 ≤ p < 2/3 and “wait” whenever 2/3 ≤ p ≤ 1. If the frequency list is empty, this method should return an empty string.

Write this class and test it thoroughly by adding a main method to make sure all methods work correctly. I suggest printing out a representation of the frequency list first to make sure that the table is correct before attempting to write or test the probabilistic get method.

TextGenerator class

The TextGenerator class should also contain an array list of Associations. Again, an Association has a key and a value. In this case, the key is a sequence of two words (e.g., “you can”). The value is an object of type FreqList. We have included a class StringPair that can be used to represent a sequence of two words. Thus, the array list in TextGenerator should have interface type:

List<Assocation<StringPair, FreqList>>

We have provided you with startup code in the main method of class TextGenerator that will pop up a dialog box to allow the user to choose a file containing the input text.

We have included some text files (ending with suffix “.txt”) in the assignment folder that you can use to test your program. We’ve tried to pick files with sufficient repetition of triples.

After the input has been processed you should generate new text. You may start with a fixed pair of words or choose two words randomly. Generate and print a string of at least 400 words so that we can see how your program works. When printing the text, please generate a new line after every 20 words so that you don’t just generate one very long, unreadable, line.

Finally, we’d like you to print the table of frequencies in some reasonable fashion so we can check to see if your table is correct on our test input. Here are some lines of output based on the lyrics for Donovan’s “Blowin’ in the wind”:

The table size is 122
<Association: <how,many>=Frequency List: <Association: roads=1><Association: seas=1>
  <Association: times=3><Association: years=2><Association: ears=1><Association: deaths=1>>
<Association: <many,roads>=Frequency List: <Association: must=1>>
<Association: <roads,must>=Frequency List: <Association: a=1>>
<Association: <must,a>=Frequency List: <Association: man=2><Association: white=1>>

Note that I cheated and manually wrapped the first line of output so that it is readable. Your output need not wrap. Note that most of this output comes from the toString methods of Association and ArrayList, though I did some extra work to print each entry in the array list on a separate line.

This output indicates that after the word pair, “how many,” the words “roads,” “seas,” “times,” “years,” “ears,” and “deaths” each occurred once. Whereas after “many roads”, only “must” occurred and it only occurred once.

Warning: As a general rule it is good to be as specific as possible with import statements. Thus, when you import stuff from both java.util and structure5 use:

import java.util.Random;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import structure5.Association;

If your program included import java.util.*; along with import structure5.* the program might get confused as to which version of classes it should use as there are several classes in java.util that have the same names as those in structure5. It is best to be safe even when we don’t have conflicts.

WordStream class

This class is already implemented for you. It processes a text file and breaks up the input into separate words that can be requested using the method nextToken. In the main method of the TextGenerator class, there is an object of type WordStream called ws. You can get successive words from ws by calling ws.nextToken() repeatedly. Before getting a new word, always check that there is a word available by evaluating ws.hasMoreTokens(), which will return true if there are more words available. If you call nextToken() when there are no more words available (i.e., you’ve exhausted the input), then it will throw an IndexOutOfBoundsException.

StringPair class

This class is already implemented for you. This class provides objects that consist of a pair of strings. These should be used as the keys to your Associations.

Pair class

This class is already implemented for you. This is a generic class that StringPair extends by specializing the type variables to both be Strings. You should not directly use this class in your program. Instead use the more compact name StringPair from the more specialized class defined above. We provided this class only to show how easy it is to define a generic class that can be instantiated in many ways.

Association class

This class is part of Bailey’s structure5 package. There is one piece of information about the Association class that we did not highlight in class that you will likely find very useful. The equals method in Association only compares key values. That is if two objects from class Association are “equal” according to the method, then their keys are the same, but their values may be different. Thus, to find out if an association with a given key is in an arraylist (and where it is), just create a new association with that key and use the indexOf method to determine its index in the list. If -1 is returned, then it is not there, whereas if a non-negative integer is returned then you get the index of an association with that key in the arraylist.

Getting Started

  1. Think carefully about the design of this program before sitting down at a computer. What other methods and instance variables might the FreqList class need? For the get method in the FreqList class, take a piece of paper and create different examples of frequency lists. For each example, work out what the get method would return for different values of p (e.g. if the frequency list contained 4 words that each occurred once and p = 0.45, what word would be returned?)
  2. Create a new Java project in Eclipse named Assignment02. Add the BAILEY variable to the project.
  3. Using Finder, copy the starter code into the newly created src directory. The starter code can be found at /common/cs/cs062/assignments/assignment02. This directory contains a subdirectory named wordsGeneric which is the package containing the Java starter code for this project. Copy over this entire directory.
  4. Refresh the project in Eclipse.
  5. You are now ready to get started! We recommend starting with the FreqList class. Again, try and develop incrementally. That is, get one small piece working and then move on to another piece. Add a main method to the FreqList class in order to test and ensure the correctness of your code.


You will be graded based on the following criteria:

Criterion Points
FreqList 4
TextGenerator 3
Prints FreqList 2
Prints at least 400 words of generated text 3
Appropriate comments (including JavaDoc) 3
Appropriate use of data structures 2
Style and formatting 2
General correctness 2
Submitted correctly 1
Extra credit 1

NOTE: Code that does not compile will not be accepted! Make sure that your code compiles before you submit it.

Submitting Your Work

  1. Test your classes thoroughly before turning in your project. Feel free to use the text files in the assignment folder to test your program. While you may not compare code with other students, you may compare the contents of the tables you generate.
  2. Make sure you have added appropriate Javadoc comments to your code.
  3. Export the project from Eclipse to your desktop. Make sure the exported directory contains src and bin subdirectories with the appropriate .java and .class files.
  4. Rename the exported directory using the convention: Assignment02_LastNameFirstName.
  5. Grab the asg02.json file from the /common/cs/cs062/assignments/assignment02 folder, where the starter code was, and fill it out with your username in the collaborators list.
  6. Put your filled out asg02.json file into your submission folder at the top level.
  7. Drag your exported project folder to the dropbox.

Extra Credit Opportunities

There are many ways in which you might extend such a program. For example, as described, word pairs which never appeared in the input will never appear in the output. Is there a way you could introduce a bit of “mutation” to allow new pairs to appear?

In case you do attempt an extra credit extension, please rename your exported directory as Assignment02 LastNameFirstName ExtraCredit so that we know you did it. You should also indicate in comments wherever you attempted an extra credit.

These “trigrams” of words are used in natural language processing in order to categorize kinds of articles and their authors. Think about how you might use tables like those given here to help determine if two articles are written by the same author.