Documentation and HandoutsTopLectures and ReadingsProgramming Assignments and Laboratories

Programming Assignments and Laboratories

There will be two types of programming assignments: laboratory programs that, as a unit, count for 15% of your final grade, and two test programs that make up 40% of the final grade. Test programs are treated as take-home exams, with no assistance allowed. All programs assigned during the semester should be completed following the guidelines in the Academic Honesty Policy .

Laboratory programs will not be accepted after the due date, as it is essential to keep up to date so that you will be ready for the next week's assignment. Late test programs will be accepted, but with a penalty of 10% per day.

Labs for this course will be held on Monday evenings from 7 to 10 p.m or Tuesday mornings from 9 a.m. to noon in 229 Edmunds. The room is equipped with iMac computers. We will be using the free Eclipse IDE (Interactive Development Environment) to create and run all of the programs in the course (sample programs, lab exercises, and homework assignments).

The purpose of the lab sessions is to provide a time during which your instructor can actively assist you in the development of laboratory programs. Attendance at these lab sessions is mandatory. The initial lab period will familiarize you with the use of the course software. Remaining labs will be handed out in advance, and you will be expected to have planned your approach to the assignment before the beginning of lab. The lab session will then be used to develop the program and perform related exercises. You will submit your laboratory programs electronically. The procedure will be explained in laboratory. Laboratory programs will generally be due by 11:00 P.M. two days after your lab session.

Teaching assistants will be available in the lab from 9-11 P.M. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings.


Laboratory Title     
Jan. 26/27 Intro. to Java
Feb. 2/3 Event Handling with Conditionals
Feb. 9/10 Defining Classes
Feb. 16/17 Parameters
Feb. 23/24 Loops and Simple Threads
March 2/3 GUI Practice
Wednesday, March 4 Test Programs 1 distributed
Friday, March 6 Midterm Exam in class
March 9/10 Work on test program
Friday, March 13 Test Programs 1 Due at 4:00 P.M.
March 23/24 Recursion I
March 30/April 1 Recursion II
April 6/7 Arrays
April 13/14 Two-D Arrays
April 20/21 Strings
Wednesday, April 22 Test Program 2 distributed: Choice of LineTris or FacePamphlet
April 27/28 Streams
Wednesday, April 29 Test Program 2 design due
May 4/5 Work on test program
May 6 Test Program 2 Due, 4:00 P.M.

Documentation and HandoutsTopLectures and ReadingsProgramming Assignments and Laboratories