TopScribbles with arraysNew with Java 5

New with Java 5

Java 5 now includes the class ArrayList that holds an "expandable array". That is, it behaves like an array (though with object syntax), but keeps growing as necessary. See link

Java 5 also supports a new shorter way of going through all elements of an array with a for loop. We can write:

    Line[] scribbleLine = new Line[MaxVals];
    for (int i = 0; i<MaxVals; i++)]

or equivalently

    for (Line line:scribbleLine) {

Note that his only works if the array is full, otherwise you will get a NullPointerException when you send the move message to unfilled slots. This new for construct "iterates" through all of the elements in the array from 0 to MaxVals-1.

TopScribbles with arraysNew with Java 5