Final words on Grace - things we didn't explain! |
We will continue development of Grace. Compiler will continue to run on web page, but also looking at new implementations.
Like to explain one feature that we've brushed over - anonymous functions.
When we write {n: Number -> ...}, it actually represents an anonymous function that we can evaluate using the apply method.
For example,
def printSqr = {n: Number -> print(n*n)} sqr.apply(7) sqr.apply(-3)
prints 49 and 9 on consecutive lines. We can also use that function in a for loop:
for(1..10) do {n: Number -> print(n*n) }
The for loop is really a predefined method of the form:
for(e:List<T>) do (b:Block1<T>)
type Block1<T> = {apply(e:T) -> Done}
Thus can also write
for(11..20) do (printSqr)
Can also define parameterless functions and apply them:
def wait = {print "hello"} print "ready" wait.apply wait.apply
prints "ready", then "hello", "hello"
Can use this to define your own control constructs. Suppose I wanted a while loop that checked the condition after each iteration, rather than before. In particular, it always executes the body at least once. We can define it as:
// type of a block/function taking an argument of type T and returning Done. type Block1D<T> = { apply(elt:T) -> Done } // type of a block/function that takes no arguments, but returns a value of type T. type Block0<T> = { apply -> T } method do(blk:Block1D<T>)while(condBlk: Block0<Boolean>) -> Done { blk.apply while(condBlk)do(blk) }
Now I can write
var n:Number := 10 do { print(n) n := n-1 } while {n > 0}
We can even define if-then-else that way!!
Pulling back the covers a bit more, we can see that classes are really just an abbreviation for an object with a method that returns an object:
class -> C { ... method m(...) --> T {...} ...
is an abbreviation for
def c = object{ method new(...) -> C { object { ... method m(...) --> T {...} ... } } }
Final words on Grace - things we didn't explain! |