

We all know what searching is - looking for something. In a computer program, the search could be:

We have done some searching this semester. Remember your contains method for a Scribble?

  public boolean contains(Location point) {

    if (first.contains(point))
      return true;
    } else {
      return rest.contains(point);

We have to search through our collection of Lines that we call a Scribble to see which one, if any, contains the point.

How do we know that we're done searching? Well, at any time, we have access to the Line known as first. This Line might contain the point, and we'd know that this Scribble contains the point. There is no need to continue our search. If this Line does not contain the point, it might be the case that one of the other Lines in rest does. So if there are more lines, we see if any of them contain the point with a recursive call. Or perhaps, we have gotten to the end of the list and have checked every Line and none contained the point. In that case, we also know we're done and return false.

Let's try to get some idea of how much "work" it takes for us to get an answer. As a rough estimate of work, we will count how many times we call the contains method of a Line.

If our Scribble consists of n Lines, how many calls to the Line contains method will we have to make before we know the answer? It depends.. If the Scribble does not contain the point at all, we need to check all n Lines before we know the answer. If the Scribble does contain the point, we can stop as soon as we find the Line that contains the point. It might be the first, it might be the last - we just don't know. Assuming that there's an equal probability that the Line that contains the point is at any of the n positions, we have to examine, on average, (n)/(2) Lines.

In this case, we can't do any better. Perhaps if we were not restricted by the fact that the list of Lines forces us to examine the first, then the second, and so on. We can't jump right to the last Line, since our recursive structure does not provide access to that without first going through the whole list.

So let's think about searching in an array, where we have the option to look at any element directly. We will consider an array of int, though most of what we discuss applies to a wider range of "searchable" items.

A method to do this:

   * Search for num in array.  Return the index of the number, or
   * -1 if it is not found.
  int search(int[] array, int num) {
    for (int index = 0; index < array.length; index++) {
      if (array[index] == num) {
        return index;
    return -1;

The procedure here is a lot like the search for a Line in a Scribble. We have no way of knowing that we're done until we either find the number we're looking for, or until we get to the end of the array. So again, if the array contains n numbers, we have to examine all n in an unsuccessful search, and, on average, (n)/(2) for a successful search.
